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A Unique Idea that will help the community.

I agree with Snips, One should commentate on the match as in "Sub-zero punishes scorpions whiffed teleport."(Just a scenario).
And to avoid "Bickering" one should casually talk about things like(Mind Goes BLANK)....Interesting thing's?
Now, the two commentators(to my knowledge: Shady and Altair) should either:
1)Pick permanent roles as which commentator "type" they feel suited to.
2)Switch roles every couple of videos/games.

Just an Idea.


Dies A Lot
If we're talking clans then I'm gonna have to throw in the (not really a clan but I don't care) Justice League:

War Mouse

Also I am a huge MMA fan and if anyone else is a MMA/UFC fan then this intro parody is epic and something we should try to make:

sorry off topic but that video was great hahaha. You should try and do something like that.

BTW depending on time and what not i would be down for this, seems like good fun.


Dojo Trainee
Also I just want to make a comment about who should commentate.

IMO there should be a guy who really knows what's going on and can explain pretty much what's going on all the time, but we also need a guy who can sort of ask questions/play dumb. This way they can dictate how the commentary goes and can be much smoother

This way it isn't a situation where two guys are overtalking eachother or arguing about what is happening. Not saying only one guy can be the "smart" one but it would be lame if there is arguing or one guy talking the whole time
Well, the best commentary format is usually to have someone who's loud, bombastic and charismatic for hype, balanced out by a calmer, more collected commentator for matchup analysis. You see this at almost every fighting game major, wherever possible: Guys like Art Sanchez and Ski Sonic are often put in because they're excitable and good at highlighting the match, where guys like Aris, Ultra David or Tom Brady are put in for their general knowledge of the game. Long story short, you need someone who's good at getting a reaction out of your audience, and you need a guy who's good at breaking down the game. I'd go so far as to say I'm pretty good at the latter, if nothing else.

Regardless, I know how to do commentary. I know what subjects to avoid, and I know how to keep my head. That said, I'm only as qualified as the other guy is. If even one of the commentators isn't conducting themselves properly, the commentary is never going to be smooth, simple as that. Regardless of what the final ruling on the commentators is, they'll both need to know how to handle this tactfully.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I have just so many things to say about that considering that two people who are commentating. We would at least need to place some sort of a limit on the amount of times he is allowed to say "ANYWAY." Just saying. Two per broadcast, tops.

I agree with that kind of format your proposed, but like, the other guy doesn't have to be entirely dumb, just comfortable enough to take a back seat, and contribute here and there not all the time. Also, while people do analyze the match, I feel like it would be counter productive from being overly critical and judgmental. Sure, saying "he could have punished that better if he did this or that" is cool, going on a 20 minute rant about that afterwards... Definitely not.
Agreed. It needs to be colorful. After all, this is to ENTERTAIN. I think tourney style commentators would be a bit much. May more like hype commentators. Ufc/wwe style. That's why I think doing commentary in post is the best bet. That and so it can be mixed down with video audio in editing using compression, limiters, etc. Hell even light mastering.

-b_s- :headbang:


Dojo Trainee
I have just so many things to say about that considering that two people who are commentating. We would at least need to place some sort of a limit on the amount of times he is allowed to say "ANYWAY." Just saying. Two per broadcast, tops.
Only if we limit the amount of times you cut me off mid-sentence.

And Snips, where the hell was I on that list you posted?


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Well, the best commentary format is usually to have someone who's loud, bombastic and charismatic for hype, balanced out by a calmer, more collected commentator for matchup analysis. You see this at almost every fighting game major, wherever possible: Guys like Art Sanchez and Ski Sonic are often put in because they're excitable and good at highlighting the match, where guys like Aris, Ultra David or Tom Brady are put in for their general knowledge of the game. Long story short, you need someone who's good at getting a reaction out of your audience, and you need a guy who's good at breaking down the game. I'd go so far as to say I'm pretty good at the latter, if nothing else.

Regardless, I know how to do commentary. I know what subjects to avoid, and I know how to keep my head. That said, I'm only as qualified as the other guy is. If even one of the commentators isn't conducting themselves properly, the commentary is never going to be smooth, simple as that. Regardless of what the final ruling on the commentators is, they'll both need to know how to handle this tactfully.
The point I'm trying to make is that the two need to have chemistry going on with the commentary. Of course there needs to be someone who can get hype over stuff but if he's talking the whole time and the other guy is just sitting there making a comment or two out of every fifty, then it just doesn't sound right.

Not saying that there are any qualifications because this thing is for fun and obviously not to be taken as serious as real tournaments, just saying that it should be fun for people to listen to. I think sometimes you are a bit too critical and go on too long about things. Not that it's bad, but when there is another person there it might be too one-sided of a commentary.

And idk I like to just think of the Justice League as the original people Grim posted since he's the one who created it. I know there are other people in it as well but I like the OG


Only if we limit the amount of times you cut me off mid-sentence.

And Snips, where the hell was I on that list you posted?
I promise to not cut you off mid sentence if you pause to breath once in a while in between everything you say. The other night when you me and Milky were in the party I think you narrated like 10 of your ranked matches without a break. ;).

