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A Unique Idea that will help the community.


TYM White Knight
I see. Well keep in mind SummerJam/MLG is this weekend and some people also have school coming up (me :( ). I'm not sure if my campus connection will be good enough to participate all the time but on most weekends I should be able to help and I would also love to help in any other way I can.
Buy a capture card, record matches, Profit :p


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Buy a capture card, record matches, Profit :p
You have any suggestions? Or am I gonna have to stop being lazy and google it myself lol

And again, as of now I am stuck with a standard tv so I don;t know if that poses problems or not


Dojo Trainee
I never said you couldn't commentate. All I said was the two commentators have to work well together. And I've been in the party many times when you are in there and I am not just randomly making stuff up, you talk a lot, not that it's bad just saying that you tend to be very critical of people. I don't know why you mentioned Milky or Lion, we both know that when we all play KOTH together it eventually degrades into a salty fest.

Just saying that it'd be bad to have two people arguing or overtalking the other. Not saying it WILL happen with you and Shady, just saying that it might happen just from how both of you guys talk in party chat. Notice I never specifically said neither of you should do it, just pointing things out. And obviously party chat isn't the equivalent of commentating.
I brought up Lion and Milky because it's a perfect example of the point I'm trying to illustrate: It's party chat. No one is trying to put on a show, we're just shooting the shit. It is in NO way comparable to commentating, which is what I was getting at. I won't even call you on how ironic it is to criticize me on the basis that I criticize, and on that note, I'd like to point out that all commentators critique the gameplay. In every commentating panel, at least one guy will be there to offer constructive criticism, since that's a lot more helpful to anyone watching. It's not about ripping on anyone or breaking them down, it's just a good way to offer matchup analysis by addressing the smart and not-so-smart moves made by either party.

And no, you've been in party with me a grand total of six or seven times that I can recall. I know this because in the rare event that you're even on, I'm surprised to see it. I think the most I've ever seen of you was during the week before Evo.

While I agree I do do that, the way you described it and the fact that it is you describing it as such in the first place really made me laugh. If mine are dissertations... I can only imagine.

But like I said, I'll do it, I won't let it get out of hand, as long as I'm not just there to say "yes" and "no" while you go on mini narratives.
...Are you somehow not aware that you talk a lot yourself? Any of the other guys could you tell that.

Again, I have no issue with commentating. I'll likely be giving play-by-play because someone has to, and you can chime in wherever you like. As long as you aren't cutting me off mid-sentence, I don't care, and I don't mind discussing what's going on.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I brought up Lion and Milky because it's a perfect example of the point I'm trying to illustrate: It's party chat. No one is trying to put on a show, we're just shooting the shit. It is in NO way comparable to commentating, which is what I was getting at. I won't even call you on how ironic it is to criticize me on the basis that I criticize, and on that note, I'd like to point out that all commentators critique the gameplay. In every commentating panel, at least one guy will be there to offer constructive criticism, since that's a lot more helpful to anyone watching. It's not about ripping on anyone or breaking them down, it's just a good way to offer matchup analysis by addressing the smart and not-so-smart moves made by either party.

And no, you've been in party with me a grand total of six or seven times that I can recall. I know this because in the rare event that you're even on, I'm surprised to see it. I think the most I've ever seen of you was during the week before Evo.

...Are you somehow not aware that you talk a lot yourself? Any of the other guys could you tell that.

Again, I have no issue with commentating. I'll likely be giving play-by-play because someone has to, and you can chime in wherever you like. As long as you aren't cutting me off mid-sentence, I don't care, and I don't mind discussing what's going on.
I appear offline a lot because my friends used to invite me to CoD a lot and it got annoying when they would spam me with invites. And you're wrong I am online a lot pretty much every night and I see you on too but usually you are in practice mode.

And I'm not saying commentating shouldn't have criticisms. Let me illustrate to you where I was going with my earlier posts with things I have experienced and I want to say none if this is negative jsut the truth:

1. You talk a lot
2. You criticize a lot
3. When you start talking you talk for a long time about 1 thing
4. You shut down peoples opinions with your own and keep saying why you are right.
5. You interrupt people often or just flat out talk over them.

And I know that isn't the same as commentating. And I said it before, I am not saying you shouldn't or would be bad at commentating I just wanted to say that what you do in the above is something that I would find to be bad for commentating. AGAIN I REPEAT I AM NOT SAYING YOU WILL DO THIS IF YOU COMMENTATE JUST WANT TO SAY YOU SHOULDN'T.

