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The official buffs/nerfs discussion thread.


Don't Hate!
The only buff I think is desperately needed in the game is Kabal's X-Ray. It should just have armor. It's already worthless as far as damage goes. The least they could do is give it armor so you can't be poked or projectiled out of it. It would make people think twice before attacking a Kabal with a full meter. If they don't block, they eat the xray. That is only fair right? That is every other xray in the game, pretty sure his is the only one with no armor at all.


Come At Me Bro
I have learned a TREMENDOUS amount from the forums, I then go apply it.
Im completly agreeing with this. This forum helped me to grasp this game an overall diffrent point of view. My tactics, bnbs, charcters all changed and i learned everything needed to know about mathups thanks to the dedicated people here. Without the community i might of lost interest in this game and ocassionally play with friends but this game is by far the bestfighting game ive played these few years.


Jesus Fucking Christ
To the online players wanting nerfs for half the cast either learn to adapt or gtfo. If I can get punished online for reptiles dash by a total scrub. YOU CAN DO IT TO.... Find someone to practice with tell them to spam reptiles dash, learn your character's fastest special's/normal's, BINGO....

Reptile gives me a little trouble online, but it seems that the recovery on his dash is fine in proportion to the damage it dishes. Kabal's spin and Scorpion's spear, for example, can lead to huge damage but leave the player at a huge disadvantage when blocked or whiffed. The risk/payoff ratio is perfect in my eyes.

Tom Brady

The only buff I think is desperately needed in the game is Kabal's X-Ray. It should just have armor. It's already worthless as far as damage goes. The least they could do is give it armor so you can't be poked or projectiled out of it. It would make people think twice before attacking a Kabal with a full meter. If they don't block, they eat the xray. That is only fair right? That is every other xray in the game, pretty sure his is the only one with no armor at all.

it has armor, its like sub-zero's.. it has armor after start up, not on start up. it has armor as he is moving forward.
The only buff I think is desperately needed in the game is Kabal's X-Ray. It should just have armor. It's already worthless as far as damage goes. The least they could do is give it armor so you can't be poked or projectiled out of it. It would make people think twice before attacking a Kabal with a full meter. If they don't block, they eat the xray. That is only fair right? That is every other xray in the game, pretty sure his is the only one with no armor at all.
Yeah Kabals Xray is pretty much super garbage atm, i'd be nice for an armor buff of some sort. But I guess it's okay considering people don't use xrays too much and it conserves meter if you don't use it. Kabal + 1 meter advantage for not ever using xray.


The Gryphon
Kabal but i dont really play to many since its so tidious to learn him but the few good kabals a play give me a run

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Absolutely no damn changes.... Just for listening to idiots everywhere, kung lao is getting nerfed. Yes it's not a major nerf but still, he isn't a cheap character like kids who cry about losing to him say he is. He's just a really good character, some characters are just made better than others plain and simple, that doesn't mean they're broken.

If any buff cyrax, he should transform into a camaro and his bombs should home into their opponents.:bigsmile:


Come On Die Young
Yeah Kabal totally needs a buff...

On a more serious note, what do you guys think about one of these two options for Baraka?
1. Blade charge, regular and ex, is safe on block
2. Ex blade charge goes full screen

I'm not 100% advocating for either one, I just think his blade charge would be the key to make him an extremely viable character. But would it make him broken, or just Nightwolf-ish?

Edit for Tom Brady: Please read my whole post (*cough* the last sentence) before going "lolz noob u r dumb"

Tom Brady

Yeah Kabal totally needs a buff...

On a more serious note, what do you guys think about one of these two options for Baraka?
1. Blade charge, regular and ex, is safe on block
2. Ex blade charge goes full screen

I'm not 100% advocating for either one, I just think his blade charge would be the key to make him an extremely viable character. But would it make him broken, or just Nightwolf-ish?
this is one of the most ridiculous not thought out at all buffs in the thread.


Come On Die Young
this is one of the most ridiculous not thought out at all buffs in the thread.
Tom... that's why I said i'm not 100% advocating either one... I don't like putting out buff ideas because I don't like buffs and nerfs very much myself. I was just wanting to see what people thought about that.


My blades will find your heart
From max distance Barakas blade charge is safe on block, up close it is not. I think it should stay that way because if it becomes safe, it becomes spammable imo(I already use it personally a lot until I get them in the corner, it being safe would be a little much).

