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The Need Help Choosing Main/Secondary Character Discussion Thread


Scrub God Lord
Not really, I made I blood pact with kung Jin on day one. I will play him no matter what, even if we don't get any buffs. But I been trying a lot of different characters.


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
I also started as Jacqui but left her after trying out Quan Chi. Sold my soul to him and now im his minion <3 (as kinky as it sounds)
Gonna stick with him even if he gets nerfs :3

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
When i saw lao returning i knew i had to use him, but its fun to use more than one character, especially if they are in a different category.


I also started as Jacqui but left her after trying out Quan Chi. Sold my soul to him and now im his minion <3 (as kinky as it sounds)
Gonna stick with him even if he gets nerfs :3
Yeah I'm sticking with Ermac too, I'm just bothered that I can't get myself to like any other character.


I really don't care about tiers much. I'm not a high level player, but I'm not casual either. At the same time, I obviously don't want to play as someone who has an uphill battle against most of the roster. I think when it comes down to it, the characters in this game really just don't appeal to me. Maybe not the characters but their design. The graphics are beautiful, but some of the aesthetics are just off.

I pick a main first and foremost on playstyle, but aesthetics, backstory and nostalgia play a role as well. I'm not really feeling servant mummy Ermac. I was really hoping he'd break free of Outworld. Something just felt better about playing as a mysterious ninja sorcerer in MK9. There are also no characters that gave me that "holy fucking wow" factor I got from picking up Smoke in MK9. No main has "chosen me," and that's rare for me with MK games.

Don't get me wrong, I still like this game and I still enjoy playing as my typical co main Ermac but it feels different. I switch between him and Revenant Sub Zero. I don't use characters that look like shit and I don't care for any of Sub's costumes other than revenant as they are too clunky looking.

You guys remember that Tom Brady interview where he basically said "I don't play Sub Zero, I AM Sub Zero?" That's what I want, a character I connect with. I've been playing MK since I was 8 years old back in 93 so I've been there from the start. I guess if you are a pro and play tournaments it's easy to just pick someone who is high tier, but it's not that simple for me and many other people. Some people need to actually vibe with the character on a deeper level.

But every time I turn on MKX and go to the character select screen it feels like something is missing... And I think that something is Smoke.

Decrepit, rotting Ermac and Sub Zero will have to do until that day.


too smart to play MKX
Because every character I like is either garbage, a prime candidate for the nerfbat or only appeals to me superficially.

So much of it is that I've found absolutely no character with fun combos.

My MK9 main was Raiden. Don't like him because his teleport is garbage in this game. My sub was Kenshi and he sucks all around. I've got nothing. Searching for anything to help.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I have an absolute blast playing Quan. I always have. MK9 even though he was shit, his laugh, his mannerism, his win pose, his specials, everything just stood out to me for some reason. Hes so evil and tricky, and trolly lol. Win lose or draw i always feel safe knowing i have him by my side.

Im Happy he turned out to be good in this game, but I do hope he gets nerfed just a little bit, so the hard work, sweat and tears i put into him doesnt get downplayed by cries of an OP character. I really do just love him all around. Thats what i think a main is.


El Psy Congroo
I tihnk MKX has a very weak roster, a lot of characters are just too vanilla and simple for me. Which makes it incredibly hard to find the perfect fit. I like trap characters, I like grapplers, this game has very little of that. The command grabs in this game are weak and there aren't all that many super innovative projectiles or special moves(like naoto, venom). Which is why it's so hard to play anyone other than Quan, because at least his bat sets up interesting pressure and zoning.


Ive picked up sub zero, kitana, and ermac for the sake of character loyalty (3/4 of my favourite MK characters, the other being rain T_T)

Also learned Takeda since I wanted to play a new character and he was the one that I thought was the best fit for me

Have also learned some of goro just because I like goro xD


Wannabe Pro Jobber
In all honesty I am just playing "whatever character works for me at the moment" until the Predator dlc is released. Then the hunt for skulls & spinal cords shall commence!


Blood & Rage
I really don't care about tiers much. I'm not a high level player, but I'm not casual either. At the same time, I obviously don't want to play as someone who has an uphill battle against most of the roster. I think when it comes down to it, the characters in this game really just don't appeal to me. Maybe not the characters but their design. The graphics are beautiful, but some of the aesthetics are just off.

I pick a main first and foremost on playstyle, but aesthetics, backstory and nostalgia play a role as well. I'm not really feeling servant mummy Ermac. I was really hoping he'd break free of Outworld. Something just felt better about playing as a mysterious ninja sorcerer in MK9. There are also no characters that gave me that "holy fucking wow" factor I got from picking up Smoke in MK9. No main has "chosen me," and that's rare for me with MK games.

Don't get me wrong, I still like this game and I still enjoy playing as my typical co main Ermac but it feels different. I switch between him and Revenant Sub Zero. I don't use characters that look like shit and I don't care for any of Sub's costumes other than revenant as they are too clunky looking.