And Shady doesn't really talk too much except when he loses. When it comes to commentary he won't be playing so he won't go off on his rage mode random rabble. You on the other hand have argued about some very random things and persist to push your opinions on others. I REPEAT NOT SAYING YOU WILL DO THIS IN COMMENTARY JUST SAYING YOU SHOULDN'T IF YOU DO.

And about the recording thing that's a lot of plugs and looks confusing lol


Dojo Trainee
Also, since other commentators have thrown their name in the hat, I wouldn't mind having a third guest commentator every now and then just to keep it fresh. It's probably best to give it a few matches so we can make sure the commentary is running smooth with two people, though. After that, I'm down to have guests on wherever applicable, even just for specific matches so we could get several different guests on one night, and all you'd really need is a mic you can hook up to your PC.

...Preferably one that's not total ass quality, though. It doesn't need to be pristine, but if it sounds sharp or crackly, it's just going to be painful to listen to.


TYM White Knight
all of these are valid suggestions, but we need to not over complicate this until it gets off the ground. Also, Snips and Shady if you have issues with each other please keep them to PMs. Nothing has got off the ground yet there is no sense in arguing over nothing. Right now we need recorders. Badly.


Dojo Trainee
I appear offline a lot because my friends used to invite me to CoD a lot and it got annoying when they would spam me with invites. And you're wrong I am online a lot pretty much every night and I see you on too but usually you are in practice mode.

And I'm not saying commentating shouldn't have criticisms. Let me illustrate to you where I was going with my earlier posts with things I have experienced and I want to say none if this is negative jsut the truth:

1. You talk a lot
2. You criticize a lot
3. When you start talking you talk for a long time about 1 thing
4. You shut down peoples opinions with your own and keep saying why you are right.
5. You interrupt people often or just flat out talk over them.

And I know that isn't the same as commentating. And I said it before, I am not saying you shouldn't or would be bad at commentating I just wanted to say that what you do in the above is something that I would find to be bad for commentating. AGAIN I REPEAT I AM NOT SAYING YOU WILL DO THIS IF YOU COMMENTATE JUST WANT TO SAY YOU SHOULDN'T.
1. Sweet man, so does Shady. Lion or Milky could attest to that.

2. And this is a problem? When one of the other guys is up, I try to offer constructive criticism where I can and I appreciate it when other people do the same. Ishimura called me on something I was doing in the Cage and Cyber Subs matchup (probably Cyber Sub's hardest matchup in the game), and I thought "Wow, he's absolutely right, I need to cut that out". I won that match, and I'm not sure I would've if he hadn't made that address. I really don't see how there's anything wrong with this in the least. I'm never rude or abrasive about it, I just try to offer advice where I can.

3. If I talk for a long time about one thing, it's usually because I'm discussing it with someone else. Shady and Milky both tend to chime in when I bring up something about the metagame. Lion uh, occasionally chimes in if it's something about a character he doesn't like, and sometimes I stop to wonder if Lion is really a soundboard stuck on "Kung Lao is BROKEN."

4. Okay, where are you even getting this from? I don't "shut down people's opinions", I just like to debate the game mechanics. I rarely ever speak matter-of-factly about any of this, but when someone says "Oh, this is a hard matchup for so and so" and I disagree, I'll chime in and say something like "I don't think it's that bad, maybe 6/4 at worst". I'm not trying to shut down anyone's opinion by any means, and hell, I actually like going back and forth with them about it to see why they think differently. If they can prove me wrong or change my mind, then I've learned something, and that's my favorite part of playing fighting games: How much they evolve, how much deeper they get over time. I was going back and forth with Fullmetal about this last night, a guy who has a really unorthodox point of view about much of the game, and I definitely learned a lot from it. I have trouble thinking outside the box sometimes, so debating the metagame with a guy who can do that was a lot of fun.

5. Uh, what? For one, I'm usually the one getting talked over. If I'm talking and something happens over in Lion's world, I'm immediately cut off; Shady can be pretty bad for this as well, though it hasn't happened so much lately and I'm not saying this to rip on him. I can think of a couple times where Lion and Lady were going off like they were the only two people here, and Milky openly agreed with me that it was really obnoxious. I can't stand it when people interrupt me, so I try my damnedest not to cut people off and in the event that it happens (because hey, it's unavoidable sometimes), I'll apologize and let them continue. I understand that half the time, I get interrupted because the headset I'm stuck with now is a piece of shit, and it cuts out mid-sentence; people think I stopped talking, so they'll cut in and I'll think "Wow, what the fuck?" Now that I'm a little more adjusted to having to use this thing, I just kind of shrug it off when it happens, but it did annoy me for a long time. This obviously won't be an issue on Skype, because my laptop mic is decent and I'll probably just plug in my condenser anyhow. During the whopping ten minutes that I was on Skype with Ishimura and Shady for their stream, we had no issues whatsoever, and no one was being talked over. I'm sure we'll be just fine.


