Hi guys (Again lol this time is for real I swear!), been a looong while and I decided to get Injustice on PC since steam sales happened for christmas. How are you all doing?
I sadly don't have my arcade stick with me so I'll have to play with keyboard/gamepad for a while and was wondering how Hawkgirl had evolved after all that time? I mean if she did, or is it still same old type of game and frustrating matchups against sinestro?

My steam id is Boodendorf if anyone's wondering and wanna try out a few matches once I get the game downloaded!
Hello, I am well yourself? At present, I am preparing to use Hawkgirl at KIT this weekend! I still have my Martian, but for most match ups I am fairly certain she doesn't need one as she can get the job done just fine.
Trepound got top eight with her recently and PPJ got top eight at EVO in July so she has remained active in the tournament scene. I was at UFGT, but didn't do as well as I would have liked, but not bad either. The other good sign is PPJ, Tre, myself and other Hawkgirls all have their own unique styles of play and they all seem to work well for all of us for different reasons so I'd say that's a good sign that she has evolved in a positive way in my opinion.
I think her pressure system is really interesting now as opposed to in the past. When I return from KIT, I will be uploading a vid of some new pressure and viable shenanigans I've come up with recently

If you'd like to catch up on some relatively up to date meta stuff my extended guide thread has a lot of cool, legit ideas and options to help speed getting back into things along.
I don't have steam unfortunately. I play on Ps3 and recently got a PS4 to play on now though. I am always pleased to have old faces floating around here. If you have any questions, please let me know!
As for Sinestro, I think she loses still, but opinions seem to vary depending on who you ask. I wrote an opinion on what I think of it in the aforementioned thread.