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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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I wanted to clarify my last question a bit.

So say I'm standing in the nuetral and you cross me up. I'm already conditioned to look for her air move. So instead of doing a jump attack, you jump, cross me up, don't do a jumping attack and immediately go for a low as soon as you land?

Could this be a mix up? I mean, if I'm waiting to block your jump in and you do this, wouldn't i be opened up?
float has recovery frames upon landing


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Also, TOTALLY OUT OF CURIOSITY, where was Tom Brady in Pigs "Kenshi is garbage" thread? Where was his lecture to Pig and his fellow Kenshi players that agreed Kenshi was horrid?

Pig literally likened Kenshi to Kitana in his opening post and had/has virtually the same complaints. (Negative frames, shit range, unsafe)
Also, TOTALLY OUT OF CURIOSITY, where was Tom Brady in Pigs "Kenshi is garbage" thread? Where was his lecture to Pig and his fellow Kenshi players that agreed Kenshi was horrid?

Pig literally likened Kenshi to Kitana in his opening post and had/has virtually the same complaints. (Negative frames, shit range, unsafe)
I assume this is in response to him being in our thread?
I'm trying to keep opinions to myself as I am not a MK vet but two weeks or not, coming from Street Fighter and Marvel I feel like some of the things I've suggested as buffs aren't asking much. Is two weeks early to ask for them? Not when the holes are as apparent as they are in comparison to the general system


I'm trying to keep opinions to myself as I am not a MK vet but two weeks or not, coming from Street Fighter and Marvel I feel like some of the things I've suggested as buffs aren't asking much. Is two weeks early to ask for them? Not when the holes are as apparent as they are in comparison to the general system
Some will tell you it is too early while others won't. The main people who will say it's too early are the ones who don't play the character and have absolutely zero understanding about her.

The ones who will say it isn't too early or it's -possibly- too early are the ones who play her and understand where you're coming from. That doesn't mean they'll agree with whatever changes you suggest, however.
Some will tell you it is too early while others won't. The main people who will say it's too early are the ones who don't play the character and have absolutely zero understanding about her.

The ones who will say it isn't too early or it's -possibly- too early are the ones who play her and understand where you're coming from. That doesn't mean they'll agree with whatever changes you suggest, however.
Naturally but I'm not really looking for agreement more so that I think I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective but not one person I've heard say she is fine has given any insight as to why she's fine besides the very general "she's a zoner" response that is quickly thrown out when you mention the word "duck"


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I'm trying to keep opinions to myself as I am not a MK vet but two weeks or not, coming from Street Fighter and Marvel I feel like some of the things I've suggested as buffs aren't asking much. Is two weeks early to ask for them? Not when the holes are as apparent as they are in comparison to the general system
No, not at all.

It isn't rocket science to see that negative frames, punishable specials, non cancellable specials (ala Dvorah's wasp cancels), duckable high hitting fans that are -10, and no true way to open people up (OH/Low starters) will only take you so far.

Time will not change these facts. People label it downplaying or whining...I just think it's common sense. Lol


Naturally but I'm not really looking for agreement more so that I think I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective but not one person I've heard say she is fine has given any insight as to why she's fine besides the very general "she's a zoner" response that is quickly thrown out when you mention the word "duck"
Most peoples' argument(s) in regards to Kitana is that she has really good meterless damage and that's why she doesn't need any changes. :rolleyes:
No, not at all.

It isn't rocket science to see that negative frames, punishable specials, non cancellable specials (ala Dvorah's wasp cancels), duckable high hitting fans that are -10, and no true way to open people up (OH/Low starters) will only take you so far.

Time will not change these facts. People label it downplaying or whining...I just think it's common sense. Lol

Most peoples' argument(s) in regards to Kitana is that she has really good meterless damage and that's why she doesn't need any changes. :rolleyes:
I would think 40% is the average the way I've seen people deal out damage without bar But even if she had bar her meter building ain't that fast even when throwing more fans. I know with RS I just throw out a lot of reflects and floats from afar just so I have meter to break when needed. Of course I throw fans in there too


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Most peoples' argument(s) in regards to Kitana is that she has really good meterless damage and that's why she doesn't need any changes. :rolleyes:
It's her "zoning". The fact that she can convert damage from air fans is what is tickling everyone's feathers.

I cringe when I watch the opponents of Kitana on stream...flailing around...jumping like kangaroos. She dominates the air. Wait till someone literally just crouches and slowly moves in...

It would be revelatory for this community.


It's her "zoning". The fact that she can convert damage from air fans is what is tickling everyone's feathers.

I cringe when I watch the opponents of Kitana on stream...flailing around...jumping like kangaroos. She dominates the air. Wait till someone literally just crouches and slowly moves in...

