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The official buffs/nerfs discussion thread.

I disagree with essentially all of this.

And again, NO ONE should be asking for ANYTHING other than bugfixes when the patch is so new that we don't even have it on all platforms.

Also I highly suspect most of what you're suggesting is the result of groupthink rather than your personal experiences.

Ya that I get, but people do xray combos that WON'T end the round, not by a long shot.
Unbreakable damage is still good. Some characters have X-rays that scale very nicely (Ermac), others have X-rays which allow them to burn meter for damage when they have no other way to (Cyber Sub, Jade, Noob), while others still allow you to land big damage from an AA combo that might be difficult or impossible to otherwise (Noob, Kung Lao). There are more examples than these.

A few other reasons:
Being hit with a 60%ish X-ray combo is extremely demoralizing and can make even good players do something slightly more desperate than they should.
Putting someone into chippable health without causing a KO can still render their breaker useless.
You may not be afraid of the opponent's combo damage (Jax), and thus not worry as much about using your own breaker meter.
Also, and this is often overlooked, soul steal X-ray combos kick ass and are even more demoralizing.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Main: Kitana/Scorpion
Buff: Stryker
Nerf: None

Explanation: Stryker Mobility for juggling are too poor, and his combos are already hard to link, since the frame data for each strike of him is kinda slow, if this MK would have the Same Block propriety as Deadly Alliance, he would be punished during attacks strings


In Europe!
Main: I don't have one
Buff: Jade, Sheeva, (Noob)
Nerf: Sonya, Jax, Kitana, Cyrax, Kabal, Reptile

Jade needs faster normals or something to make her more competitive. And why can't she combo off of the return hit of an EX boomerang?

Sheeva needs something done with her ground stomp (d, b+4). It's pretty much useless as it is and I hate useless moves. I also don't like how slow her normals are.

I don't have a specific idea for Noob. I don't mind him being on the lower end of the tier spectrum, but I think it's silly he gets outzoned by some characters when he's supposed to be the super zoner.

Sonya I'm not sure about. I just feel she will turn out to be extremely good as time goes on and for example a nerf to her (and Mileena's) d4 would be a subtle change to might help balance things out

Jax needs to have his corner bullshit removed, adn the random frame advantage that he has on one of his strings. And I might be buying into Brady's hype too much, but perhaps they should also remove the armor on his ex-overhead smash or something to balance him a little better overall.

Kitana has a stupid d1. They could tone that down a little and/or give her f2 a little less priority over other moves.

Cyrax needs to have his silly damage removed. His long-ass combos are cool, but they shouldn't be resets (so they would scale appropriately) or the resets should be removed alltogether.

Kabal should have his zoning toned down. Just adding a little more recovery to his gas blast would probably do it. I also don't like how his startup animation on dash and saw make him avoid a lot of moves that really ought to hit him.

Reptile: Just my opinion, but I don' t like his elbow dash. You can do it three or four times within one second and be all over the screen and I think that's stupid and it doesn't fit this character. Give the elbow dash more recovery on whiff


Go to hell.
Main: Sub Zero, Noob, Scorpion, Reptile, CSZ
Buff: Noob should have a pop up special or normal to increase his combo ability, no doubt is it lacking.
Explanation: Noob is the only character without one, much less both.
Hopefully in MK GOTY edition...


I don't mind fighting most characters, no matter what they have with one exception......

Reptiles elbow dash. I still think it's too good. People say you can full combo punish, but not everyone has fast normals and im sick of just D3 him. And yeah, that whole dashing about a million times because you're in the air is ridiculous.

I wonder if a good buff would be if it worked like NW's shoulder, i.e., you can duck it. I mean his slide is fast, so it's not like you could just sit there not blocking.

As pathetic and lame SZ's ice clone and Raidens teleport is, I can work round that BS. I still hate Reptiles Elbow Dash with a passion! lol


Main - Baraka

Buff Blade Charge damage to do 10 instead of 8. EX should do 15.

Give f+4 more advantage on hit.

That's all for now.


My blades will find your heart
Main is Baraka, and I think if his spark had faster recovery he could compete with a lot more characters.

I don't mind fighting most characters, no matter what they have with one exception......

Reptiles elbow dash. I still think it's too good. People say you can full combo punish, but not everyone has fast normals and im sick of just D3 him. And yeah, that whole dashing about a million times because you're in the air is ridiculous.

I wonder if a good buff would be if it worked like NW's shoulder, i.e., you can duck it. I mean his slide is fast, so it's not like you could just sit there not blocking.

As pathetic and lame SZ's ice clone and Raidens teleport is, I can work round that BS. I still hate Reptiles Elbow Dash with a passion! lol
I played a guy whose tag was OFID. Me and him played up to 12 casuals Baraka vs. Reptile, and it is indeed punishable. Its still difficult because the dash makes it impossible to do d1 slices pressure, but if you bait it it will be punished by a full combo.


Main - Baraka

Buff Blade Charge damage to do 10 instead of 8. EX should do 15.

Give f+4 more advantage on hit.

That's all for now.
Blade charge is perfect now, it does not need further buffs.

Zoidberg, as a fellow Baraka player, how do you punish Reptiles elbow dash?


