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Question Reptile Q and A Thread


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Thanks GUIZE real helpful. Any tips on punishing kung lao teleport I saw chrisg just simply jump kick I cant seem to uppercut it everytime because reptile is retarded. Also any tips on sub zero I saw that it was 5 - 5 but I mean someone has to have a trick TO GIVE THEM THAT EDGE. I thought sub zero did bad against zoners. Maybe top tier zoners.
Reptile is a top tier zoner, so use that to your advantage, get fullscreen and start throwing everything at him. He will try to throw out freezeballs so be sure to block it then acid spit right after because you will recover in time to block the next. Once you hit him with acid spit start getting forceballs out, once one hits elbow dash in and juggle with 32 fb 321 finisher of choice. As for KL teleport it's best to elbow dash out and then back at him.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Heh hey again guys, i have 2 short questions about combos:

#1) 122,FFball,NJP,32,SFball,321 --> cant land the NJP, i hit it 30% of time, any timing?:D Help i feel retarded becouse of this ;]

#2) What do u think about my corner combos?
ex Elbowdash,32,ffball,321,sffball,32,slide


Any better combos? Or more useful and practical combos? Also maybe some good combo with 122 in corner?
1) Hold up while ffb is coming out, once the recovery on ffb finishes roll your finger across both punch buttons while still holding out. I find this works best for me.
2)Those seem fine to me, Reptile isn't going to get a lot more damage in the corner.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Any tips on actually landing that NJP after a 321? I can never get it but I can hit confirm the 122 to either get the push back or to get the forceball out but I have a lot of trouble landing the NJP. Also any tips on not getting zoned or feeling the pressure of getting zoned. I just cant get the past that when someone is spamming me and I have to crouch all of that stuff that they build meter and I have to wait until I get a chance. Any tips on knowing when not to block I was told I block too much when im being constantly pressured
Ex slide is a good way to be able to get stuff out, your options really depend on the character you are playing against, it's like what everyone else is saying if Reptile doesn't start the zoning war he has trouble getting the advantage.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Thanks GUIZE real helpful. Any tips on punishing kung lao teleport I saw chrisg just simply jump kick I cant seem to uppercut it everytime because reptile is retarded. Also any tips on sub zero I saw that it was 5 - 5 but I mean someone has to have a trick TO GIVE THEM THAT EDGE. I thought sub zero did bad against zoners. Maybe top tier zoners.
From my experience, the easiest way to deal with the teleport is to uppercut. However if he teleports as you forceball/acidspit then don't use the uppercut because he will hit you. What I tested in practice mode is that D1 should hit but the timing is rough but if you can consistently do it then that is a free 26% or more. If D1 can hit him then I think 2 should hit as well. The problem I've had with uppercutting for the punish is that sometimes Reptile would do an acidhand and that really screws you over because they will hit you out of it because it is too slow.

Against Sub the best thing to do is to just adjust to the Sub's patterns and to never elbow dash when there is space between you two. From full screen you can acid spit him like a boss but do not trade with him because he will win those now on most occasions. When you are in that elbowdash/iceclone distance you can bait him to iceclone but forceball/acidspit instead, but this has it's risks because he can jump over it if yuo are too close


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
@THTB do you still play MK competitively? havent seen you on any stream in awhile.
I'm taking a break from tourney play for the time being. Tourneys = expensive. :(

I should be back by PowerUp next year.

Also, funny thing about KL teleport...just walking towards him = teleport immediately becomes useless XD.
OK thanks for those responses. NOW what about raiden? How exactly does that matchup work I cant seem to get out of his teleport beatdown because thats all he does to me.. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SMASH HIS SKULL IF HE CAN JUST TELEPORT OUT and superman me. Like when im making a forceball he just teleports out and supermans my back fat. Should I stop trying to pressure him into one spot since he is just so elusive? Also what about getting out of Kabals frametrap I havent really faced a good one but I did one time and I had no clue what to do. I'm thinking to just slide or something but idk.
OK thanks for those responses. NOW what about raiden? How exactly does that matchup work I cant seem to get out of his teleport beatdown because thats all he does to me.. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SMASH HIS SKULL IF HE CAN JUST TELEPORT OUT and superman me. Like when im making a forceball he just teleports out and supermans my back fat. Should I stop trying to pressure him into one spot since he is just so elusive? Also what about getting out of Kabals frametrap I havent really faced a good one but I did one time and I had no clue what to do. I'm thinking to just slide or something but idk.
Funny thing about Raiden lol, he is always at an advantage everywhere on the map (this is why he is S tier). He could get out of corner and put you back, he could shut down your projectile, you cant jump in due to instant almost 0 frame superman. I have discussed with Tom Brady about Raiden, he told me that Raiden's weakest spot lies on the cross over jump punch, Overall you want to fight him up close, if you need projectile i would suggest ex slow fb and spit. And look at raiden's wake up options, he has teleport and superman that is it. Teleport is usually safe, but you could punish his superman by doing 3,2, ffb,32, sfb, 321, then mix up. And I think using footsies against Raiden is a great idea.