It would be revelatory for this community.
How to defend against Kitana:

1) Don't jump
2) Crouch almost the entire time
3) Stand up when she jumps in the air near you

There you go.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
How to defend against Kitana:

1) Don't jump
2) Crouch almost the entire time
3) Stand up when she jumps in the air near you

There you go.
Yup. Let me continue this scenario for you.

4.) Now Kitana is in the corner.
5.) She is forced to play ground based footsies or charge the opponent.
5.) Be prepared for random throat slices and throws.
6.) Punish accordingly.


This dream has a sad ending
Yup. Let me continue this scenario for you.

4.) Now Kitana is in the corner.
5.) She is forced to play ground based footsies or charge the opponent.
5.) Be prepared for random throat slices and throws.
6.) Punish accordingly.
Or better yet, kitana has to play a mixup game

7)She has to jump in since that's her only overhead starter and basically either has to do throw or b+1,4 to start a mixup
8) that mixup is basically if she should throw or not
9)Tech her throws
10)you've officially made the kitana player want to cry

After having a lot of time to sit and use all three variations of our pretty princess, I've come to the conclusion that she needs help.... A lot of it.

Assassin: supposed to be her rushdown variation but all options are slow and really lacking in any mixup and footsie department that doesn't include a throw (which unfortunately puts the opponent further away from you as you really want to stay in their face.)

Royal Storm: supposed to be her zoning variation but all options that encourage this are easily beat out by other characters options across the board such as Kano, Jaqui, Sub Zero, etc. Her square boost imo should be an overhead and the parry should be faster than 15 frames on startup imo. Fans should recover faster as well for this one. Good variation but not great by any stretch.

Mournful: I'll admit, I'm actually surprised at how adequate this stance actually is since glaive toss is a mid and is only -3 on block. Still, this space controlling stance has no normals or strings that are unique to it that can help her control said space. Hell, she doesn't even have a move that Jade actually kicked a little ass with (Overhead staff slam). Getting that would be a flipping godsend right now if I can't get any unique normals.

As a whole, her overall ability in this game is dependent on gimmicks that, at the highest of levels when the match is known, will get her killed. With out true mixups, faster normals and strings, and more tweaking on her lacking specials, she's not going to last long in terms of being competitive.

That's just me though... Carry on.

After having a lot of time to sit and use all three variations of our pretty princess, I've come to the conclusion that she needs help.... A lot of it.

Assassin: supposed to be her rushdown variation but all options are slow and really lacking in any mixup and footsie department that doesn't include a throw (which unfortunately puts the opponent further away from you as you really want to stay in their face.)

Royal Storm: supposed to be her zoning variation but all options that encourage this are easily beat out by other characters options across the board such as Kano, Jaqui, Sub Zero, etc. Her square boost imo should be an overhead and the parry should be faster than 15 frames on startup imo. Fans should recover faster as well for this one. Good variation but not great by any stretch.

Mournful: I'll admit, I'm actually surprised at how adequate this stance actually is since glaive toss is a mid and is only -3 on block. Still, this space controlling stance has no normals or strings that are unique to it that can help her control said space. Hell, she doesn't even have a move that Jade actually kicked a little ass with (Overhead staff slam). Getting that would be a flipping godsend right now if I can't get any unique normals.

As a whole, her overall ability in this game is dependent on gimmicks that, at the highest of levels when the match is known, will get her killed. With out true mixups, faster normals and strings, and more tweaking on her lacking specials, she's not going to last long in terms of being competitive.

I fixed it for you lol


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Or better yet, kitana has to play a mixup game

7)She has to jump in since that's her only overhead starter and basically either has to do throw or b+1,4 to start a mixup
8) that mixup is basically if she should throw or not
9)Tech her throws
10)you've officially made the kitana player want to cry
Lol yup. Granted, teching throws are difficult, but eventually top players will catch on and have mastered teching.

During the stream, Brady or someone said " you can't run away in this game. You must fight!!!"...so, what exactly has Kitana been doing this entire time besides running in to throw or mash 111~fan.

It's just so obvious to me. I guarantee 3/4 of the characters communities aren't having the same strategy discussions as we are.

"OK guys. So they figured out they can duck fans and they aren't jumping. I know! Let's run in and do B2! OH! That'll get them on the ground. Now I'm going to sweep! Yasssssssss....Now start mixing up B1,4 into throw and B2. Then sweep. Then throw! Then njp into float and hope we hit them. And you know what, let's hope they make a mistake so we can punish! Yassssss....this character is so Yolo and damaging! She is the best!!"

Like...give me a fucking break.


PSN: Skkra
Kit certainly doesn't seem as strong as some of the other cast members, but I'll be interested to see what things look like in a few months. It takes a while sometimes to figure these things out, or for things to become clear. Kenshi was out for a while until Pig broke through and showed how godlike he was, MVC2's starting and ending tiers were totally different, etc etc.

Once this game has some more time to breathe, we'll have a better idea of who stands where.
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