My Raven experience comes from @
AK Dream Sword. And I agree, it
is winnable, just annoying as you said.
The difference here is that patience does work against Harley, but Raven preys upon your patience using the extensive reach on her Soul Crush and her Demon Stance pillars. You literally have to guess when she will throw out the Soul Crush, because there isn't enough animation on the move for you to take notice, stop walking immediately, and block. The entire match devolves to a guessing game where you constantly ask yourself, "When should I walk and when I should not?"
You could call out trait bats, but at best you'd only be able to disrupt a trade. I have no idea what else you could use them for. Add in the fact that Raven can absorb them like your Batarangs and...yeah.
Raven's top-notch walk speed doesn't help our case, either. You literally can't cross her up unless you knock her down. And her small hitbox just adds to our troubles.
Sinestro, I have no comment on because I don't know him well enough to say anything.