Kabal: Down 3, then dash or jump out would do the trick. Easier said than done


Salt Proprietor of TYM
OK thanks for those responses. NOW what about raiden? How exactly does that matchup work I cant seem to get out of his teleport beatdown because thats all he does to me.. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SMASH HIS SKULL IF HE CAN JUST TELEPORT OUT and superman me. Like when im making a forceball he just teleports out and supermans my back fat. Should I stop trying to pressure him into one spot since he is just so elusive? Also what about getting out of Kabals frametrap I havent really faced a good one but I did one time and I had no clue what to do. I'm thinking to just slide or something but idk.
Most Raidens who teleport cross up after, so njp them and juggle when they do so, Do not stop pressuring him! Keep it on him, you don't want him to get space or you'll be in trouble. As for Kabal pokes are your best bet, you could try to ex slide but way more times than not it won't work.
ok what about smoke? now that he is S tier i cant seem to touch dat ass. i know using forceballs are out of the question so what do i do just keep the pressure on and hope he fucks up and i punish his teleport with 32 blah blah blah. Also is there a difference from using fast forceball first than slow forceball in a combo if you use both? I know fast does more damage but if they are both in the same combo should it matter?


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
ok what about smoke? now that he is S tier i cant seem to touch dat ass. i know using forceballs are out of the question so what do i do just keep the pressure on and hope he fucks up and i punish his teleport with 32 blah blah blah. Also is there a difference from using fast forceball first than slow forceball in a combo if you use both? I know fast does more damage but if they are both in the same combo should it matter?
Against Smoke you basically can't zone. What I do sometimes is shoot a slow forceball from full screen and then as they shake, elbow dash up to them and D4 and pressure. However this could be risky. Basically you want to stay close to him. I have found out that fighting Smoke is one of my most frantic matches because I am always trying to get close to him and at the same time making sure I block his smoke balls and such.

The fastforceball does a bit more damage in combos and sometimes you have to use a certain one for the combo to work, specifically against the corner.
ok what about smoke? now that he is S tier i cant seem to touch dat ass. i know using forceballs are out of the question so what do i do just keep the pressure on and hope he fucks up and i punish his teleport with 32 blah blah blah. Also is there a difference from using fast forceball first than slow forceball in a combo if you use both? I know fast does more damage but if they are both in the same combo should it matter?
Well smoke S tier is due to his reset, if a person cant do his reset I dont think he would be S tier. You got to rush him down, slow force ball is still useful (especially ex sfb), he can not counter this because of this: sfb, dash, down 4 acid hand oki. If he smoke bomb, dash in pressure. Its not really a bad match up for reptile I think.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
ok what about smoke? now that he is S tier i cant seem to touch dat ass. i know using forceballs are out of the question so what do i do just keep the pressure on and hope he fucks up and i punish his teleport with 32 blah blah blah. Also is there a difference from using fast forceball first than slow forceball in a combo if you use both? I know fast does more damage but if they are both in the same combo should it matter?
This matchup hasn't really changed a lot, you still play it the same as always really, just bait teleports punish and pressure. As for the FB's yes if you do fast first it does a tad bit more damage.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
OK thanks for those responses. NOW what about raiden? How exactly does that matchup work I cant seem to get out of his teleport beatdown because thats all he does to me.. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SMASH HIS SKULL IF HE CAN JUST TELEPORT OUT and superman me...
I'm gonna say what i've figured out from the time i been playing against a good raiden (best raiden i have played). first of all the teleport is punishable, if you see it you can hit him with elbow dash, with this he can't spam teleport and he will go back and start zoning, throw some proyectiles and an occacional superman, thats the best parto because against reptile zoning you will have the advantage, the spit is fastest than raiden proyectiles so he will think to do the teleport, but you are aware of it so you just do de elbow dash. if he don't do the elbow dash and preffer to do superman, you can block on reaction and that's a big combo punish.
i know i'm not saying nothing particular, but that's how you need to play against raiden, once you get used to it you will see that's isn't that much god tier, for me is just another char from the rooster difficult to play against.

