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Question Reptile Q and A Thread


Salt Proprietor of TYM

When I first got the game, I would practice just that for at least an hour, and then when I felt like stopping, I made myself remember how intensely bad it felt to drop a combo in a tournament, so I would get angry and keep on practicing.

Practice until you can't stand to practice any more. Then practice some more.


No prob! Thanks for answering this, THTB! I didn't know Reptile had to crouch block to punish her telekick. That might make life a bit easier (not by much). I've been reading that some Rep players think that the armor on the ex-slide is going to help this match-up immensely. I personally feel like all the armor won't make it much easier, but then again I'm still pretty fresh with Rep. Do you think we can look forward to breathing a bit easier in future Mileena match-ups after the patch?
Another thing to add on this match up.. when you do get a punish/bnb in, end with a EX SFB. I find a lot of mileenas telekick on wake up 85% of the time and they will get hit by our floating land mind leading into a combo.


It's nice to see that someone is doing such a thread, good stuff reptile.Keep the chomp chomp luv spread.
Though to be honest Reptile, U DID MENTION SOME!!! of miss information... really lol. no offense.
i will fix them all later in a small post

Something i have to say that been BUGGIN ME IN THE REPTILE FORUM....nothing toward u at all Reptile. this is to the general, and hope PEOPLE can Really do something about it

1-A LOT! of bogus stuff.... a lot of people say mis informed rumors and passes WAY quick in here, and it evolves! it's like a candy given to a child

2-a LOT of miss understanding of concepts, WHICH through out time, proves a weak and even a VERY weak general understanding of terms and could be the actual foundation of the game/ character.
EXample: from couple of weeks, i saw this post were i guy posted about the RESET acid spit! and ohh boy...the three vids this person posted were full of weird made up explanatory and character thesis :S

3-A lot of people LATELY saying, I DISCOVERED THIS!!! I DISCOVERED THAT in this MK community....sorry to burst your bubbles, but most of the time....it's not you who did (Slang lengo...u didnt discover shit! your simply by passing information).Not only that, but most of the stuff are mentioned in here, SADLY the forums in here are FAR from being organized, which is sometimes sad. also it's a game, MILLIONS of people plays the game...so again, no need to go heroic people! MILLIONS are playing this game, some are able to pass the knowledge, and some are not.

4-STOP CRYING rofl....omg why are people still crying about reptile? and why are there a lot of aimless threads? people post 1 question thread to ask about, How to do this, how to do that....why is this?....etc
and mods doesnt clean the area as well.....just an FYI, this is very repellent :S
You need to write a book brother, I would read it :D



When I first got the game, I would practice just that for at least an hour, and then when I felt like stopping, I made myself remember how intensely bad it felt to drop a combo in a tournament, so I would get angry and keep on practicing.

Practice until you can't stand to practice any more. Then practice some more.
The thing is that there is no practice mode in online. It can be ok in offline mode but timings change on the online and I can't get the trick. So i wanted to know if there were some stuffs to permit me to succed, like the reptile position before doing neutral jump, if it's better to hold up right after 3, 2, 1 and before pressing 2 etc...

Thx anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I can't seem to avoid reptiles elbow dash spam when I'm using Kitana, help plz
Keep yer distant and instant air fan, most reptile players get frustrated when the can't get in. For the few who like to zone however stay grounded and throw normal fans, acid spit is reptile best options here and that really limits him.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
The thing is that there is no practice mode in online. It can be ok in offline mode but timings change on the online and I can't get the trick. So i wanted to know if there were some stuffs to permit me to succed, like the reptile position before doing neutral jump, if it's better to hold up right after 3, 2, 1 and before pressing 2 etc...

Thx anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wouldn't recommend doing that combo online because of lag its just that much more inconsistent.


Rolling ball combo?

Hey, I've played a few Reptiles who have done this combo where towards the last hit he kinda spins into a ball and hits high..... sorry that's so vague but does anyone know the move I'm referring to and if so do they have the button sequence for the combo?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hey, I've played a few Reptiles who have done this combo where towards the last hit he kinda spins into a ball and hits high..... sorry that's so vague but does anyone know the move I'm referring to and if so do they have the button sequence for the combo?
that button sequence is f3 1+2.
Just started with Reptile and i have few questions guys:

#1) What are his best BnB`s midscreen and corner / meterless or with meter. I Use those:
Meterless Midscreen:
Cant do any 321 combo, I Tried 321,Elbow,NJP,32,ffball,sfball,321,slide but cant land NJP. Any Help? Or other combo maybe?

