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Seeing this on MAL yesterday got me all giddy http://myanimelist.net/anime/19603/Fate/Stay_Night

I don't follow HxH2011 but IIRC I still see new episodes airing on AnimeCenter.
cool, I'm at 93% almost done with the hd dual audio from kat.ph. Yeah I stopped following it around ep 44 somewhere mostly due to hdd space, it looks great.. I liked the old one I have greed island and all the ova's/etc, it was basically the same but I heard it was more on point with the manga.

Actually I kinda have a gripe with the ending of Gantz,(since it was a filler and never happen in the manga)they should of left it at the part where.........I don't want to spoil it for people who actually might go see it,but I assume you know what part I'm talking about
Oh I never read the manga, you can pm me what happens that'd be cool.. I completely forgot about it ending differently oh shit

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I agree unless your talking about one piece :)

Ok. I'm down for a short discussion. IMO the Big 4 (DBZ, Naruto, Bleach and OP) are overrated. I understand why they're so popular and I have nothing against it. But I don't like when they get brought up in discussions as a 'good' anime. 'cause I can point out a lot of reasons why they're not. I wouldn't be 100% on OP and Bleach because I didn't watch them but I had a discussion with a friend and he said that they follow the same reasons as Naruto and DBZ.

Long Story short: It's the same as Nintendo vs its 'competitors'
Ok. I'm down for a short discussion. IMO the Big 4 (DBZ, Naruto, Bleach and OP) are overrated. I understand why they're so popular and I have nothing against it. But I don't like when they get brought up in discussions as a 'good' anime. 'cause I can point out a lot of reasons why they're not. I wouldn't be 100% on OP and Bleach because I didn't watch them but I had a discussion with a friend and he said that they follow the same reasons as Naruto and DBZ.

Long Story short: It's the same as Nintendo vs its 'competitors'
Dont talk shit on One Piece, and I already watched fate/zero like 3 months ago


Starting watching "Black Butler", since someone at my college suggested I watch it. It's alright.
That one wasn't bad. I quite liked the second one and the butlers as characters as a whole. Fate Zero is really good and I couldn't be happier with the voice casting I'm one episode in and I love it (I saw the sub when it first came out, but not the whole thing)
Ok. I'm down for a short discussion. IMO the Big 4 (DBZ, Naruto, Bleach and OP) are overrated. I understand why they're so popular and I have nothing against it. But I don't like when they get brought up in discussions as a 'good' anime. 'cause I can point out a lot of reasons why they're not. I wouldn't be 100% on OP and Bleach because I didn't watch them but I had a discussion with a friend and he said that they follow the same reasons as Naruto and DBZ.

Long Story short: It's the same as Nintendo vs its 'competitors'

lets forgot Naruto and Bleach for now 'cause I don't really care bout those. your saying you don't think DBZ or OP are good? how come? I am curious because there are reasons why i would agree but those reasons only exist in the anime, not the manga.
hmm, I haven't been reading the manga, so i'll have to wait and see what the anime does. Some things are predictable, but I can see a big surprise coming, especially when they actually end naruto altogether.

doubtful. In the manga its literally chapters of the same shit. Like there hasn't been any progress in the last 10-15 chapters or more that I can recall. Naruto really fucking master that "talk-no-jutsu" shit that hes been doing since first season.

Good anime that I can safely recommend

1) Baccano
2) Code Geass Season 1 (season 2 is a fucking roller coaster, so expect tons of BS)
3) Madoka
4) attack on titans (mediocre character development but GREAT pacing and direction)
5) full metal alchemist brotherhood (not the shitty first one)
6) Steins Gate (super slow at the start, like the first 5-6 eps but my top 3 anime of all time )
7) Katangari
8) Bakamonogatari
9) Darker Than Black (on the weaker side of my recommendation but still not bad)
10) Death Note 1/2. (once you get to the 2nd half then expect a downhill slide till the end, would of been tons better if they added 10-15 eps to flush out characters)
11) Gundam 00 (best gundam I have seen, and no Wing isn't good that is nostalgia telling you its good)



edit 2
If you want a thriller, romantic, good character development anime then watch Steins GAte

Its not like most anime where 90% of the cast are throwaway. Just about EVERY character is important.

edit 3

How the fuck did I forget Gurren Lagann. Shit is the show of men. Its not the best, but its mad hype. You'll either love the 1st half or the 2nd half. Leave your fucking rational logic at the door and just fucking accept this anime. It doesn't take itself serious but it does take being a man serious.

