Main: Jade
Buffs: b2 - 15 frames start-up, boomerangs - faster start-up, buff damage by 1-3% on normals/specials, 34 string to combo into specials.
Nerfs: Kabal's IAFB (6% damage or longer cooldown), Kenshi - make some of his specials have projectile abilities (to be handled easier by Jade), Jax - nerf his projectile recovery or start-up or remove armor on overhead smash.
Buffs: b2 - 15 frames start-up, boomerangs - faster start-up, buff damage by 1-3% on normals/specials, 34 string to combo into specials.
Nerfs: Kabal's IAFB (6% damage or longer cooldown), Kenshi - make some of his specials have projectile abilities (to be handled easier by Jade), Jax - nerf his projectile recovery or start-up or remove armor on overhead smash.