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Is there anything to this game besides resets and zoning?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I'm going to sidestep the argument here and just answer the question:

Yes, there's a lot more than zoning and resets in Injustice. There are spacing games, baiting tactics, a lot of useful specials that aren't zoning-based, meter games, all kinds of crazy mechanics (see Hawkgirl in close). Not every combo ends in a reset and sometimes it's more important to keep people cornered after a knockdown, save meter, put distance between yourselves, build or activate trait, go for an interactible or achieve some other goal.

There's a lot of metagame and it's very character-dependent.

If all you can do is zone and reset people, you probably won't get very far unless you're playing brand new players.
Wow, it took 42 responses for someone logical to actually answer the guys question. I was beginning to wonder... lol TYM.


Meow Hoes
Hmmm.. .

Vortex characters:
Green Lantern
Killer Frost
Lex Luthor

Yeah, I guess thats alot of vortexes in the roster.

Though as far as I know, only Batgirl's is meterless. Lex's is corner-only, with some character specific mid screen limited vortexes. Sinestro doesn't get much damage of his, and GL's is limited based on trait availability.
Harley has one aswell


Jump and shoot.
Off the top of my head I can think of these characters that have shoryukens - Ryu, Evil Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Oni, Sagat, Sakura, Seth, Dudley, Dan
The bolded names are the only characters with true DPs, meaning 3 frames and not susceptible to safe jumps.

Sagat and Seth - 5 frames
Sakura - much slower
Dan - 4 frames
Dudley - only EX version is invincible but still slower than 3 frames

These are fine for DP'ing out of pressure but after a knockdown they have to accept the mix-up.


My pussy, my rules
It is not a meterless vortex it's just a hard knockdown. I still don't understand why everyone calls it a vortex and then doesn't refer to catwoman hard knockdowns or Bane hard knockdowns as a 'vortex'
Well, for what it's worth, I'm referring to the one in which she does 2 or 3 reps of U3 before dashing under you, then going into B1/MB F3. I'm not aware of any HKD setup she's got.