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General/Other - Tempest Kung Lao Tempest Variation General Discussion


Joker waiting room
so then if not regular spin, then what? mb spin?
Yes, that's his main mixup. The fact that he can MB spin after everything that isn't outright punishable, this character plays with multiple layers of things you must bait

1 is hat and 2 is MB spin. Wait for any of those and he throws you, baits armour or a normal, continues pressure etc.

You can block for what seems like ages and still be forced to respect his MB spin because it catches both jumps and backdashes, the last being your traditional must-make-a-hard-read as an offender option.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
but i do understand. just the meter reliance from what your talking about seems like...an awful lot. Having your entire metagame rely on a mb move is kinda....i dunno it just doesnt seem like a good idea.
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Dojo Trainee
I have seen foxygrampa and PL do a jk into jk-dk in the corner and then finishing off with a ender, yet I cannot seem to get the 2nd jump kick to connect after the the first jump kick. For example, when performing this combo, 11212, spin, njp, jk, jk-dk, 21. Can someone advise? thanks

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
According to the frame data his tele 4 is +18. Even if that's correct I don't think tele is gonna be a go to for pressure
his tele4 is + on block but i don't think its +18, mostly because i've been reversaled by lao in practice while trying to continue pressure. ITs also a bit slow. I'm just saying that meter shouldnt be a requirement for a character to play their game, according to what quark said. Needing meter to get good damage? sure. Needing meter to have an effective gameplan.....eeh i just really am not feeling that one.

i dunno, i like lao, but he's such a wierd character to classify. he has ways of getting in like rushdown character would, yet once he's in , he's not as effective as other characters who are designed to get in. Yet he's great at punishing.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
his tele4 is + on block but i don't think its +18, mostly because i've been reversaled by lao in practice while trying to continue pressure. ITs also a bit slow. I'm just saying that meter shouldnt be a requirement for a character to play their game, according to what quark said. Needing meter to get good damage? sure. Needing meter to have an effective gameplan.....eeh i just really am not feeling that one.

i dunno, i like lao, but he's such a wierd character to classify. he has ways of getting in like rushdown character would, yet once he's in , he's not as effective as other characters who are designed to get in. Yet he's great at punishing.
you missed the point about tele 4. Also Lao is not the 1st character in an fg to have meter be so crucial to their game plan. He is a little meter hungrier than I'm normally comfortable with but if hat trick Lao gets some buffs to be made decent I will probably stick with him

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
It wouldnt take that many changes to make him not have to rely on meter so much for his game plan, and i really really hope they do something like that.

and yeah i get what you were trying to say about his teleport, its more of a fake out than a tool to continue pressure.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
If you read armor then maybe poke as well as have the hat out for 2
Fast hits.
But with delayed wake up it may not always work and it will also depend on the hats orbit


Low MeterBurn Lightning
What's the most damage people are getting off of raw ex spin? so far the highest i've gotten is 30%. ex spin, nj2 ji3 divekick, b32 spin, ji3 divekick


Low MeterBurn Lightning
No, tempest. I actually just found a 33%. Ex spin, delayed j3, b321 spin, ji3 dive ji3 dive

weird.. so the j3 after spin is kind of weird, and I can't get it as consistently as just doing ex spin, wait, b321 sin ji3 dive ji3 dive (33%)

I don't know why they both do 33% ._. there's gotta be a way to get more, the delay i'm having to do after ex spin makes me think I can fit something else in there.
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Low MeterBurn Lightning
Yeah seriously.. I'm trying like everything, and can't get higher then 33 lol. I even tried ex spin, nj2, ji2 run b321 spin ji3 dive ji3 dive, and that's 32%.. I quit :(

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
i think im gonna stay away from tempest outside of specific matches. they really need to patch in some consistancy with the hat, not to mention not being able to spin without hat because its gone way too long.

oddly enough, i think tempest is actually really good in the mirror match.


Low MeterBurn Lightning
What about b321? what's the max damage people are getting off of that? So far i've gotten 36% with 1 bar
What about b321? what's the max damage people are getting off of that? So far i've gotten 36% with 1 bar
tempest: b321 ex spin b321spin jk dk jk dk = 40%

buzzsaw: b321 ex straight hat run b321spin jk dk jk dk = 39% I end this one in 21 for 38% because it is easier and I like the knockdown.


Low MeterBurn Lightning
Do you use a visual que for landing the b321? i feel like it's so awkward waiting for the body to fall, and mess it up more then if i had to do a jump in or something.
Do you use a visual que for landing the b321? i feel like it's so awkward waiting for the body to fall, and mess it up more then if i had to do a jump in or something.
You will get used to it. Just practice. I wait till the body is around my head and then push b3 but I have slow reactions so it differs per person.