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Injustice Custom DLCs/Mods Thread. First post always updated

Iron Angel

You mean add that to his chest ? If so it should be fairly easy unless they placed the symbol that he currently has on his mesh {Which I doubt cause it isn't that detailed to begin with.}

But I'll give it a try.

As far as the Green Ring Trail and the Green Beams during his Grab & Super. I haven't found where it grabs that color from. It doesn't seem to be in any Structure that i can find. I'll have to look @ some other structures and @ every pmsk file that GL has {It might get the color from a pmsk file and apply it to the character through a Material file}.

BTW I'm also gonna have to map out his TweakVars as well. Cause to go in-line with the type of Lantern {Rage} he should be slightly stronger. I'm hoping I can also increase the size of each of his moves slightly to emphasize his Rage.
That's an awesome idea! All of it! lol


Scorpion Scrub

I was looking at your conversation with Gniarf at the cheat engine forums and he said coalesced editing is possible using just a hex editor and notepad? I know you have tried this. So what can be done now using coalesced editing? More costumes for characters? Costume01 is now clonable? New meshes?
Amazing man I'm loving it. Some things still green like the ring, Lantern's Might special and trait activation once that's ironed out link me to the download and I'll get started on my swag combo video and give you credit for the mod :)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
At least give Grundy a Swamp Thing skin...lol
Tonight after work I'm going to begin work on Duffman Bane. Got some job interview stuff happening soon though so life is again getting fast for me. However, if I get this job I go straight to $50k a year meaning I'll have more time off as I can quit all my other stuff. That'll mean I can spend more time on mods and on my fighting game asset models.


DLC Costume Red Lantern {By UncleFestor} W I P

There's still some tweaks I gotta do and the DMG Textures, But it should be done this weekend.
What about his victory pose, will he still say once a green lantern always a green lantern and have the other green lanterns around him?


Well I can't find what structure is used for the Ring Trail, GodRays, & Beam. Nor the Ground Glow that appears during certain moves. I'm thinking that The Beam Color is Grabbed from it's PMSK file, but altering it doesn't change the color. I'll need to do a lot more thorough Hex searching to see if I can find it. This was also an issue in MKKE where none of the structures were being used for a certain color. Instead it was grabbing the color elsewhere.

I'll try looking inside each MIC file to see if I can find the color strings inside them. But is Highly likely I won't be able to change the remaining Green.

If I can't then I'll take a look into Yellow Lantern and see if I can alter his ring & beam color. If so I'll redo the Mod using him as my base.


Scorpion Scrub
Well I can't find what structure is used for the Ring Trail, GodRays, & Beam. Nor the Ground Glow that appears during certain moves. I'm thinking that The Beam Color is Grabbed from it's PMSK file, but altering it doesn't change the color. I'll need to do a lot more thorough Hex searching to see if I can find it. This was also an issue in MKKE where none of the structures were being used for a certain color. Instead it was grabbing the color elsewhere.

I'll try looking inside each MIC file to see if I can find the color strings inside them. But is Highly likely I won't be able to change the remaining Green.

If I can't then I'll take a look into Yellow Lantern and see if I can alter his ring & beam color. If so I'll redo the Mod using him as my base.
You the man, might need to use the yellow lantern winning pose and change it red and record yourself saying red is godlike or somethin


What about his victory pose, will he still say once a green lantern always a green lantern and have the other green lanterns around him?
I can't change the actual words that are spoken during any intro or outro. I can only change which Victory file is used. It'll never say "Red Lantern"


Yeah, this looks really good, it'll feel better once there's no green ring but it looks great so far, could you possibly add the Red Lantern symbol for his icon or is that too much work...I have no idea how to do any of this stuff or what it takes so I wouldn't know.
Well i gave it a try and I can't change the emblem. It looks like it's etched into the mesh. I completely removed it from the Norm {Both RGB & Alpha} The Diff {Both RGB & Alpha} and the Spec. But it still shows up. When I add a new Image to it it just combines the 2 so it'll have the center circle of the Red Lantern Image with the horizontal top & bottom bars of the Green one {It looks weird in white but not too bad in red}. Again I'll need to look into Yellow Lantern to see if his symbol is easier to manipulate I might end up just emphasizing different parts of the Emblem so it looks better, going forward with the combined emblem and tweak it till it looks good enough.


Well I'm going to have to look into Yellow Lantern's Costume for my Mod. The current one I'm using {Regime} still has some green elements to it. I have searched everywhere and can NOT find an adjustable Color value for it. I can remove the Ring Trail, remove the Green Beams, and reduce the Size of the Muzzle Flash on the Mini-Gun. But there's still green Glows.

EDIT : The same problem exists with Yellow Lantern So either way I go there will still be remnants left over of the Original Color. So, unless anyone can think of a reason to go with the Yellow Lantern Costume I'll just finish up the one I already started :)
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UncleFestor:.. Did you find any way how make some parts transparable (HowardC's procedure dont work i think).. i tried it on Red Hood's Joker..(cause it will be perfect for some skins make his helm and cape transparent)... and on your Red Lantern you could just remove that Green Lanten part of mesh and just reskin that part underneath to proper red symbol on his suit..??