Meter Midscreen:

Corner - I cant figure out any good corner combos, help guys. Need some meterless and with meter

#2) What is best follow up after NJP? I du 32,ffball,32,sfball,321,slide
#3) What combo is best as punisher? ( for example after blocked smoke tp )
#4) I read that its not worth to end combos with slide, can u explain me why? And how should i end my combos if not with slide?
#5) What is point of shooting ex balls?
#6) Some time ago i saw reptile movie, that was how to shut down most wakeups. Anyone has link or can explain to me?
#7) What is reptile best poke? I use d3/d4 ( I like d4,acidhand )
#8) Which strings are usefull in pressing? And which of them are safe, and which not. Can i make unsafe string as safe?
#9) How to keep pressure on my opponent? I feel that reptile normals are slow, so i cant pressure comfortably, any ideas?
#10) After air to air i follow up with slide. Its the best option?
#11) His X-ray is usefull or better to keep meter for ex moves and breakers?
#12) Which of his specials are worth to burn meter for?
#13) Can I Juggle midscreen after ex acid hand? Cant figure out any juggle after this. In corner i can do some crap but nothing good, so maybe some corner combo with meter use?

I think thats all, thx in advance, sry for noobish questions, but i dont know a shit about reptile. But i like this char and want to use it effectivly. Cheers


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Just started with Reptile and i have few questions guys:

#1) What are his best BnB`s midscreen and corner / meterless or with meter. I Use those:
Meterless Midscreen:
Cant do any 321 combo, I Tried 321,Elbow,NJP,32,ffball,sfball,321,slide but cant land NJP. Any Help? Or other combo maybe?

Meter Midscreen:

Corner - I cant figure out any good corner combos, help guys. Need some meterless and with meter

#2) What is best follow up after NJP? I du 32,ffball,32,sfball,321,slide
#3) What combo is best as punisher? ( for example after blocked smoke tp )
#4) I read that its not worth to end combos with slide, can u explain me why? And how should i end my combos if not with slide?
#5) What is point of shooting ex balls?
#6) Some time ago i saw reptile movie, that was how to shut down most wakeups. Anyone has link or can explain to me?
#7) What is reptile best poke? I use d3/d4 ( I like d4,acidhand )
#8) Which strings are usefull in pressing? And which of them are safe, and which not. Can i make unsafe string as safe?
#9) How to keep pressure on my opponent? I feel that reptile normals are slow, so i cant pressure comfortably, any ideas?
#10) After air to air i follow up with slide. Its the best option?
#11) His X-ray is usefull or better to keep meter for ex moves and breakers?
#12) Which of his specials are worth to burn meter for?
#13) Can I Juggle midscreen after ex acid hand? Cant figure out any juggle after this. In corner i can do some crap but nothing good, so maybe some corner combo with meter use?

I think thats all, thx in advance, sry for noobish questions, but i dont know a shit about reptile. But i like this char and want to use it effectivly. Cheers
1)For meterless midscreen combos I do 122 ffb njp 32 sfb 321 finisher of choice.
Also 321 elbow dash njp 32 ffb sfb 321 finished of choice. As far as corner combos go here are a couple they are pretty much the same except you just add 321 acid hand or 122 acid hand to the beginning. When it comes to landing the njp, there are already a couple of methods listed on this thread try looking them over and giving them a try.
2) that's what I do as well, or ill leave out the slide and sfb oki.
3)best punisher is 32 ffb 32 sfb 321 finisher of choice. You can do an njp at the beginning as well but it is a little difficult.
4)for the most part its better to end combos with sfb Oki, to prevent a lot of wake up options and continue pressure, where as slides recovery is too slow to do it.
5) mostly to just change the pace of yer zoning as well as the sfb Oki, ex sfb gives you a better chance at keeping the pressure.
6) im not sure I know which video your talking about man ill try and find out for you though man.
7)d4 is probably his best poke, but even though they are slow they are all good.
8) 321 and 1221 are both safe on block, however canceling any string into acid hand makes it safe on block and it the string with an overhead.
9)fb's all day throw them out and move in, I find it best to start pressure after a knockdown, then sfb oki, then pressure.
10)you can combo but its height specific, so slide is the most reliable option.
11) his x-ray is good as a zone punish and also can catch people in the air, but its really all situational, xray and ex/breakers are good options with reptile.
12)now the best ones IMO are ex slide because of the armor and ex spit because its a good way to mix up your zoning game and catch people jumping fb's.
13)yes you have two options, either ex ffb after ex hand into combo or elbow dash after into32 ffb 32 sfb 321 finisher. (Timing is very strict for second option, but you don't have to burn more meter.
Hope I answered everything well enough for ya man, let me know if you need anything else.
These are a lot of questions. The NJP is pretty hard to land. Now I practice them too. If you input the Elbow Dash, instantly press up and when the dash animation has finished, press 1. Then you get an idea about the timing.

