fr stack
Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
ill chime in about grundy ,, i think it may be 6-4 to grundy WC destroys any attempt at spacing by mmh also any time he tries to teleport just reverse WCC and punish , anti air throw for any air dash shenanigans , and just grundys overall damageFlash, Nightwing, Aquaman and Doomsday seem like bad match ups of varying degrees so far.
Grundy has me a bit concerned too. Bane is just weird, but from my experience not bad so far...air dash is a huge asset in the match up for blowing up charges and he has multiple options for blowing up whiffed charges from anywhere on screen. Smart orb placement can be huge for checking his armored attacks I've found I'll put some up preemptively and when he goes to command grab me or something he'll get hit out of it.
Although Bane will probably be on the side of bad armored characters seem to give him trouble and Bane is getting buffs too.
Flash from what I'm gathering gets in very easily and can pummel you with pressure.
i have not been scared of flash players i sit behind an orb at all times to stop any of his crazy fast specials , need more matchup exp though