But no, I can put all of that aside if it ends up being me and you and work it out, but it's going to be a two way deal.


Dojo Trainee
The point I'm trying to make is that the two need to have chemistry going on with the commentary. Of course there needs to be someone who can get hype over stuff but if he's talking the whole time and the other guy is just sitting there making a comment or two out of every fifty, then it just doesn't sound right.

Not saying that there are any qualifications because this thing is for fun and obviously not to be taken as serious as real tournaments, just saying that it should be fun for people to listen to. I think sometimes you are a bit too critical and go on too long about things. Not that it's bad, but when there is another person there it might be too one-sided of a commentary.

And idk I like to just think of the Justice League as the original people Grim posted since he's the one who created it. I know there are other people in it as well but I like the OG
You're basing my ability to commentate on the handful of times we've both been in party chat on Xbox Live, the same place that usually devolves into Milky and Lion arguing over which of the two is gayer and Shady offering his nightly dissertation on why the game is busted. Like, think about this for a minute.

Again, I know how to commentate. I've done it before, albeit never for MK9. I can work with whomever you give me as long as they can work with me.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
You're basing my ability to commentate on the handful of times we've both been in party chat on Xbox Live, the same place that usually devolves into Milky and Lion arguing over which of the two is gayer and Shady offering his dissertation on why the game is busted. Like, think about this for a minute.

Again, I know how to commentate. I've done it before, albeit never for MK9. I can work with whomever you give me as long as they can work with me.
I never said you couldn't commentate. All I said was the two commentators have to work well together. And I've been in the party many times when you are in there and I am not just randomly making stuff up, you talk a lot, not that it's bad just saying that you tend to be very critical of people. I don't know why you mentioned Milky or Lion, we both know that when we all play KOTH together it eventually degrades into a salty fest.

Just saying that it'd be bad to have two people arguing or overtalking the other. Not saying it WILL happen with you and Shady, just saying that it might happen just from how both of you guys talk in party chat. Notice I never specifically said neither of you should do it, just pointing things out. And obviously party chat isn't the equivalent of commentating.


Bad Reputation
I'd like to toss my hat into the ring for commentary purposes as well (even if just some here and there). I'm loud, over-the-top and have the cutest lil southern accent. ^_^ lol

Seriously, though. I have no problem taking back seat (God knows I spent enough time in one in High School) to whomever and when it comes to playing dumb, I got that shit on lockdown. =-D I, also, wouldn't be able to litter commentary with all the annoying emoticons I overuse on the board -_-

Win-win. Bi-winning if you will, like Charlie Sheen. (damn. I wish I had an emoticon for snorting a line of coke)


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Maybe there can be different commentators for the different systems. If this thing is done weekly, one week can be 360 users then the next PS3 users so it'd be more organized?


YShady offering his nightly dissertation
While I agree I do do that, the way you described it and the fact that it is you describing it as such in the first place really made me laugh. If mine are dissertations... I can only imagine.

But like I said, I'll do it, I won't let it get out of hand, as long as I'm not just there to say "yes" and "no" while you go on mini narratives.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I think the commentary for something like this should be looked at like a radio show. Especially if its done in post production. Commentators, whomever they maybe, can work out talking points, banter etc, and start laying down tracks, as well as embody a persona and role within the show and go with it. Egos can't be an issue, its all about commitment to the performance if you will. If this is for the entertainment of the viewer and we're going for spectacle, I think no stone should be left unturned, nothing not thought out to the last detail.

-b_s- :headbang:


TYM White Knight
Why don't you two just wait and see what happens :p

And I am not completely against alternate weeks for the consoles, but for now I am worrying about finding recorders. We desperately need them to get this thing off the ground.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Why don't you two just wait and see what happens :p

And I am not completely against alternate weeks for the consoles, but for now I am worrying about finding recorders. We desperately need them to get this thing off the ground.
When do you think this will start? If we got recorders today when do you think we would do this? Maybe in like a week or two?

If I can get a hdtv soon I will glady get recording equipment and record the matches. Is it possible to record on a standard tv or would it be unbelievably crappy?


TYM White Knight
When do you think this will start? If we got recorders today when do you think we would do this? Maybe in like a week or two?

If I can get a hdtv soon I will glady get recording equipment and record the matches. Is it possible to record on a standard tv or would it be unbelievably crappy?
If we had recorders today, I would like to have the hype video out this weekend and the matches out for the following monday (not next monday but the monday after) that will give enough time to organize a card, confirm participents, record matches, dub commentary, edit, and release.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
If we had recorders today, I would like to have the hype video out this weekend and the matches out for the following monday (not next monday but the monday after) that will give enough time to organize a card, confirm participents, record matches, dub commentary, edit, and release.
I see. Well keep in mind SummerJam/MLG is this weekend and some people also have school coming up (me :( ). I'm not sure if my campus connection will be good enough to participate all the time but on most weekends I should be able to help and I would also love to help in any other way I can.