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A Unique Idea that will help the community.


Dojo Trainee
Lol at you thinking four minutes was long. I remember it was me, you and Milky in the party and you went on for about 20... I know because I sent messages to K7 and Ishimura as it was going on.

EDIT: As for the rest of this argument, like I said, I will do commentary if it's just me and you, and I will be professional. Something like this would be good for the community and I want nothing more but to help it grow.

Oh, and I'm PM'ing Static to delete my posts because I think they're being counter productive to the thread.
Well no shit, are you just now realizing this? FYI, I never started with any of you, I just tried to defend my reputation after you and Snips started taking childish potshots at me. Tim is free to delete my posts if he's deleting yours (and hopefully Snips' as well), because if yours aren't here, I won't need them. Again, I'd just like to point out that I didn't start shit with either of you, and I'm still not fully clear on why either of you are starting shit with me. I fucking groaned when I realized I'd be paired with you for commentary, but apparently, I was the only one of the three of us who was mature enough to be amicable about it.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
To get back on topic I'm assuming everything isn't happenning live right? So everything would be recorded and then everything will be put together? That's probably the best way to do it, but maybe have the commentary live when it's actually happening. I think that would create much more realistic commentary and realistic excitement.


Well no shit, are you just now realizing this? FYI, I never started with any of you, I just tried to defend my reputation after you and Snips started taking childish potshots at me. Tim is free to delete my posts if he's deleting yours (and hopefully Snips' as well), because if yours aren't here, I won't need them. Again, I'd just like to point out that I didn't start shit with either of you, and I'm still not fully clear on why either of you are starting shit with me. I fucking groaned when I realized I'd be paired with you for commentary, but apparently, I was the only one of the three of us who was mature enough to be amicable about it.
1... and 2.... check. And that if you ever again wonder why me, SNIPS, or anyone (even they don't tell you directly) have a problem with you, come back here and read that. Some of the stuff I said were jokes, yes perhaps some at your expense, but compared to what you said about some people my shit was almost a compliment. But, you automatically relegated everything we did to childish.... And also, you're right, you were absolutely THE ONLY ONE who was mature enough.

Everyone is below you, everyone is just there to agree with you and if they dare not you will let them know where they've gone wrong. That's how you come off and THAT, is why I don't like you, bullshit attitude like that.


Dojo Trainee
I never took potshots on you. The only time I started mentioning things I thought would get in the way of commentary was when you went on and on about what I said in my previous posts. Don't play the victim when the only victims are the ones reading these garbage posts we had to spew onto what is a very good idea for the community.
We? Who's "we"? "We" didn't start this, you did. Again, you painted me as being a bigoted asshole towards the people that I play with, whether you intended to or not. All I did was defend myself, and up til you started with the passive-aggressives, I was civil towards you, and I even stressed that more than once just so you wouldn't get the wrong idea. Don't tell me what "we had" to do so arbitrarily, because no one "had" to do any of this, least of all you.

And yeah, I'm sure this wasn't a potshot:

No because then there needs to be an essay long explanation as to why the ruler is not the right method of measuring


Seriously you both need to cut this shit out, nobody else is interested in it. Its like you both feel the need to have the last word and just won't let it go.

Back on topic, I think this is a great idea. Would love to check out the games. Maybe even do a few of the newbie matches. :) Please make this happen!


Grapple > Footsies
Back to the show. I think we should mix it up a bit have maybe a tag match or two, a battle royal koth, drunken championship match, main event, jobber showcase, mirror match etc.


Dojo Trainee
1... and 2.... check. And that if you ever again wonder why me, SNIPS, or anyone (even they don't tell you directly) have a problem with you, come back here and read that. Some of the stuff I said were jokes, yes perhaps some at your expense, but compared to what you said about some people my shit was almost a compliment. But, you automatically relegated everything we did to childish.... And also, you're right, you were absolutely THE ONLY ONE who was mature enough.