As for the EX blade charge goes full screen, that would just be awesome but extremely overpowered lol


My blades will find your heart
Yes, I'm pretty sure I have. I'm also pretty sure I didn't say "should" or "needs" anywhere in my post. Let's take things out of context because I asked a question.
My answer is above. It already is safe from max range, from close range it would be spammable and a little overpowered. Having his EX blade charge go full screen is honestly a ridiculous notion no matter how you put itXD


Come On Die Young
then why suggest it........
Because Baraka needs to get in to make things happen, and he currently has one of the hardest times getting in of the whole cast. That was the whole point of giving JC's ex shadow kick armor. What I'm saying is I have a hard time imagining him beating a top-level player playing a char with good fullscreen options. That's why I would not suggest that ex be fullscreen AND safe, so it would be more like ex shadow kick.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

For real. Live and learn, and then decapitate.

Idk about fullscreen super safe powers, but a more savage, able-bodied Baraka would rule.


Not sure if serious....
I am. If Kabal went back to his original block stun after F32 I would play him again. So, NRS, please take this feedback from a tournament player into consideration.

Also nerf CSZ's braindead parry. I am sick and tired of getting knocked full-screen and then having him zone me to death with ice bombs and ice balls all day.

Thank you.


Ermac needs to lose just a fraction of his range on the TK push OR give him more cooldown time. I should be able to punish him with a Slide (Sub-Zero) if it gets blocked.


MK is kinda dope
Ermac needs to lose just a fraction of his range on the TK push OR give him more cooldown time. I should be able to punish him with a Slide (Sub-Zero) if it gets blocked.
You CAN punish him w/slide if you block it at the right range. If you take away Ermac's range on that, it severely neuters Ermac.


You CAN punish him w/slide if you block it at the right range. If you take away Ermac's range on that, it severely neuters Ermac.
Not only that but there is a sweet spot where Ermac players will sometimes think they can safely TKP but because Subzero's dash deceptively covers alot of ground you can dash in and 2,2,ice ball. Expert Ermac players will try hard to stay out of that range but I have caught even a few of them with that.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
Imo the game is pretty much balanced. There are some little changes that need to be done. In overall i hope that the 1.05 patch wont bring drastic changes and NRS will move on to the "Randomness" the shit that happens 60% of time, all the time.


MK is kinda dope
Overall, IMO, I wouldn't touch the top tier chars. They are fun to watch at high level, no matter what any of you say, you get mad hype watching top players use chars. If you didn't get hype watching PL win Evo, even w/KL, you are lying or not a real fan of MK. Point being, is to maybe buff the low tiers a little bit to make their matchups more towards 6-4 vs some that are 7-3 right now. This game needs very little char changes, just some hit box changes and it's perfect IMO


Don't Hate!
it has armor, its like sub-zero's.. it has armor after start up, not on start up. it has armor as he is moving forward.
I swear I've gotten poked out of it fullscreen before. Glitch? (This was online)

I've also lost to Kung Lao's Dive kick after startup.

I've lost to D+1's, projectiles, everything. And this is all at least 1 full second after startup.

This may just be an online issue, but it seems to lose to everything no matter what for me.


Because Baraka needs to get in to make things happen, and he currently has one of the hardest times getting in of the whole cast. That was the whole point of giving JC's ex shadow kick armor. What I'm saying is I have a hard time imagining him beating a top-level player playing a char with good fullscreen options. That's why I would not suggest that ex be fullscreen AND safe, so it would be more like ex shadow kick.
Let the haters hate. They obviously don't play Baraka. I don't necessarily agree with making blade charge safe, but fullscreen ex blade charge is something I feel he needs desperately. He has to spend EVERYTHING (all meter) to get in versus zoners who can zone for FREE. That's the crux of the situation. Nightwolf got a fullscreen armored ex shoulder bash that hits overhead, but Baraka can't get the same treatment with his hitting high? It's not like Nightwolf even needed the armor, he already had anti-zoning tools. Johnny got armor on his fullscreen gap closer and he's a much more deadly close combatant than Baraka. I'm not saying Baraka is bad, he's actually pretty good with a lot of nice frametraps, but fleeing zoners are a fucking nightmare for him, especially if they have air fireball games (Sindel, Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Kabal, etc).