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Freddy Krueger is Officially Hat Tier

LoneCenturion, those are actors, and key-words "based on"

Due to Freddy and the trolling because somehow Freddy is appealing to players of this game, I'm going to stop with everything mk-related for at least a week. Starting now. It will probably last longer.
Here you go. You seem like you might use this a lot.



NRS is really having a lot of fun here. They wanted people to DL him, even those who were on the fence, so the proper answer was... Let's give him a hat-tier like move set. Wow is his ground glove the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen for combo continuation. I mean you can hit it, go have a sandwich, read a newspaper, have a quick jerk and still keep going. I realize Crunchy's trance is the same but Crunchy only combos that into like a 30% or a Rune Trap, which is, let's face it, broken


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So iis he deliberately broke just to fuel DLC sales or is NRS really just that incompetent? And which option would be worse? Yeesh.
You know patches/updates do exist right? Bet ya his damage is nerfed by the years end...

At any rate, that's hilarious how this topic is "Hat tier" haha.

Always though a baseball cap and hat are the same...you wear both on your head? *shrugs shoulders* but


Digital Pro Sports
You are crying broken on day 1 due to training videos. His move set has yet to be proven to be hat tier, all we know is he has high damage output. That is all. Time will tell.


the special effects
You know patches/updates do exist right? Bet ya his damage is nerfed by the years end...

At any rate, that's hilarious how this topic is "Hat tier" haha.

Always though a baseball cap and hat are the same...you wear both on your head? *shrugs shoulders* but
Hat (manly)

Cap (girly, lame, and stupid)


Competent players can be hit with jump-in punch so I'm going with "yes".
Well, yes, they can, but don'tcha find it sad that is the only way Freddy could even get a combo going? He has no real starter, maybe EX Spike? I guess, but doing that means you're burning two meters to do one of his good combos and even then, EX Spikes don't stack afaik. So you're limited to doing a ~40% meterless one which a lot of the good characters can do as it is.

Bitching about Freddy is retarded and if a person quits because of him all I can say is, go have fun in MvCrapcom 3/AE. Where the games are pretty much dominated by one character/one team. Although, AE is a LOT better off then MvC is. Whatever though, to each their own style.


I was kinda pissed about guest characters when I heard about him but hes actually pretty cool and fits in the game well. His second fatality might be my favorite in the game haha.

Just gotta keep in mind that hes just another match up good or bad doesnt matter really. will I be worried about facing one at sin city heat? absolutely. Anyone who will be maining him will be a definite threat but still not as much of a sigh as lao on the select screen haha.
Freddy's cool. I don't care whether he has 60%+ combo's or not, i know a few chars have opportunity to pull off similar damage but i'm not gonna cry about it and the likelihood is anyone seen to have unfair damage output will get a Nerf anyway.


Ready for Freddy
LoneCenturion, those are actors, and key-words "based on"

Due to Freddy and the trolling because somehow Freddy is appealing to players of this game, I'm going to stop with everything mk-related for at least a week. Starting now. It will probably last longer.
No no no please don't go, Mortal Kombat can't survive without you!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


easy 50+ percent midscreen combos are bad?

I think the hope here is that scrubs just don't have the timing for his good combos, but the better players will be so it will be like Scrub Lao, he's going to be complete poop in most hands but in good hands he'll induce RAGE!


Dojo Trainee
F+42.. can be hit confirmed into db1 into juggles. also, bf2 is fast and has almost no cool down. from full screen let the bf2 begin ha!!

i say let it play out, the issue with mk9 isnt balance its bugs and move functionality. forget balance, let them fix all the bugs, glitches, and functionality.
I say let it play out too, but unless he has trouble accessing his higher damage combos or there's some glaring flaw we're just not seeing, he sounds pretty fucking broken to me. I'm not even one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to DLC characters; when Kenshi first came out, everyone said he was broken as fuck, and I just said "Jesus christ it's day one give it a fucking week before you start blacklisting". When Rain came out, you had people on both sides of the fence, ranging from "Rain has high damage combos that means he's god-tier" or "Rain feels kind of clunky that means he's shit-tier", and yet again, I told people to just give it time. The difference is that neither of those characters can easily rack up 50 and 60% combos with no ostensible drawbacks. I'll still wait it out, but I'm not very optimistic.

