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Match-up Discussion Kinetic Balding's Cyborg matchup chart


Nice DS number. Most Cy players think cy loses. He can actually hold his own.

Both are extremely scary in the corner and cyborg controls space well mid screen.

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
Zatanna's disks are much slower than cyborgs fireball so I can just keep doing fireballs and recover in time to punish her teleports. Ares's Axe, sword, mb fireball, and teleport keep me from zoning him effectively. Unlike zatanna, ares can counter my zoning with his own.
I'm sorry but the first sentence of your reply just didn't make any sense to me. "Her disks are slow so I can just fireball and punish her teles". Umm what?
Number1: Are you saying you can iaNB through her rings with out stopping and that they pass through you or do you actually have to stop and block?
Number2: How are her rings worse than ares' fireballs/trait when they hit mid, can be raised or lowered, and full screen frame trap when ares hit high and can be ducked for no chip?
Number3: Is ares zoning unblockable now? What I mean is how does Cyborg out zone Zatanna enough that you can recover in time to punish her teleports yet Ares zoning gives him trouble from FULL SCREEN?

Kinetic Balding1

Day 1 Phenomenal Cyborg
I'm sorry but the first sentence of your reply just didn't make any sense to me. "Her disks are slow so I can just fireball and punish her teles". Umm what?
Number1: Are you saying you can iaNB through her rings with out stopping and that they pass through you or do you actually have to stop and block?
Number2: How are her rings worse than ares' fireballs/trait when they hit mid, can be raised or lowered, and full screen frame trap when ares hit high and can be ducked for no chip?
Number3: Is ares zoning unblockable now? What I mean is how does Cyborg out zone Zatanna enough that you can recover in time to punish her teleports yet Ares zoning gives him trouble from FULL SCREEN?
If zatanna tries to throw disks between my fireballs, they will get stuffed and I'm talking about just zoning with the regular fireball. If zatanna blocks a regular fireball full screen, its plus enough that I can do another fireball and recover in time to punish her teleport and send her back full screen if she tries to teleport. Ares's projectiles have much faster startup than zatanna's disks plus he has a teleport I cant punish while zoning. His axe and mb fire keep me from doing air fireballs.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
also when ares scores a knock down cyborg is dead :DOGE this is Rosanne with the guide to the world of facts

EDIT: Nothing ares possesses stops an instant blast, @Relaxedstate, I cant even tele in because he has an option select off an instant one that I eat after his recovery. Also MB I get in but usually forced to block. But de bothers him going any higher or trying to spam. Sword is about the only thing that might get a trade and sword is supermans super in a 9% high form. And cyborg standing resets in the corner making it really tough once found there. Other than that I do believe ares romps his shit.
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Salt Mine CEO
To this day, and I play an offline Cyborg regularly, I would say Raven vs. Cyborg is 7-3 in her favor. What can he honestly do that she can't counter/get a better trade from?

Kinetic Balding1

Day 1 Phenomenal Cyborg
To this day, and I play an offline Cyborg regularly, I would say Raven vs. Cyborg is 7-3 in her favor. What can he honestly do that she can't counter/get a better trade from?
Cyborg plays this mu by rushdown, not by zoning. Raven cant parry cyborg's nb if he has down a TA. Raven cannot zone cyborg without trait. When she gets trait I'm only taking 12 chip then I can rushdown on raven. I dont duck ravens projectile I jump it everytime I see then I block soul crush. Cyborg can get in easily. Raven has no wakeup option if the 113 is tech rolled. Cyborg can easily stuff them.


Salt Mine CEO
Raven cannot zone cyborg without trait.
I have and I've done it over and over. Raven can definitely zone Cyborg without trait. Also, what are you rushing her down with? What projectile are you jumping, the bird? There's no way you're jumping the spires. Also, does everyone forget about singularity(lift)? Jumping against Raven is something you don't do. There's no slight advantage in this matchup, it's in Raven's favor completely.

Kinetic Balding1

Day 1 Phenomenal Cyborg
I have and I've done it over and over. Raven can definitely zone Cyborg without trait. Also, what are you rushing her down with? What projectile are you jumping, the bird? There's no way you're jumping the spires. Also, does everyone forget about singularity(lift)? Jumping against Raven is something you don't do. There's no slight advantage in this matchup, it's in Raven's favor completely.
I can jump the shadow raven df1 and block the soul crush after. If raven uses the spire throughout the duration of trait I'm only taking 12% chip from blocking the spires.
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Cyborg's Savior
If I open up the dictionary to look up Stockholm Syndrome, it better be synonymous with this MU chart.

Its like, Cyborg is so bad that their community...thinks he's good now.
Pig suggested that i should play you Aquaman vs Cyborg, i said that the match is 5-5:cool: can i get your PSN account?