Ugh....I feel like our info is so limited even considering the game is gonna be released in a month. In MK9, I played smoke and rain. I felt like rain was a tough character to play because his strings were bad. I had a hard time mounting an offense with him. Assuming he's in MK X, I'll prolly see what he's like. Otherwise, I'd say I currently have an interest in quan chi and kitana (that jade like mournful variation seems cool). Of course, much more information TBA regarding characters so looking forward to that.
Btw, nice meeting the rest of you HG players that I'm not familiar with. D'vorah looks pretty cool too.
You're preaching to the choir, I'm so curious to see what Goro's about it's not even funny lol. At least we'll have it in our hands soon

I really enjoyed Rain as well although I didn't main him personally. He appeared in a story trailer recently drop kicking Kotal Kahn off this tower so maybe he's in, but I've also heard he's just a story character, it's all speculation at this point, but hopefully you get someone you like.
Quan Chi (particularly sorcerer variation) looks phenomenal and if I were to use Kitana, I'd definitely go with Mournful/Royal Storm, big fan of Jade? I co-mained her with Stryker in MK9, sucks she wasn't too great honestly (and by that I mean terrible).
I could see you playing D'Vorah, any particular variation catch your eye?
I'm on the Spectral Ermac tip, the real Hawkgirl Successor

I'm looking at Kano, Quan Chi and Mileena as well.
I saw that air charge Ermac did in Spectral and was like "Gurl.....for real?"
Hopefully we get something in the coming weeks for Mileena.
Kano is awesome simply because he seems to have the most varied variations of the revealed characters (rushdown, zoning, and grapple based)