You guys remember that Tom Brady interview where he basically said "I don't play Sub Zero, I AM Sub Zero?" That's what I want, a character I connect with. I've been playing MK since I was 8 years old back in 93 so I've been there from the start. I guess if you are a pro and play tournaments it's easy to just pick someone who is high tier, but it's not that simple for me and many other people. Some people need to actually vibe with the character on a deeper level.

But every time I turn on MKX and go to the character select screen it feels like something is missing... And I think that something is Smoke.

Decrepit, rotting Ermac and Sub Zero will have to do until that day.
Well said brother.


For me I picked my main based off looks. When Kitana was announce and I seen her assassin variation design I thought she looked so cool with the black paint and stuff and It drew my attention to play her lol. Thats really about it. Im one who also feel like most of the cast don't appeal to me. Kung Lao would be the only other character I'll play but everybody else is eh. Im not really feeling most of the cast design.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I really would like to hear your detailed responses.


Have you chosen a main already? If so, based on what (loyalty, playstyle, etc.)?

What kind of general fighting game player do you consider yourself (aggressive, mind games, defensive, etc.)? And have you had to choose a character with a playstyle outside of your comfort zone to accommodate the MKX engine?

I knew I would be using Cassie nearly a year ago. She fits my personality and her moves looked cool. I'm an aggressive player and her playstyle works perfectly for me as well. I used to love Shinnok when I was 8 back in MK4, but he kinda sucks now :(. I think Cassie will be my only serious character, but I'll play Tanya for fun with my friends.

Error Macro

It April yet?
So it isn't just me. Ermac is not only a mummy jobber in this game, but he is so incoherent it is not funny. Slow as molasses move speed, slow unsafe buttons.....oh wait, does that mean he has that godlike space control again? Hell no. Well ok, who do we have? Always liked Sektor and Rain. Oh shit.....ok. Mileena was always cool. Negative on hit this negative on hit that. Shinnok! This dude will let me get my space control on! Finally!

Yea. The game itself has been great to learn. The roster tho? Ugh
Where I'm from, there is no real competitive scene to speak of. Therefore I must rely on online to sate my desire for competition.

My main is Takeda (Shirai Ryu). I'd at least like a secondary who can function effectively online, taking into account the usual input lag and / or delay (and I almost always experience both).

The character should:
- Not have to rely principally on run - cancels to inflict moderate to high damage (e.g. Cassie Cage);
- Be good overall, both online and offline (counter - e.g.: Mileena); and
- Have combos that inflict moderate to high damage, either without meter or with one bar of meter, both midscreen and in the corner.

With the aforementioned criteria being considered, I have looked at Kung Jin (Bojutsu) and Kano (Cutthroat) thus far. However, I'm fairly certain Bojutsu Kung Jin will be nerfed in some way, shape or form very soon, so I am reserving my online use of him in anticipation of the same. I'm not (yet?) entirely comfortable with Kano, either.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...


Dojo Trainee
Pick Thunder God Raiden and spam b32 (hold) or f12b2 (hold) into bf3 into the corner, then bully with b32 or b2 50/50 in the corner... Easy online character.
Pick Thunder God Raiden and spam b32 (hold) or f12b2 (hold) into bf3 into the corner, then bully with b32 or b2 50/50 in the corner... Easy online character.

I don't know about spamming my way to victory but your recommendation is nevertheless a good one. Thank you.

More than open to others, though.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
If Kung Jin gets nerfed, we won't be shit tier.
He'll still be a top character because his far reaching normals and mix-ups.
They'll probably nerf mb bo swing scaling to do high 20's on a mb bo swing starter, turning all combos with mb bo swing into more of a mid-to-high 30's vs low 40's. Also, probably nerf divekick scaling, too.

Other than that, they probably won't touch much.
Do you have goro? If so, then goro. SO underrated. The only draw back is that his run and dash speed is slower then most of the roster. Great variety of attacks, good damage, decent mix ups. If not, then I'd go with jax. Be forewarned... Jax is not for the faint of heart. He has basically the same things I just listed, but with more speed. He does, however, require some skill to use. Good luck in whatever you choose.


Would like to say hi first, i`m new around here, so go easy on me... :)
Haven`t played mortal kombat since the good old days of mk4. And please excuse my english, not a native speaker.

I`m having some trouble picking my main fighter/char. I tried playing with reptile for some time, but his combos are too complex for me at the moment. I`m not much of a zoner, i prefer to be closer to my opponent, i like fast classes. Like i said before, haven`t played for a long time, so i would like to start with a class that is noob friendly(easy to learn). I do intend to play online, if that makes any difference. If you can suggest someone that fits the bill, or at least help me narrow my options down, that would be very nice.
I'm new to mortal kombat and am just looking for a relativity easy to learn but still effective character. I played a bit of Injustice and mained Zod so if there is a character in MKX who is similar-ish to zod that would be ideal.

I'm not new to fighting games in general (I've played Tekken and Street fighter a lot) and I'm finally looking to get into Mortal Kombat !

Any general beginner tips would help immensely too. Thanks.