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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I'm wondering if its worth putting the opponent in the corner at the end of combos. I know she gets damage there but the risk of putting yourself in there is just awful.


What a day. What a lovely day.
Finally people are starting to speak up more about Kitana's issues. It's refreshing to say the least. It's also nice to see people who are CLEARLY misinformed about the character (gee, I wonder who's fault that is?) being told correct information without an agenda.


Filled with determination
I thought it was pretty clear just a few matches after picking her up that she has problems, which is too bad because I'm liking her a lot more than I thought I would, at least We can expect to board the buff train soon.
Kit certainly doesn't seem as strong as some of the other cast members, but I'll be interested to see what things look like in a few months. It takes a while sometimes to figure these things out, or for things to become clear. Kenshi was out for a while until Pig broke through and showed how godlike he was, MVC2's starting and ending tiers were totally different, etc etc.

Once this game has some more time to breathe, we'll have a better idea of who stands where.
MvC2 though also had a lot of things to help compensate for holes


Positive Poster!
Thread rules:
1. Post what you think are good moves and back it up with frame data, what you think is a merit of the character and back it up with information or a video, and what you think shouldn't change.
2. Post what you dislike about her or hope to get changed about her in a future patch, and back it up with information such as frame data.
3. If you compare her, make sure to take everything into account.
4. Please no funnies here, let's make this the official kitana feedback thread
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what do you do on opponents wakeup, even if he doesnt have meter?
i feel helpless because they can (and will) just block and best i can do is throw ;<


lets say i knocked down scorpion and he doesnt have meter.
jump in meaty? just stand over him and 111?
but all those options lose to just blocking, and they have very little reason not to block low (because our only overhead is pretty much worthless) so doing b14 is kinda pointless


Make her fans none neutral duckable and her f2 a overhead. Then I will be happy
are you kidding me ? kitana is for sure a top tier. Fans recover is very fast on the ground even in assassin variation. This girl is fking hard to punish, her aoe fans just touche the guy even behind kitana, dat fat is very safe on block and safe on whife. Can D1 on block and then anti air fan and if someone try to punish her D1 on block he just take full combo and all kitana's combos do a lot of damage even from full screen. Many of my fiends play her and it's the most op character that i fight till today. So only a think she needs it's a nerf
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