2. no idea
3. 122sfb 32 ffb 321 slide
4. you can end with a new force ball for keep on pressuring
5. ex ball is only the full charged sfb usable, use it like a shield
6. with elbowdash
7. reptile have no good tech-game but d3 is the best

8. is my question too. how to keep on hard pressure and what is the trick to play against Teleporter
Thx Man :) really thx

i have question, what is reptile best antiair? I cant deal with jumpins/crossups. Im just dashing away from crossups but no idea what to do against jumpins. I Found his D1 is great range and can work as antiair, but is there any real follow up after d1?


In the Shadows
Thread has been Stuck, any and all questions regarding Reptile should be posted in here.

Thanks and please keep the thread updated to the best of your ability.



Salt Proprietor of TYM
Thx Man :) really thx

i have question, what is reptile best antiair? I cant deal with jumpins/crossups. Im just dashing away from crossups but no idea what to do against jumpins. I Found his D1 is great range and can work as antiair, but is there any real follow up after d1?
If you get out of a cross up try an sfb if they try to jump in most of the time it will hit then you can njp 32 ffb 321 finisher of choice. But almost all of his normals are good for using as an AA you can combo after but with some i find it difficult, I use f2 ex ffb 32 sfb 321 finisher of choice when i see it fit, but for most matches when I have space I'm zoning, its a very strong part of reptile's game.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
These are a lot of questions. The NJP is pretty hard to land. Now I practice them too. If you input the Elbow Dash, instantly press up and when the dash animation has finished, press 1. Then you get an idea about the timing.

2. no idea
3. 122sfb 32 ffb 321 slide
4. you can end with a new force ball for keep on pressuring
5. ex ball is only the full charged sfb usable, use it like a shield
6. with elbowdash
7. reptile have no good tech-game but d3 is the best

8. is my question too. how to keep on hard pressure and what is the trick to play against Teleporter
for teleporters, in all honesty as obvious as this is going to sound its best to bait the teleport. Start zoning the character and try to get them to time a Tele out, the recovery on reptiles zoning moves are all pretty good so you should have time to block it and punish with full combo, you can also elbow dash then use Jip when use see them on the other side of the screen during the Tele and it will hit a lot of the time.

Edit:this is just what i do that tends to work for me. I also find that if you're trying to keep pressure and your opponent keeps waking up with Tele, you can slide and you should be able to hit them out of it a lot of the time.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
4. I only use slide if it will kill the enemy. The reason you don't want to use slide all the time is because you can shoot out a forceball at the end of the string to create pressure for when they get up and it makes you safe from their wakeup attack.

11. His xray is awesome anti-air. It really is a situational thing. If they try to jump in punch and your xray will kill them, then use it. However generally breakers are more important than xray, you just have to learn through experience when the xray is important. If you are going to lose the round, don't breaker unless you really think you can make a comeback. It's better to save meter for the next round to have a better start.

12. With his new buff to slide you will want to use that if you are getting zoned. Howver for the most part his most useful ex moves are his forceballs and elbow dash to get out of corners. You can charge forceballs if you anticipate a jump from the opponent and htye will jump right into it.

The rest of the answers Reptile_8417 has answered just about perfectly and I just wanted to throw in some additional input :)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
4. I only use slide if it will kill the enemy. The reason you don't want to use slide all the time is because you can shoot out a forceball at the end of the string to create pressure for when they get up and it makes you safe from their wakeup attack.