Head Cage
Main - Baraka

Buff Blade Charge damage to do 10 instead of 8. EX should do 15.

Give f+4 more advantage on hit.

That's all for now.
After reading this post I finally realize how stupid people are. Thank you so much for opening my eyes.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Main: Sub Zero, Noob, Scorpion, Reptile, CSZ
Buff: Noob should have a pop up special or normal to increase his combo ability, no doubt is it lacking.
Explanation: Noob is the only character without one, much less both.
Hopefully in MK GOTY edition...
lol... you main Sub and didn't realize he doesn't have a launcher string either... wow.


I'm just posting my opinion, no need for name calling.

Since you guys seem to know it all, how would you buff Baraka?


My blades will find your heart
Blade charge is perfect now, it does not need further buffs.

Zoidberg, as a fellow Baraka player, how do you punish Reptiles elbow dash?
B3,1 F4 into frametraps. But anything starting with B3,1 will work(offline that is)


Buff Mileena! Make her ex telekick second hit an over head. Make her ball roll a low. Also give her EX ball roll/EX Telekick armor. Also, keep her ex ball an overhead but also make it low cuz regular ball roll will be low. Oh and make it 6 frames.


Go to hell.
lol... you main Sub and didn't realize he doesn't have a launcher string either... wow.
He has a combo extender. Freeze. Same basic principle. Noob is the ONLY character in the entire game without a meterless pop up normal, special, or even a combo extender ie the aforementioned Sub Zero. All Noob has is his EX Upknee which only works in the corner, otherwise it's 16-18% for a bar. And as for his reset, it's easily escapable. I like you, so I'll be nice, but do me a favor and shut up, you're spraying diarrhea all over your keyboard.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
He has a combo extender. Freeze. Same basic principle. Noob is the ONLY character in the entire game without a meterless pop up normal, special, or even a combo extender ie the aforementioned Sub Zero. All Noob has is his EX Upknee which only works in the corner, otherwise it's 16-18% for a bar. And as for his reset, it's easily escapable. I like you, so I'll be nice, but do me a favor and shut up, you're spraying diarrhea all over your keyboard.
Noob needs Freddy's zoning....

but seriously... I simply stated a fact... rather mean... but a fact non the less.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Mains: Sektor, Smoke, Scorpion
Buffs: Jade, Sheeva (a bit), Noob Saibot, Quan Chi, Sindel
Nerfs: Jax, Cyrax, Smoke

Jade: Jade really needs to be buffed badly, the base (and EX) Staff Overhead needs sped up to the point that you don't need meter for her lone mix-up combos. (She needs meter elsewhere. Period.) Also her boomerangs need to come out faster or boomerangs need to travel faster.

Sheeva: Her Ground Stomp is poo. Needs to come out just a tick quicker. Other than that, she's fine.

Noob Saibot: davidovitch hit it on the money. He needs super Zoning tools and right now he gets outzoned by other zoners which is ridiculous.

Quan Chi: His base Ground Bursts are crap, they need a bigger hitbox at the very least.

Sindel: Her Step Up needs more range, and armor on either the Scream or Hair Toss.

Jax: Random corner advantage must GO! It's like you're in god mode, seriously...

Cyrax: Bomb/Net/Unbreakable resets have to go. Make it so that if there is a bomb out then no nets can be deployed immediately after.

Smoke: Vibration glitch, gotta go.

Other notes: I'm on the fence as far as Kabal's zoning goes, I don't think it's overpowered but it's still a big obstacle to get through.
What is with after Rain's Super Kick that I dash the wrong freakin' direction? Yeah, it happens when you dash too soon after a Super Kick but that's not supposed to happen!

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Mains: Noob
Buffs: Noob, Jade, Sindel, Subbzy

Noob: Recovery
Jade: Everything
Sindel: Damage buff?

Nerf: Kabal, Kitana, Cyrax, Mileena, Kung Lao

Kabal: Zoning
Kitana: d1, priority of f2
Cyrax: Doesnt need outrageous damage or resets, command grab
Mileena: d4
Kung Lao: Everything


Go to hell.
Mains: Noob
Buffs: Noob, Jade, Sindel, Subbzy

Noob: Recovery
Jade: Everything
Sindel: Damage buff?
Subbzy: Armor on EXFreeze

Nerf: Kabal, Kitana, Cyrax, Mileena, Kung Lao

Kabal: Zoning
Kitana: d1, priority of f2
Cyrax: Doesnt need outrageous damage or resets, command grab
Mileena: d4
Kung Lao: Everything
No if Sub Zero gets a buff don't waste it on EX freeze. Less fireball startup, slide goes under duckable projectiles, and take away damage scaling on freeze. Just for trolling, EX ice clone eats armor. Sub Zero forum could never, ever complain again with their top 5 character.
Main(s): Sub-Zero,Cyrax

Buffs: Sub-Zero's Damage at least..one of the most iconic characters in the series and he's shit compared to most.Buff Jade and Noob's recovery for sure.

Nerfs:Jax,Kabal and Kitana
Main(s) Kabal, Sub, JC, Shang Tsung. Buff Sub, being able to duck under projectiles, more armor, etc. Shang fix the morphback invulnerablity. Kabal IMO needs some nerfs, but eh... Nerf Cyrax, Smoke