Everyone is below you, everyone is just there to agree with you and if they dare not you will let them know where they've gone wrong. That's how you come off and THAT, is why I don't like you, bullshit attitude like that.
Holy projection, Batman! I thought you were going to stop making posts that detract from the thread, by the way? This seems awfully counterproductive, I have to say.

What I said is absolutely true, actually. I WAS the only one who was mature enough not to start shit over this, because unlike you, I kept it under my hat when I had issue with you. Snips said a lot of shit about me that I felt was misleading, and while I called him on it, I was civil because up til this point, I've never had a problem with Snips. I tried to keep it clean, because I didn't want to get into it with him. He responds with passive-aggressives, and at that point, I stop trying to get along with him. Similarly, you made more than your share of "jokes at my expense" and I thought "Holy goddamn, I really want to rip into him for how hypocritical this is, but I'm going to be the bigger man". I held to that until it devolved to the two of you taking potshots at me, by which point I felt I had a right to defend myself. QED, this one is on you two. I'm guilty of perpetuating it and there's no denying that, but damned if I'm going to sit here and take this petty shit from you with a smile.

Don't even try to tell me what I've said about "some people", because no shit I've been very abrasive with "some people": The people I don't like. The difference is that I try to show respect for anyone I consider a friend in any regard, and even towards friends of friends so long as they'll do the same for me. You keep talking about how I put myself on a higher plane, then you'll go "I mean, well, I guess you don't do that with Lion or Milky". Well no shit, those are people I have respect for, people I've been playing with for months and people who I consider to be a cut above in this game; are you seeing a trend? I treat these guys as equals, as I do with the majority of the people we play with. Hell, I even tried showing you the same respect after getting into it with you on GFAQs, even amidst the multiple times you've been an upright prick towards me for no reason. At this point, your argument has basically devolved to "I've seen you say mean things to some people before". Well I'll be damned, I'm a real Mussolini for ever speaking ill of another human being. I tend to be an asshole towards people who I consider to be assholes; you have my sincerest apologies if that seems unreasonable to you.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Saw the old school poster, Are we gonna run into trademark issues with Mortal Monday?

-b_s- :headbang:


Check your PM in 5, I'm done dragging out on this topic. No one needs to hear, read or see this except for me you and SNIPS.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I need to download photoshop I miss it so much. Would love to make posters for each event. I'm not very good with photoshop but I'll have a lot of time to kill to mess around with it.


Sig Maker
I need to download photoshop I miss it so much. Would love to make posters for each event. I'm not very good with photoshop but I'll have a lot of time to kill to mess around with it.
That reminds me. If you would need any kind of poster/artwork done for this event, I could probably help out in that department as well.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
That reminds me. If you would need any kind of poster/artwork done for this event, I could probably help out in that department as well.
I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. What program do you use? If you have some kind of free program do you mind linking it to me through PM? I've been dieing to use Photoshop ever since I got to use it in high-school but everytime I dl it I get a dud and the actual price for it is expensive.


I can help out with photoshop as well if need be. And if any mod reads this, I know I PM'ed Static, but just in case, if you ccould delete any of my posts in this thread that were not directly related to it I'd be grateful, no one needs to read through that argument.


Sig Maker
I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. What program do you use? If you have some kind of free program do you mind linking it to me through PM? I've been dieing to use Photoshop ever since I got to use it in high-school but everytime I dl it I get a dud and the actual price for it is expensive.
I use Photoshop CS4 so its not free. However, there are ways around it... ;)


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I use Photoshop CS4 so its not free. However, there are ways around it... ;)
Yeah I tried the other ways but end up failing every time LOL.

I'll just keep trying. Photoshop has been calling out to me for a year now begging me to come back

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I'm a photo shop beast. BTW. Cs5 with god knows how many plugins. I'll post some show posters for my band I've done later tonight or tomorrow.

-b_s- :headbang:


Haven't been playing MK9 all that long (only bought it about a month ago) but I'll definitely throw my hat into the Newbie ring. Plus it couldn't hurt to watch some of the better players and learn a thing or two.
Oh, forgot. I haven't had much experience(other than going through expert ladder 50 times a day) so i'll be in the "Noob fight's" area just to get started.