I think it's only fair to give my fellow Dark Knights a heads-up about the Doomsday match-up (if this is already known, feel free to say so).
Go to training mode, pick Doomsday as the opponent, pick
any level at all, and then start the practice match with both characters at a corner. Set Doomsday to crouch-block, then do b2 3. What you will see is the following:
Doomsday blocks the first hit and takes the second because he's crouch-blocking and the second hit is an overhead, but when the follow-up explosion occurs, Doomsday is not juggled at all and Batman gains no combo opportunity.
I just came across this bullshit after fighting a Doomsday player on PSN. At first I assumed it was a costume-specific glitch since the Doomsday player was using his Containment Suit skin, but when I tested this with Doomsday in his primary skin, the problem still occurred.
Luckily, the explosion will still connect against Doomsday if any of the following scenarios happen:
A) If he doesn't block any of the b2 3 string at midscreen or in the corner.
B) If he blocks the b2 but eats the 3 at midscreen.
Does anyone have any idea as to why this happens?
Rude Metzos SonicBoomBrad FOREVER KING AK Reno_Racks Noobe TheTruth4591 UsedForGlue NB Semi Evil Ryu
EDIT: So apparently, this happens if you stand literally right next to Doomsday when doing b2 3. If you create a little bit of space between yourself and Doomsday before doing b2 3, the explosion from the string WILL connect. Interesting...at least it eliminates the earlier problem.