Just look at how fucking man this man is


Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
lets forgot Naruto and Bleach for now 'cause I don't really care bout those. your saying you don't think DBZ or OP are good? how come? I am curious because there are reasons why i would agree but those reasons only exist in the anime, not the manga.

Like I said, I can't really speak for OP. But as for DBZ, I just don't think the plot and character development are good. Arc 1: Bad guy appears, Goku gets a new form. Beats bad guy. Arc 2: Stronger bad guy appears. Goku gets new form again(mostly the same as the last with a bigger number). Beats new bad guy. And it's pretty much like that. It's the same deal for Naruto as well. It loses impact when it's repeated multiple times. Like when we first saw rasen-shuuriken. That shit was epic. Then he gets to do 2 rasen-shuurikens, then a nine-tailed rasen-shuuriken. and now, multiple nine-tailed rasen-shuurikens. Like ok I get it, stop. It's the same deal with Super Saiyan 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12. Fuck get something new. Oh wait, there's a fusion. Yay, 1 deviation.(Would kaio-ken count? If so, fine, 2).

Dont talk shit on One Piece, and I already watched fate/zero like 3 months ago

Not talking shit of OP. And I can't even be 100% on it.
Like I said, I can't really speak for OP. But as for DBZ, I just don't think the plot and character development are good. Arc 1: Bad guy appears, Goku gets a new form. Beats bad guy. Arc 2: Stronger bad guy appears. Goku gets new form again(mostly the same as the last with a bigger number). Beats new bad guy. And it's pretty much like that. It's the same deal for Naruto as well. It loses impact when it's repeated multiple times. Like when we first saw rasen-shuuriken. That shit was epic. Then he gets to do 2 rasen-shuurikens, then a nine-tailed rasen-shuuriken. and now, multiple nine-tailed rasen-shuurikens. Like ok I get it, stop. It's the same deal with Super Saiyan 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12. Fuck get something new. Oh wait, there's a fusion. Yay, 1 deviation.(Would kaio-ken count? If so, fine, 2).

everything you said is true and that's pretty much dragonball z's biggest flaws in a nutshell and by today's standard it is average at best but heres the thing, DBZ helped make todays standard. The scale of the battles, the character designs, the power ups, the sci fi elements, the fantasy world, the group dynamics, the unique sense of humor, the concept of "ki/chi".... DBZ was offering a combination of things that made it worlds different then anything people had seen. As a kid at the time I remember i couldn't wait to go home from school to tune in to toonami at 5:30 and to then go to school the next day and talk with my friends about goku going yellow and giving frieza a beat down. And I think the nostalgia of it is why people still hold in such high regard despite being surpassed in every way by allot of anime. And whether you like it or not you have to respect what it did for anime and how much it influenced everything that followed.

I wont get into one piece too much because you haven't seen/read it but it outclasses the other three in every way. The fantasy world of one piece is very well written and has allot interesting parallels to the real world such as class division, oppression, slavery, corrupt governments, war, poverty and so on. these things alone make the world of one piece and the characters that live in it more compelling. It doesn't follow the patterns of the others and overall has a gripping narrative.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
everything you said is true and that's pretty much dragonball z's biggest flaws in a nutshell and by today's standard it is average at best but heres the thing, DBZ helped make todays standard. The scale of the battles, the character designs, the power ups, the sci fi elements, the fantasy world, the group dynamics, the unique sense of humor, the concept of "ki/chi".... DBZ was offering a combination of things that made it worlds different then anything people had seen. As a kid at the time I remember i couldn't wait to go home from school to tune in to toonami at 5:30 and to then go to school the next day and talk with my friends about goku going yellow and giving frieza a beat down. And I think the nostalgia of it is why people still hold in such high regard despite being surpassed in every way by allot of anime. And whether you like it or not you have to respect what it did anime and how much it influenced everything that followed.

