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The Need Help Choosing Main/Secondary Character Discussion Thread


Hat Trick
Whatever you're playing on you should be able to record yourself and see your matches. play against some people online, record, and watch them. Now compare your gameplay to the gameplay of f0xy grandpa's lao or perfect legends lao. (just compare yourself to whoever is a known professional using that character) and see what they're doing that you're not. Look for whatever combo you dropped and practice that until you can't possibly drop it. Look at how many times you tried to do something but got punished and take note on never doing that again. Basically critique yourself and remember what you need to improve on


Winning feels better when you take a little damage
Play characters that control the game, you don't wanna be playing a character that usually has to play the other fighter's game.

My advice (especially for a new player) is to use a character based on what they can do and not who they are- and regardless on if they are "cool" or not, I feel that Any Jax, Thunder God Raiden and Bojitsu Kung Jin are gonna be the best for you. They have answers for everything in the game.

Sub Zero is also really good but he's tough to just pick up and play IMO.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
It's just hard when you want to be amazing. I suck with frame data and knowing what I can punish and what to do in situations. It's so aggrivating.
i want to be amazing but you have to be patient, it takes time, you cant expect to pick up a game and get amazing at it immediately, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication, dont worry dude, you will get there, as long as you stick with it


Play characters that control the game, you don't wanna be playing a character that usually has to play the other fighter's game.

My advice (especially for a new player) is to use a character based on what they can do and not who they are- and regardless on if they are "cool" or not, I feel that Any Jax, Thunder God Raiden and Bojitsu Kung Jin are gonna be the best for you. They have answers for everything in the game.

Sub Zero is also really good but he's tough to just pick up and play IMO.
I haven't tried any jax yet, I don't like him for some reason. I just never did. And I played bojustsu as my first character. I liked him, but never got in depth. I just did combos. Thundergod, I like but can't seem to figure put how to play in the neutral/midscreen. I also am bad at lightning ball canceling. And.. subzero, I tried but never got into it.


Positive Poster!
It's 4 weeks in, and I still can't get a firm grasp of this game. I've played pretty much every character. And I feel like I either suck at the game.. or.. I'm just doing something wrong. I play lao. And I get mopped up every now and then. It's so frustrating. I guess I don't know how to adapt to this game. My fundamentals.. are bad. (Punishing.. etc.) I don't know what to do.
Pick ultra shit unsafe tier and learn to love your d1 is my advice. Then play ultra epic god tier and still play footsies to see the difference between making a mistake with-and-without tools to make up for it. You'll learn to love ultra-shit-tier because it makes you respect the work you put in.


Winning feels better when you take a little damage
I haven't tried any jax yet, I don't like him for some reason. I just never did. And I played bojustsu as my first character. I liked him, but never got in depth. I just did combos. Thundergod, I like but can't seem to figure put how to play in the neutral/midscreen. I also am bad at lightning ball canceling. And.. subzero, I tried but never got into it.
Like I said, play them for what they can do not who they are. Choosing a a character on their personality/outfit is one of the dumbest things you can do in a fighting game, take it from me. (long time vega main in sf4, because I'm stupid)
At the moment I'm still trying to figure out if mileena is viable, she feels good and I wanted to recommend you try her (27% bnb off a random ball is amazing) but I may or may not drop her if the high tiers give her too much trouble.


Like I said, play them for what they can do not who they are. Choosing a a character on their personality/outfit is one of the dumbest things you can do in a fighting game, take it from me.
At the moment I'm still trying to figure out if mileena is viable, she feels good and I wanted to recommend you try her (27% bnb off a random ball is amazing) but I may or may not drop her if the high tiers give her too much trouble.
What variations? And like I said.. I need to learn footsies.. and everything. Only thing I know how to do is combo.

Edit: I have a aggro / reckless playstyle. I like frametraps.


Winning feels better when you take a little damage
What variations? And like I said.. I need to learn footsies.. and everything. Only thing I know how to do is combo.
Do you know what footsies are? Lets start with that.
Essentially you're just trying to hit with a poke that's HC-able into a bnb. Jax has that shit in SPADES.
All 3 of his variations are stellar and all 3 are easy as fawk to use. I personally like pumped up the best, but wrestler and heavy weapons are also awesome (tho heavy weapons feels more matchup specific than the other 2 imo)


Bug of tater's
If you like Lao play Lao. Theirs no character that can take away your frustration against certain characters. It's also a better idea to pick who you like as a play style. If you go to practice with a lot of people, Find their fastest punishing move and range punisher. Look at characters you struggle against and see how negative they are.

I had struggles too but I found myself with reptile.

Fundamentals are built over time but watching other people play your character or play in general and observing why they do everything is a good way to help better your fundamentals.


Do you know what footsies are? Lets start with that.
Essentially you're just trying to hit with a poke that's HC-able into a bnb. Jax has that shit in SPADES.
All 3 of his variations are stellar and all 3 are easy as fawk to use. I personally like pumped up the best, but wrestler and heavy weapons are also awesome (tho heavy weapons feels more matchup specific than the other 2 imo)

One more thing. I am really bad at inputting command grabs. I play pad.


Bug of tater's
What variations? And like I said.. I need to learn footsies.. and everything. Only thing I know how to do is combo.

Edit: I have a aggro / reckless playstyle. I like frametraps.
If you like frame traps and play very reckless/fast. Jax may help out, I know he has a lot of plus frame moves but I don't know how safe he is in the neutral game


Winning feels better when you take a little damage
I feel like.. I'm not thinking technical enough. Like.. knowing what the frames are during the match.
Don't think about it at all, learn what you can and can't punish just through experience. Frames are really more of an intermediate/advanced thing to think about if you're just starting don't worry about them and play the game.


Don't think about it at all, learn what you can and can't punish just through experience. Frames are really more of an intermediate/advanced thing to think about if you're just starting don't worry about them and play the game.
Im not just starting. I'd say I'm in the middle


Bug of tater's
I feel like.. I'm not thinking technical enough. Like.. knowing what the frames are during the match.
This takes time and a lot of practice mode

You sound like you want a well rounded character that can go offensive if he needs too. Maybe liu kang? He has fine zoning, good pressure, and he's fast.


This takes time and a lot of practice mode

You sound like you want a well rounded character that can go offensive if he needs too. Maybe liu kang? He has fine zoning, good pressure, and he's fast.
Lol. I can't connect shit.

F4,4 , bicycle kick, jp fireball run cancel, f4,4 bf2. I can't connect the jp fireball. Lol.