Grapple > Footsies
I nominate a "Drunken Kombat Championship" match. You must have at least a 5 beer buzz pre match and do a shot between rounds.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
all of these are valid suggestions, but we need to not over complicate this until it gets off the ground. Also, Snips and Shady if you have issues with each other please keep them to PMs. Nothing has got off the ground yet there is no sense in arguing over nothing. Right now we need recorders. Badly.
I have no issues with anyone. I play with Shady alot and play with Altair too sometimes. Altair thinks I'm trying to get him not to commentate, this is not the case and I'm trying to tell him what I meant in my posts. He keeps arguing though and I'm not gonna sit back and let him try to paint me as some guy trying to control who will commentate.

I'm gonna look into how these recorders work. As long as no high-tech computers are needed then I will order one by next week. It's good to get all the people down but I don't think it needs to be rushed especially with tournies being right around the corner


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Altair honestly just drop it. I'm not pulling things out of my ass, you do say a lot of rude things and you do talk over people. Ok I get it you won't do it in commentary, I understand. I don't know why you have to argue so much. Yes, we all talk over people sometimes but you do it consistently and have been rude over many things and very critical over things that shouldn't even be a big deal. You calling people retarded for guessing what the next released costumes are was stupid and rude. I get it, you think I'm wrong, I'm fine with that.


Dojo Trainee
I have no issues with anyone. I play with Shady alot and play with Altair too sometimes. Altair thinks I'm trying to get him not to commentate, this is not the case and I'm trying to tell him what I meant in my posts. He keeps arguing though and I'm not gonna sit back and let him try to paint me as some guy trying to control who will commentate.

I'm gonna look into how these recorders work. As long as no high-tech computers are needed then I will order one by next week. It's good to get all the people down but I don't think it needs to be rushed especially with tournies being right around the corner
...I... Wha? I'm not even trying to paint you as a guy trying to control who will commentate. Hell, the irony is that you're trying to paint me as a guy trying to paint you as a guy trying to control who commentates. This is like some kind of fucked up Escher painting of the eternal slander.

Seriously, I'm not trying to "paint you" as anything. You made some accusations, and so I'm trying to defend myself. Point-blank, you basically portrayed me as a bigoted asshole towards the guys that I usually play with, when I'm nothing but respectful towards them. I especially respect Milky's opinions, because he's one of the few people I've seen who can pick up a character and immediately do well with them. The few times I've gotten into it with him (and I stress how few those are) were usually because one of us got salty, and after a few hours of KotH, I think ALL of us are pretty salty. I'm not saying this is how you tried to portray me, but really, that's exactly how it comes across whether you intended for it or not.


Bad Reputation
Can we just grab a ruler next time we decide to measure dicks? It's so much faster than 3 pages of arguments.


Dojo Trainee
Altair honestly just drop it. I'm not pulling things out of my ass, you do say a lot of rude things and you do talk over people. Ok I get it you won't do it in commentary, I understand. I don't know why you have to argue so much. Yes, we all talk over people sometimes but you do it consistently and have been rude over many things and very critical over things that shouldn't even be a big deal. You calling people retarded for guessing what the next released costumes are was stupid and rude. I get it, you think I'm wrong, I'm fine with that.
...What the fuck? I said that about one guy, ever, which was actually Fullmetal. I only said so because he said something to the effect of "you're going to look pretty stupid when the trailer is released and we see it's retro Sonya", at which point I called him out because I thought "Wow, now this guy is being stuck-up about it because I don't agree with him". I later realized that was because he misinterpreted something I'd said about it as being hostile, so he figured I drew first blood and he was just snapping back at me. It was a misunderstanding, and we're cool now. I actually had a lot of great sets with him just last night, it was really interesting to see him pick up Nightwolf.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Can we just grab a ruler next time we decide to measure dicks? It's so much faster than 3 pages of arguments.
No because then there needs to be an essay long explanation as to why the ruler is not the right method of measuring


Dojo Trainee
No because then there needs to be an essay long explanation as to why the ruler is not the right method of measuring
Okay, what is your problem? Really? You hardly say anything when we're in party and you never voice any kind of problems with me when you do, so what are you going on about now?

