Is there really a such thing as the best? Every character is at a disadvantage in the game , so it's not even feasible to contemplate this. To be the best at anything means to have no weakness - to think that - you're delusional. Batman has clearly been exaggerated and spotlighted at recent tournaments. That goes for other characters as well.
People have been saying characters are "Broken" , I am confused: Does that mean the character is good , or bad? I am foreign. To me , anything broken is bad , but that's makes Batman the best?What type of logic is that? These debates shouldn't exist. All it does is confuse people and distort logic's. Until every character has been thoroughly examined: Batman , MMH , and any other character that is put on a pedestal , there is no "Top 5 or 10" , or no "Best". Just characters with different abilities , strengths and weaknesses.