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The official buffs/nerfs discussion thread.


Main: Jade
Buffs: b2 - 15 frames start-up, boomerangs - faster start-up, buff damage by 1-3% on normals/specials, 34 string to combo into specials.
Nerfs: Kabal's IAFB (6% damage or longer cooldown), Kenshi - make some of his specials have projectile abilities (to be handled easier by Jade), Jax - nerf his projectile recovery or start-up or remove armor on overhead smash.
kung lao doesn't need a good upper cut, trade with someone who could use it, like sheeva or kano or sub \ and cybersub

its like everytime i take a piss cyrax has a new way to do 40 - 60% with out the need to practice timing, he has to0 many rewarding options and is too noob friendly in learning curve. take away random advantage from 21 (0r 12 err the one he can through or overhead from) and make it poke able evertime. also make his resets recoverable so there not out right untechable combos, i think cyrax resets are cool, but cyrax can do 30 to 40% combos without useing his net ounce.
make the nets collision grow just like the model does in the game <- net come out of cyrax's chest right? how to hell do i keep getting hit by this shit when im crossing him up? whats his awesome upper cut for anyway ( just make net collision match the net itself, this shouldn't even be an argument) nets the only thing that really needs a nerf in the game.

just to say i dont have trouble fighting cyrax's. but you cant deni at this point that hes not easiely the best all around character in the game

instant air fan to 2 frame start up. just to give the illustion of a debuff
give syndel an armor move
give sektor an armor move
give whom ever does't have an armor move an armor move. it doesn't even have to be usefull
make ex knife easy to combo ounce hitting opp in the air (makeing kanos damage better in resault)
more command grabs like cyrax's
Buffs/Nerfs id like to see.

Sheeva- Make low grab hit standing opponents

Death. As much as I would LOVE this buff. That would make my character too OP. That move is unblockable and enhanced version has armor. So I would have an unblockable armor move that does close to 50%. Boy that would be awesome!