I wont get into one piece too much because you haven't seen/read it but it outclasses the other three in every way. The fantasy world of one piece is very well written and has allot interesting parallels to the real world such as class division, oppression, slavery, corrupt governments, war, poverty and so on. these things alone make the world of one piece and the characters that live in it more compelling. It doesn't follow the patterns of the others and overall has a gripping narrative.
Of course I did state that I respect it and understand why it's popular and a classic. I just personally don't like it. Even as a kid I preferred other animes over DBZ. I'd have a choice between Getbackers or DBZ I'd go for Getbackers. Ragnarok or DBZ, I'd go for Ragnarok.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
doubtful. In the manga its literally chapters of the same shit. Like there hasn't been any progress in the last 10-15 chapters or more that I can recall. Naruto really fucking master that "talk-no-jutsu" shit that hes been doing since first season.

Good anime that I can safely recommend

1) Baccano
2) Code Geass Season 1 (season 2 is a fucking roller coaster, so expect tons of BS)
3) Madoka
4) attack on titans (mediocre character development but GREAT pacing and direction)
5) full metal alchemist brotherhood (not the shitty first one)
6) Steins Gate (super slow at the start, like the first 5-6 eps but my top 3 anime of all time )
7) Katangari
8) Bakamonogatari
9) Darker Than Black (on the weaker side of my recommendation but still not bad)
10) Death Note 1/2. (once you get to the 2nd half then expect a downhill slide till the end, would of been tons better if they added 10-15 eps to flush out characters)
11) Gundam 00 (best gundam I have seen, and no Wing isn't good that is nostalgia telling you its good)



edit 2
If you want a thriller, romantic, good character development anime then watch Steins GAte

Its not like most anime where 90% of the cast are throwaway. Just about EVERY character is important.

edit 3

How the fuck did I forget Gurren Lagann. Shit is the show of men. Its not the best, but its mad hype. You'll either love the 1st half or the 2nd half. Leave your fucking rational logic at the door and just fucking accept this anime. It doesn't take itself serious but it does take being a man serious.

Just look at how fucking man this man is

thanks for the recommendations, will take them into account. Lol didn't know the manga was like that, i'll keep watching the anime though for sure.
just noticed this thread, who in here watches naruto? have watched every episode of it and love it :). I want to watch bleach as well.
dont do it. bleach starts cool then becomes more than 2/3 filler. naruto did the same thing (around ep 90is of the original series until 220), but shippuuden is better about it. i watch it only because i finish what i watch unless it gets unbearably bad, but eh, there's better anime out there.

I believe it has become even better, shippuden has more action and a lot of plot twists and etc. I like where it is going for sure, and it is actually coming near its end so it'll be great. But hey, everyone has different tastes, I want to give bleach a shot because it looks cool and it looks like a good show.
if you've read any of the manga you know it's nowhere near the end and will get unnecessarily dragged out worse than kaiji

Have anyone seen these animes: Gilgamesh, Gantz, and Darker than Black if you have what did you think of them?

*Warning: Dark animes*
Gantz is very good, but if you like manga, it's 10000000X better. This is coming from someone who is a lot more of an anime fan. The anime is really good, but it just kinda ends stupidly and in an unsatisfying way. It's clear that they found out late that their contract was not extended, so they put something together that isnt great. but that's just the last episode or two, the rest of the series is fucking amazing.
... read your later post, yeah, basically what you say there, i agree, lol.

Kyoukai no Kanata
the last ep is why i say it's ok, but not the best right now. i like this season and think that it has something for just about everyone and there's reasons why KnK is good and why Copp is good. i liked Copp's week 5 plot progress and action better than KnK's. also i think blood girl's character development is unbelievable. why is she suddenly not afraid or hesitant at all? especially with the HS event she, even if she had matured, should need a second to calm herself. i dont believe that she's suddenly this hardened demon fighter, but maybe that's just me.
Like I said, I can't really speak for OP. But as for DBZ, I just don't think the plot and character development are good. Arc 1: Bad guy appears, Goku gets a new form. Beats bad guy. Arc 2: Stronger bad guy appears. Goku gets new form again(mostly the same as the last with a bigger number). Beats new bad guy. And it's pretty much like that. It's the same deal for Naruto as well. It loses impact when it's repeated multiple times. Like when we first saw rasen-shuuriken. That shit was epic. Then he gets to do 2 rasen-shuurikens, then a nine-tailed rasen-shuuriken. and now, multiple nine-tailed rasen-shuurikens. Like ok I get it, stop. It's the same deal with Super Saiyan 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12. Fuck get something new. Oh wait, there's a fusion. Yay, 1 deviation.(Would kaio-ken count? If so, fine, 2).

