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A Unique Idea that will help the community.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
We need to work on scoring and funding a domain name. Like I said I can get the site hosted for free, but we need to buy the domain. Screw YouTube, if we do this, as Sarah Conner once said, We go all the way. LimeDomains has some pretty good prices with out all the bullshit of godaddy and the other big guys.

-b_s- :headbang:


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Yeah I would, as long as it's not ridiculously laggy. I have a weird schedule though. I can only play mornings and late nights.
I'm sure the timing can be worked out since they are going to be recorded first then put up online. And yeah the recorder will have to make sure they have a good connection so it doesn't lag like crazy.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
We need to work on scoring and funding a domain name. Like I said I can get the site hosted for free, but we need to buy the domain. Screw YouTube, if we do this, as Sarah Conner once said, We go all the way. LimeDomains has some pretty good prices with out all the bullshit of godaddy and the other big guys.

-b_s- :headbang:
Go big, or go home!

And I just wanted to say I wouldn't mind commentating too. I know people I play with are thinking, "wtf?" but if I am at my dorm when we record commentating, or if it's during the day time then I will definitley talk. I would most likely play the role of guy who questions things aka the dumb guy, but I'm cool with that. I feel like I know a lot about Reptile though, or at least enough to actually say things that make sense.

EDIT: I mean I would like to do it occasionally not necessarily all the time. I think having Shady and or Altair being one of the full time commentator for the Xbox recordings would be the way to go.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
One other idea, alternating weeks between consoles. That way every system gets equal exposure. As well as players on each card have more time to practice with and fight eachother pre-event, so the matches are as high level and entertaining as possible.

-b_s- :headbang:


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
One other idea, alternating weeks between consoles. That way every system gets equal exposure. As well as players on each card have more time to practice with and fight eachother pre-event, so the matches are as high level and entertaining as possible.

-b_s- :headbang:
Brah I already said that you idea thief!!!!!!!!

Lol but yeah I suggested that earlier and think that'd be the best way to even out who gets to play and such. Also gives more opportunites for different commentary and such.

I'm pretty hype for this. It pains me to not have a booming offline scene (but still trying to play offline as much as possible) so anything I can do to help the community gets me soooo hype


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I'd be up for it, so long as this stuff is done on Tuesday or Thursday.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Nice card... but Quan is from the Netherrealm :#
Well I'm thinking the bio cards should be more geared towardd the players, not so much the characters. That way, the players can cultivate a bit of an identity with in this whole thing. I mean, character bios are pretty well known anyway, and if we are going for a "ppv event" format, having them be player bios would be more appropriate. Plus we could write our own, make them ridiculously funny and add a crazy photo or something. Again, just brainstorming Thoughts?

Also, doing post production on pre recorded matches gives us access to a killer sports broadcasting staple, slow motion replay!

-b_s- :headbang:


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I'd be up for it, so long as this stuff is done on Tuesday or Thursday.
Since it is being recorded, if you were to say be the main event, then you would just have to pick a day where the 3 of you are available. Assuming that we have several recorders, I don't think that would be a problem at all. Considering getting the recorder K7 posted but I'm not sure if the quality will be good enough for all this hype lol. You vs. 16_Bit for a main event would be niiiiiice

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Brah I already said that you idea thief!!!!!!!!

Lol but yeah I suggested that earlier and think that'd be the best way to even out who gets to play and such. Also gives more opportunites for different commentary and such.
Lol sorry dude, when the creative juices flow, stuff just comes out. This thread grew so fast I haven't read it all. I just start spamming ideas whenever the lightbulb goes on :D

-b_s- :headbang:


Grapple > Footsies
Once we get all participants we should have a voting poll to determine matches. I want Milky vs THTB in a reptile mirror.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Once we get all participants we should have a voting poll to determine matches. I want Milky vs THTB in a reptile mirror.
I think voting should determine the main event or some special matchup of the night. I just want a lot of people to get their turn to play, but I understand that we also want to watch the best matches we can get. Milky v. THTB mirror match would be my first pick of mirror match without a doubt.


Praise Sheeva
This sounds very exciting. It also sounds like wrestling.

Which makes it RAD!

The player interviews can really add hype if people get into it. Perhaps they can build up a persona or something, I would totally go for this. It would be the first of its kinda haha!

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Given that this will be the first edition, we could always get the main event for each console recorded, then work on the other matches as we get all the other production aspects/processes polished out to go weekly from that point. Never to early to start getting footage. But unfortunately, I just read an email from this morning that I overlooked, and its gonna be WHILE before get my motherboard. Thus, I won't be up and running to record for about 4 weeks. :( Sorry man. However, Bio card concept graphics and stuff I can still work on though. I can also help with normalization and cleaning of final audio commentary tracks as well.

-b_s- :headbang:

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Well I'm thinking the bio cards should be more geared towardd the players, not so much the characters. That way, the players can cultivate a bit of an identity with in this whole thing. I mean, character bios are pretty well known anyway, and if we are going for a "ppv event" format, having them be player bios would be more appropriate. Plus we could write our own, make them ridiculously funny and add a crazy photo or something. Again, just brainstorming Thoughts?

Also, doing post production on pre recorded matches gives us access to a killer sports broadcasting staple, slow motion replay!

-b_s- :headbang:
As long as you put Montucky for me hehehe

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
This sounds very exciting. It also sounds like wrestling.

Which makes it RAD!

The player interviews can really add hype if people get into it. Perhaps they can build up a persona or something, I would totally go for this. It would be the first of its kinda haha!
Exactly! Im so hype for this. It's a logistical nightmare, but I think we can make it happen with all the great minds working on this. Gonna be fun.

-b_s- :headbang:

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
As long as you put Montucky for me hehehe

Did you read the sample idea I put up on like page three. It's just txt, but it was a mock up of a Admiral vs Beef match. Pretty funny
But all levity aside,
We should be able to write our own, imo. But i don't wanna take this tooo far from the creators hands, I'm just a collaborator throwing out ideas. hopefully he's down with the idea when reads all these posts in the morning. (i assume lol)

Edit, page 4 lol. Me dumb

-b_s- :headbang:


TYM White Knight
alright, just woke up. Had a massive headache last night...all I have to say is that I am overwhelmed with the support. I will add everyone who wanted to participate to the main thread tonight and with 16 bit, milky, lion, and the almighty thtb on board we have the people to make the first card. We still need recorders tho. As far as a domain name I would have no problen renting but my flash and html skills are rusty at best. If I buy a domain is anyone here interested in designing the site? Also scheduling won't be a huge issue as the matches will be prerecorded. The participants can work out times. Still need some recorders to volunteer so we can get the first card up and running. Also fan choice is a great idea and something I would definitely be willing to incorporate. All those interested keep signing up and volunteering I will update the main post as soon as I get home from work. Also shout outs to those fight cards make more. Shadowbeats has graciously volunteer to do music and his stuff is good so we have a very very nice foundation. Just need recorders.