By the way, I threw an ice ball at Freddy with Sub Zero right after the round started, from around 3/4 to fullscreen distance. Freddy did some kind of delayed slash, which I assume was a special (I wouldn't know, hell if I'd ever shell out money for this shit). The ice ball went right through him.

This was not an EX move.

This was not a wakeup attack.

He just went right. Fucking. Through it. I want to say "oh it's cool it's probably just a glitch and he's not really that broken" but even if that IS the case, what the fuck? MK has some pretty crippling, ostensibly random glitches that I turn a blind eye to. I love the game and I want it to succeed, but I've admittedly had a couple breakpoints where all the random mishaps piled up enough that it finally got to me, at which point I just wanted nothing to do with the game for awhile. None of those glitches have been anything like this. THIS is a whole other level of bullshit. I really hope this was just a one-off occurrence, because if not, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to tolerate this.
I can see the arguments why Freddy can be on the all knowing hat tier, but not quite a Kung Lao. Is Nightmare Stance (or whatever it is) his best anti-air option? I'm not quite convinced he's broken yet.

The only issue I've had with him so far is Kano-knife esque glove chucking, and this:

I say let it play out too, but unless he has trouble accessing his higher damage combo or there's some glaring flaw we're just not seeing, he sounds pretty fucking broken to me. I'm not even one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to DLC characters; when Kenshi first came out, everyone said he was broken as fuck, and I just said "Jesus christ it's day one give it a fucking week before you start blacklisting". When Rain came out, you had people on both sides of the fence, ranging from "Rain has high damage combos that means he's broken" or "Rain feels kind of clunky and that means he's bad", and yet again, I told people to just give it time. The difference is that neither of those characters can easily rack up 50 and 60% combos with no ostensible drawbacks. I'll still wait it out, but I'm not very optimistic.

By the way, I threw an ice ball at Freddy with Sub Zero right after the round started, from around 3/4 to fullscreen distance. Freddy did some kind of delayed slash, which I assume was a special (I wouldn't know, hell if I'd ever shell out money for this shit). The ice ball went right through him.

This was not an EX move.

This was not a wakeup attack.

He just went right. Fucking. Through it. I want to say "oh it's cool it's probably just a glitch and he's not really that broken" but even if that IS the case, what the fuck? MK has some pretty crippling, ostensibly random glitches that I turn a blind eye to. I love the game and I want it to succeed, but I've admittedly had a couple breakpoints where all the random mishaps piled up enough that it finally got to me, at which point I just wanted nothing to do with the game for awhile. None of those glitches have been anything like this. THIS is a whole other level of bullshit. I really hope this was just a one-off occurrence, because if not, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to tolerate this.
You are correct, things are going through him. It happened to me a round this morning, it was fighting Cyber-Subby, and I also watched an ice ball pass through like nothing happened, so it might just be the iceballs under the glitch.


Darkwave Digital
Personally I don't care if he's top tier. As long as he's not completely easy mode. I would like for people to atleast have to do some work to steamroll with him. I'm not a Freddy fan, I could think of a dozen characters I rather see as DLC but seriously.....why get tore up about it? Did MK just turn to garbage from the introduction of one character? Hell all these tears are making me want to play him and he doesn't even appeal to me.

God I hope that glitch you all are referring too is fixed soon though......projectiles passing through his hitbox leaving him unscathed......wow gg NRS.


SirAltaire's Memoirs: Chapter 1, Second Half
Seriously though, I was a little mad about the Kenshi F3,2 but then I got used to fighting it and besides, the amount of Kenshi's online went down. With Rain, I knew he had some good combos, but they actually take timing (except for EX Roundhouse absolute armor, that shit gots to go). Freddy, 2 minutes in training and I know a 50% 1 meter and don't even drop it consistently enough to consider it a "skill" combo.