Not talking shit of OP. And I can't even be 100% on it.
yeah there's not much depth to it, but it's just the idea of working to get stronger and overcoming any obstacle. goku trains extensively and smartly to achieve new levels and fights through personal limitations to get stronger. that and action, explosions, flying, and kamehameha make that a very attractive series to watch. It might not be good, but it is undeniably entertaining, and that's the point of shonen anime/manga.
Dragonball, on the other hand, is great. it's much more technical, chracters have meaningful roles, there are journeys and quests, adventure, treasure hunting, etc.

on One Piece, it's by far the best of the big four in terms of depth. the plot and driving mechanisms are both simple and complex. the protagonists are obscenely overpowered, but so are the enemies they face. each character has an ultimate goal that they want to accomplish, but it's also tied into Luffy's goal of being pirate king. each character has nice quirks like nami, usopp, and chopper being cowards (even though they're OP as fuck), but they each accomplish their roles flawlessly; the big 3 (luffy, zoro, and sanji) are stupid in their own ways, but are the most reliable characters when it comes to beating the antagonists and achieving their goals, but they all face major setbacks and losses (e.g. luffy's losses to aokiji, magellan, and ceasar. zoro's loss to mihawk, etc) that ultimately make them reevaluate themselves as characters and ultimately make them deeper and grow crew relationships. the action itself is also entertaining because of how big and often goofy it is. the devil fruits give all kinds of crazy powers, then there's haki, weapons, some characters become weapons, etc. One piece, unlike the other 3, is actually an extremely good series. oh, i also like that the characters are aware of their character development and comment on it from time to time (e.g. the skypia arc someone commented on usopp's growth saying "we've all grown a lot stronger in our travels" or something like that).
the thing that keeps its following from growing much more is that it takes so long to catch op on 700 episodes. it's like trying to watch all of Detective Conen from the beginning.

Naruto is dbz+annoying shit+filler x ninja. i'd say it's better than bleach but worse than dbz.

bleach is total shit though. by the end (death of aizen. i dont care that there's more canon, it just gets worse after even though it finally gives some purpose to his temporarily OP then immediately revealed to be extremely underpowered friends), ichigo's powerups are all deus ex machinas and it's gimmick after gimmick to keep your attention. And fuck 250+/300 episodes are filler? seriously? come onnnnn. lol.
It starts great though, i'll at least give it that. the first 15 or so episodes are very compelling.

generally in terms of quality:
One Piece>Gurren Lagann>DBZ>Naruto>most every other shonen anime>Bleach

yes, bleach is bottom of the barrel.


Even though code geass season 2 was a massive train wreck, the last few episodes are GODLIKE. All hail Lelouch! lol

Been watching Kill la kill for the epicness, it's just something that's fun to watch.


Living in poverty cave
first time in this thread, ima read through eventually but just so I get an idea of what you guys are into... whats everyone's favorite ongoing anime/manga?
what anime/manga do you want to pick up eventually?
beside the top 3 shonen, I have attack on titan, hajime no ippo, the heroic legend of arsian, soul eater, swords art online, and uq holder

Any fans of cowboy bebop or samurai champloo, there is a new anime coming out in the US for the first time before anywhere else. Space Dandy

DJ L Toro, fillers can be annoying, but I watch them anyways because I get to see some things that I would've have seen had the filler episode not been put in. Naruto probably will be going on for another year and something, if it goes longer, i'll just keep watching because I enjoy naruto a lot (my personal favorite anime). As far as bleach goes, i'll just keep watching it to see how it goes, i'm liking it so far and I tend to finish what I start.