If you have issue with me, PM me about it and discuss it with me like a grown man, instead of carrying on this passive-aggressive bullshit like a teenaged drama queen. No one wants to see this.


Okay, as much as I hate to do this, I have to. I agree with SNIPS, fully. You always act hostile over any issue whether or not anyone agrees with you or even says something mentioning your name. I've seen dozens of threads you going at someone for pages upon pages, public drama, something that you could have PM'ed them "like a man" as you say. Pages UPON pages. I can make a novella if I put all the stuff you wrote into a comprehensive package. And no, it's not just fullmetal.

No you, you never go at Milky or Lion, and only go at me when I mention something about you talking for the past 15 minutes (which is true), and then you try to turn this on me even though our party chat usually goes Lion+Me+Milky (40%) you (other 60%). Everyone agrees with it, yet you keep fighting it, w/e, I'll let that go. The issue is, anyone you play, or argue with, party or not you always come through with a detailed explanation about how that kid is this or that, and no one cares, especially if it's someone you're playing in ranked that we can't see. Yes, Lion says something is broken, I say something is gay, but we stop at that, you have to think up elaborate ways to carry it on.

The way you always act and speak, subconsciously or not, you place yourself on this pedestal as the paragon of knowledge. NOT ONCE have I ever heard you admit to being wrong or not knowing something, even arguing with tournament players who have proven to know more than you, and you always do it in the most public manner, so telling SNIPS to stop, please. You are often rude, you often place yourself above others whether you're trying to or not, and you do go on about things that no one cares about when you could have just stopped talking half an hour ago.

And yes, I sometimes talk over you, but that's only because I've waited for 10-20 minutes trying to say something and you haven't given anyone the opportunity.

ANYWAY, that said, I don't care about any of that if you want to commentate. I told you how I feel about you sometimes in party chat one night, and I'll repeat it again, I don't particularly like you, it has to do with the way you carry yourself. BUT, I won't let that get in the way of making a good commentary. You do know what you're talking about most of the time, and yes, you speak pretty eloquently about the game (whether someone asks you to explain something or you just go off on your own is another issue) so I think you could do a good job on it, and if it is me and you recording I will be nothing but professional unless you really push my buttons at which point I will step down, because I do think this kind of exposure, with enough support can be good for the longevity of the MK community and can even help bring in new people and I wouldn't want to fuck it up by telling you something you will either deny or argue against for 10 more pages.

This post was for the benefit of siding with SNIPS, and now he is not a child that needs protection but maybe if you see it's not just one person's opinion you'll realize that maybe there is something to it.
I'm in. I love MK, even though I am not the best at it.

Sub Zero and Kenshi are my mains. I hope this works out. What are the rules on DLC?


Dojo Trainee
Okay, as much as I hate to do this, I have to. I agree with SNIPS, fully. You always act hostile over any issue weather or not anyone agrees with you or even says something mentioning your name. I've seen dozens of threads you going at someone for pages upon pages, public drama, something that you could have PM'ed them "like a man" as you say. Pages UPON pages. I can make a novella if I put all the stuff you wrote into a comprehensive package. And no, it's not just fullmetal.

No you, you never go at Milky or Lion, and only go at me when I mention something about you talking for the past 15 minutes (which is true), and then you try to turn this on me even though our party chat usually goes Lion+Me+Milky (40%) you (other 60%). Everyone agrees with it, yet you keep fighting it, w/e, I'll let that go. The issue is, anyone you play, or argue with, party or not you always come through with a detailed explanation about how that kid is this or that, and no one cares, especially if it's someone you're playing in ranked that we can't see. Yes, Lion says something is broken, I say something is gay, but we stop at that, you have to think up elaborate ways to carry it on.

The way you always act and speak, subconsciously or not, you place yourself on this pedestal as the paragon of knowledge. NOT ONCE have I ever heard you admit to being wrong or not knowing something, even arguing with tournament players who have proven to know more than you, and you always do it in the most public manner, so telling SNIPS to stop, please. You are often rude, you often place yourself above others whether you're trying to or not, and you do go on about things that no one cares about when you could have just stopped talking half an hour ago.

And yes, I sometimes talk over you, but that's only because I've waited for 10-20 minutes trying to say something and you haven't given anyone the opportunity.