11. His xray is awesome anti-air. It really is a situational thing. If they try to jump in punch and your xray will kill them, then use it. However generally breakers are more important than xray, you just have to learn through experience when the xray is important. If you are going to lose the round, don't breaker unless you really think you can make a comeback. It's better to save meter for the next round to have a better start.

12. With his new buff to slide you will want to use that if you are getting zoned. Howver for the most part his most useful ex moves are his forceballs and elbow dash to get out of corners. You can charge forceballs if you anticipate a jump from the opponent and htye will jump right into it.

The rest of the answers Reptile_8417 has answered just about perfectly and I just wanted to throw in some additional input :)
Thanks for the backup snips :)



Amazing thread. Those questions and answers are helping me a lot. But I do have some other questions!!!
After landing an AA Jump in punch, we can follow it up with a slide to hit 9% of dmg. Does Reptile have any other way to follow an AA jump in punch????

Also, I know that is possible to use a standing 1 as an AA, and follow it up with 32, ffb, 321, ender of choice, but it is height specific. Does anyone know any other combo besides this one, to use after hiting 1????

Thanx a lot!!!


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.

Amazing thread. Those questions and answers are helping me a lot. But I do have some other questions!!!
After landing an AA Jump in punch, we can follow it up with a slide to hit 9% of dmg. Does Reptile have any other way to follow an AA jump in punch????

Also, I know that is possible to use a standing 1 as an AA, and follow it up with 32, ffb, 321, ender of choice, but it is height specific. Does anyone know any other combo besides this one, to use after hiting 1????

Thanx a lot!!!


These are short vids I made of 2 options with crouching 1 which is essentially standing 1.


Salt Proprietor of TYM

Amazing thread. Those questions and answers are helping me a lot. But I do have some other questions!!!
After landing an AA Jump in punch, we can follow it up with a slide to hit 9% of dmg. Does Reptile have any other way to follow an AA jump in punch????

Also, I know that is possible to use a standing 1 as an AA, and follow it up with 32, ffb, 321, ender of choice, but it is height specific. Does anyone know any other combo besides this one, to use after hiting 1????

Thanx a lot!!!
After the air to air with the jump punch, you can f2 ex ffb 32 sfb 321, but it's also height specific. As for question 2, CitizenSnips has already taken care of that, other than that you can do a slide after an AA standing 1 for something more consistent. That's pretty much it though.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
Okay, so I'd like to think I'm not a total scrub with Reptile, but I have a lot of trouble breaking out of a competent Smoke's rushdown. Combos into the whiffed telepunch into more pressure always ends up breaking me down. I'm aware I can't out-poke him after the telepunch because his d1/d3 is faster. I've tried EX sliding for the armor but I'd say at least 65% of the time it gets blocked and punished. EX elbow dash meets the same results (block 1st hit, uppercut/punish out of the 2nd). When I ask other players for advice I'm told to "be more patient with the matchup," so my question is this:

When, where, and how do you break out of a good Smoke pressure string?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Okay, so I'd like to think I'm not a total scrub with Reptile, but I have a lot of trouble breaking out of a competent Smoke's rushdown. Combos into the whiffed telepunch into more pressure always ends up breaking me down. I'm aware I can't out-poke him after the telepunch because his d1/d3 is faster. I've tried EX sliding for the armor but I'd say at least 65% of the time it gets blocked and punished. EX elbow dash meets the same results (block 1st hit, uppercut/punish out of the 2nd). When I ask other players for advice I'm told to "be more patient with the matchup," so my question is this:

When, where, and how do you break out of a good Smoke pressure string?
First thing about this matchup, block high as much as possible!! Smoke is going to try to bait low block with pokes, then try to get you with the overhead b2 3 into smokeball. Now most smoke players will still do the smokeball even if the b2 3 is blocked, this is where you punish 122 combo is probably the best. If they don't smokeball after b2 3, you can pretty much choose your punish. There are probably plenty of other places to get in, but I find that this is the best place to start the offensive.edit: I have not played any decent smoke players offline so this could only be an online thing, but i don't think it is.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
Is 1,2,2 string the only reliable punish? I prefer to use 3,2,1 into things (it's more damage and really fucks with people when you can consistently do the NJP, as if snips/chris g/pro reps have a monopoly on it), but that might be where I'm messing up. I can't remember the frame difference between 1 and 3 offhand...is it enough to make or break that sort of a punish?