see ya
How does reptile have advantage over Cage? In the new tier list it says cage has a bad matchup against him so how could I exploit that? Also raiden was also noted as a character who has a bad matchup against him so how do I exploit that? Is it just because you can punish his teleport with his elbow dash?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
How does reptile have advantage over Cage? In the new tier list it says cage has a bad matchup against him so how could I exploit that? Also raiden was also noted as a character who has a bad matchup against him so how do I exploit that? Is it just because you can punish his teleport with his elbow dash?
Just keep your distance and zone against him and he can't do anything. No that is not the only reason Raiden can't win. A lot of Raiden's strings that people use put him at disadvantage, punish them with elbow dash, you can't zone him, so just punish and put the rushdown on him. Do a lot of dashing around him on knockdown to keep him confused and mess with his wakeup options. Also a lot of Raiden players try to cross up after a teleport, NJP and juggle for the punish.
So what about Scorpion? How does is it a bad matchup for him. I don't have any experience playing against a good scorpion. Plus how would a matchup go against Kitana? I have no idea how to play that and even a small amount of info will benefit me dearly. It would just be reptile spamming and trying to get in if I tried to play it. Last one would be Nightwolf how does reptile beat him? Maybe low pokes IDK.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The problem with Cage vs Reptile is that it's not even in Reptile's favor. Reptile's zoning does not keep out Cage at all. The matchup is really only 5-5.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
The problem with Cage vs Reptile is that it's not even in Reptile's favor. Reptile's zoning does not keep out Cage at all. The matchup is really only 5-5.
What options does he have other than dash block ex shadow kick?

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
So what do you do against a good cage then? I need some advice. How do I get out of that frame trap with the energy balls? Or how do I prevent him from frame trapping me?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
So what do you do against a good cage then? I need some advice. How do I get out of that frame trap with the energy balls? Or how do I prevent him from frame trapping me?
if you duck the balls will whiff, and if he gets in on you it can be rough to prevent. Make him afraid of ex slide. Once you start interrupting frame traps with it he will expect it and crouch block in between strings, thats when you can hit him with acid hand/ex acid hand for an overhead to mix him up.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
The second forceball goes over reptile's head when he's standing too IIRC, so you can just dash/poke/whatever if he goes for it. A smart cage never will EXFB against Reptile though, he has to rely on mixing his strings up with d4 and baiting dashes. F0xy has caught me with his xray in the past after I've tried dashing out of frametraps, so be careful with that.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
What options does he have other than dash block ex shadow kick?

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
Dash block is all he even needs because his dash covers a lot of distance in a short time span, making his dash blocking one of the best in the game. It's all patience. Reptile's projectiles inherently are not amazing for keepaway because their startup times are so atrocious, unless you're using meter.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Dash block is all he even needs because his dash covers a lot of distance in a short time span, making his dash blocking one of the best in the game. It's all patience. Reptile's projectiles inherently are not amazing for keepaway because their startup times are so atrocious.
I can see that I didn't really think about how good his dash is. I generally don't have much trouble with this matchup, unless I make a lot of mistakes or he gets in, guess I just let personal experience dictate my thoughts on the matchup.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
I have a tournament this Thursday at Battle and Brew and I was wondering if you guys could just help me do a quick overview of Rep's bad match ups.
Specifically Freddy, Kabal, Sektor, and Sonya


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I have a tournament this Thursday at Battle and Brew and I was wondering if you guys could just help me do a quick overview of Rep's bad match ups.
Specifically Freddy, Kabal, Sektor, and Sonya
What specifically do you want to know about the matchups?