ANYWAY, that said, I don't care about any of that if you want to commentate. I told you how I feel about you sometimes in party chat one night, and I'll repeat it again, I don't particularly like you, it has to do with the way you carry yourself. BUT, I won't let that get in the way of making a good commentary. You do know what you're talking about most of the time, and yes, you speak pretty eloquently about the game (whether someone asks you to explain something or you just go off on your own is another issue) so I think you could do a good job on it, and if it is me and you recording I will be nothing but professional unless you really push my buttons at which point I will step down.

This post was for the benefit of siding with SNIPS, and now he is not a child that needs protection but maybe if you see it's not just one person's opinion you'll realize that maybe there is something to it.
...lolwut? I don't even play ranked, for one, both because it takes forever to get a match started and the lack of rematches invites all sorts of lame shit. Second, everyone bitches about what's going on in the match they're playing, Lion especially. Like, I mean especially especially. I've often times had to ask him who he's even playing with how left-field it is. I'm not even saying that's a bad thing, I'm saying we all do it and you're the only one who seems to have issue with it.

And no, I "go at you" when you start getting passive-aggressive towards me for no reason. You signed on drunk out of your fucking skull last week, and for whatever reason, you were lashing out at me if I so much as spoke at all. Like, I was hardly even talking that night, since I was texting someone while I was waiting for my turns to come up in KotH, but in the rare event that I said anything, you'd cut in with some childish, passive-aggressive potshot out of nowhere. Like, I wasn't even arguing with anyone, I was just talking to Milky about how I wanted to try a new matchup with his Reptile and see how it goes. I didn't even so much as acknowledge you up til I called you out for it, so I was really confused as to what the hell your deal was. When I finally got tired of it and asked you, you went on a rant that I literally timed at four minutes straight. Like, I seriously checked my phone and went "Wow, it's been four fucking minutes since she last texted me and he's been talking this entire time, I hope he's at least remembering to breathe". I'm STILL not sure what I did to piss you off, but truthfully, it's no skin off my back. You responded to something I said on here the next day like none of this had even happened, and I just kind of stared at it, dumbfounded, like "what the hell do I even make of this?"

And l-o-l at arguing with tourney players. Look man, we've had one tourney player in the party, ever, and that's THTB. I've never once argued with the guy, because I think he really knows his shit. Hell, I've basically given him the I-am-not-worthy bow, because he's taught me a lot and I have nothing but respect for his opinion. This guy has come up with Reptile tech that I've yet to see anyone else use, not even Art Sanchez or Chris G, and some of it is still mindblowing to me. Please, by your leave, name one "tourney player" I've talked down to, because I don't even talk down to most randoms unless they're spouting off like they're the John Madden of MK9.

EDIT: Oh, and since I missed the bit about the "dozens of times" I've taken part in public drama, I'd just like to say that's a riot coming from you. Nevermind that; you're basing most of this on GFAQs. You don't seem to realize that I have absolutely no respect for GFAQs, its staff and the overwhelming majority of its userbase. There are a select few people from GFAQs I'd even give the time of day to. That whole site is a fucking cesspool of pretentious assholes, and I couldn't care less for what happens there. I try to conduct myself more reasonably on TYM, because I like the community here, and the staff members actually know what the hell they're doing. That said, if you attack me publicly, I'm going to defend myself publicly, and I think everyone has that right.

...Though hey, if you want to practice what you preach, you could always cut this shit out and send me a PM or something! PM too inconvenient for you? That's fine, I have three or four different IM addresses listed in my profile, pick whichever you like. I'm all about convenience.


Sig Maker
I'd love to be in. I could record matches as well but I'd only be able to do that as a MAYBE on weekday evenings; I should be able to record reliably on weekends (if you decide to do it on the weekend.) I also only have the game on 360 currently. If anything happens with the commentators, I could go up for commentary. I have a very thorough understanding of many characters in the game and many of their matchups (gloating aside lol)

I also thought of a couple good names for this:

Fatal Friday (or Fatality Friday)
Salty Saturday/Sunday


Lol at you thinking four minutes was long. I remember it was me, you and Milky in the party and you went on for about 20... I know because I sent messages to K7 and Ishimura as it was going on.

EDIT: As for the rest of this argument, like I said, I will do commentary if it's just me and you, and I will be professional. Something like this would be good for the community and I want nothing more but to help it grow.

Oh, and I'm PM'ing Static to delete my posts because I think they're being counter productive to the thread.