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
UncleFestor:.. Did you find any way how make some parts transparable (HowardC's procedure dont work i think).. i tried it on Red Hood's Joker..(cause it will be perfect for some skins make his helm and cape transparent)... and on your Red Lantern you could just remove that Green Lanten part of mesh and just reskin that part underneath to proper red symbol on his suit..??
If there is a way to make a part transparent Bane is going to look REALLY good if I can remove his hoses. I could turn him into all kinds of stuff then.


If there is a way to make a part transparent Bane is going to look REALLY good if I can remove his hoses. I could turn him into all kinds of stuff then.
...Its possible.. but we must find some way... i've removed Reptile Mask (in MKKE). You cant just remove some parts that has nothing underneath, cause it will create holes and etc. in model.
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UncleFestor:.. Did you find any way how make some parts transparable (HowardC's procedure dont work i think).. i tried it on Red Hood's Joker..(cause it will be perfect for some skins make his helm and cape transparent)... and on your Red Lantern you could just remove that Green Lanten part of mesh and just reskin that part underneath to proper red symbol on his suit..??
You can't make parts of a Mesh Transparent. You can only make MIC files Transparent which removes it from the Mesh. And you wouldn't be able to place anything on it cause you have removed that part {Making it invisible so no matter what you paint on the diff it will remain invisible}.

The process you're referring to is mainly used to remove parts that are on top of other parts to expose what's underneath. I.E. Eye Glasses, Hats, Masks, Armor, Etc..


You can't make parts of a Mesh Transparent. You can only make MIC files Transparent which removes it from the Mesh. And you wouldn't be able to place anything on it cause you have removed that part {Making it invisible so no matter what you paint on the diff it will remain invisible}.

The process you're referring to is mainly used to remove parts that are on top of other parts to expose what's underneath. I.E. Eye Glasses, Hats, Masks, Armor, Etc..
Ok, maybe it will not work for Green Lantern (i'have didnt tested it yet), but definetly it will work for Sinestro :D Cause he has seperated this parts ..


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Ok, maybe it will not work for Green Lantern (i'have didnt tested it yet), but definetly it will work for Sinestro :D Cause he has seperated this parts ..
Make certain to mess with all the maps then...I changed that symbol on all those areas testing the .DDS process and it displayed BOTH the white lantern logo I covered them with as well as the yellow lantern signal at the same time because some of his other maps still use that symbol...and those maps are BRIGHTER than this one. All I ever saw was the yellow symbol most times.



If there is a way to make a part transparent Bane is going to look REALLY good if I can remove his hoses. I could turn him into all kinds of stuff then.
That solely depends on if it's actually part of the mesh or part of a texture and how it's attached. it should be fairly easy to do tho. You need to export a mesh list using umodel.

Open up Notepad and place the following lines in it then save as a .bat {you can name it whatever you want}:

@ echo off
@ echo FILENAME IS %1
umodel.exe -list>%1.txt %1

You'll need to remove the space after the @ sign. Place the .bat file in the same directory as umodel and your decompressed package. Then just Drag & Drop the package over the .bat and it'll spit out a text file with everything you need.
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Ok, ma it will not work for Green Lantern (i'have didnt tested it yet), but definetly it will work for Sinestro :D Cause he has seperated this parts ..
Well, you can't do that. If I make those parts transparent then they will be invisible in-game The only way to see what I replace it with is to undo the transparency that I did in the 1st place which would just merge the 2 symbols together because they're actually part of the Mesh {NOT just Texture stuff} So it's not gonna work.

Same thing when you remove any other part. If there is nothing underneath then it ends up being a hole. Because these are symbols on a Characters Body removing them will leave a hole. What you're talking about would work if it was a Helmet or a cape, Armor, Glasses, anything that's covering up something else.

Remember the only things that you can remove are accessories {Even if the are not in a accessory file} Like armor Pads. But, if they didn't render anything underneath it then it ends up just being invisible. So you can't place anything over it.


BTW: thx for no help with red hood's joker :)

It's the same Process as I posted above for the Bane Character. I can't be certain that any of it is going to work cause i haven't looked at the individual characters. But you can get the list and see what's there to have an idea of what needs to be done.


im certain that red hood's joker's cape and helmet can be removed, cause he have full functional head (when he is damaged u can see that) underneath and cape its just bonus.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Odd thought...is it possible to add Superman's cape to Bane? If its something seperate from the main model then wouldn't it be an object that could be attached to any model? Might be useful for some alt ideas on other cast too, but it'd improve the Duffman alt I'm doing.


Odd thought...is it possible to add Superman's cape to Bane? If its something seperate from the main model then wouldn't it be an object that could be attached to any model? Might be useful for some alt ideas on other cast too, but it'd improve the Duffman alt I'm doing.
No its impossible :D


im certain that red hood's joker's cape and helmet can be removed, cause he have full functional head (when he is damaged u can see that) underneath and cape its just bonus.
is his cape in an accessory file Like Hair ? Cause then you should be able to make it invisible through the alpha channel.


is his cape in an accessory file Like Hair ? Cause then you should be able to make it invisible through the alpha channel.
unfortunately , no... cape and helmet are in _Diff.. (actually his whole head is seperated in a accessory :) ).. i have tried find textures2D in MaterialInstanceConstant but no success.. so i think.. creators changed some things :(
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