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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
Geez guys.. how can you even think that Walt was of the opinion that Jesse worked willingly with Tod. Jesse hated Tod as well as Walt. Walt went to Jack with the intention of killing them, and saving Jesse/confirming he had already been killed but had taught the Tod to make proper blue meth.

Edit: I take some of it back. I can't be sure Walt had decided on saving Jesse before seeing him, but there is no way he thought he would find Jesse working there willingly.


You're bringing up things that do not pertain to that specific scene

I'm not giving him too much credit at all. Walt ALWAYS had a false sense of being a bully when dealing with the Natzi's WHEN HE WAS IN CONTROL. Meaning, when he met with them. He always got them to do exactly what he wanted. He always manipulated Jack into doing what he needed to be done.
The entire point of him calling Jesse his partner was for him to prove one way or another Walt's suspicions. Jack failed to do a job Walt hired him to do, which was to kill Jesse. That made Jack a liar. and one thing Jack has insisted since we've met him, he is not liar nor a rat, nor would he partner with one. Walt is aware of this. It isn't blind luck. He forced Jack's hand.

Even the idiot 2nd in command not checking everywhere on the car makes sense to me. They no longer view Walt as a threat. Hell, he simply stuck his head in the window of the car to inspect it. Didn't actually look under it, check inside anywhere else. Just looked in. That isn't ever precaution, its redneck precaution.
If you truely think searching inside the car patting him down checking for a wire and gathering his belongings but not checking the trunk makes sense, then you are a lost cause and probably would have accepted aliens beaming down and rescuing Walt. The only way to objectively look at that scene is plot induced stupidity which is a tool often used by writers to make an impossible situation possible.


Death is my business
Nah vince even said it " in the end he was with what he loved most his meth lab, his chemistry" which is what ive said all along. Sure he took baby steps towards redemption but in the end it was clear what he loved the most and it wasnt his family and it wasnt jesse.

Heisenberg was more about the money more than anything , Walt always loved chemistry ( not meth itself ) but his life was really "plain" and he never felt "alive" until all of this happened , he did terrible actions , yes but he truly loved his family and cared about Jesse.

Was he a evil man? No
Did he do terrible things? Yes
He payed for it and accepted whatever punishment he deserved for being Heisenberg , that's what imho makes Walt great , he stopped lying to himself.


Geez guys.. how can you even think that Walt was of the opinion that Jesse worked willingly with Tod. Jesse hated Tod as well as Walt. Walt went to Jack with the intention of killing them, and saving Jesse/confirming he had already been killed but had taught the Tod to make proper blue meth.

Edit: I take some of it back. I can't be sure Walt had decided on saving Jesse before seeing him, but there is no way he thought he would find Jesse working there willingly.
It is perfectly rational to think Walt thought jesse was working with them. You saw his face when he saw jesse was a slave he was surprised. Jesse hated hank to but he went to hank to hurt walt more no reason to think he wouldnt do the same with todd. Jesse hated walt above everyone else.


Heisenberg was more about the money more than anything , Walt always loved chemistry ( not meth itself ) but his life was really "plain" and he never felt "alive" until all of this happened , he did terrible actions , yes but he truly loved his family and cared about Jesse.

Was he a evil man? No
Did he do terrible things? Yes
He payed for it and accepted whatever punishment he deserved for being Heisenberg , that's what imho makes Walt great , he stopped lying to himself.
Do you even watch the show? To say walt wasnt evil is laughable. He was never about the money he blatantly admitted this to skylar " i did it for me, i liked it ,vi was good at it, it made me feel alive" that is evil as fuck. He loved his empire above all else he blatantly admitted this.


Death is my business
Do you even watch the show? To say walt wasnt evil is laughable. He was never about the money he blatantly admitted this to skylar " i did it for me, i liked it ,vi was good at it, it made me feel alive" that is evil as fuck. He loved his empire above all else he blatantly admitted this.
That's not evil , it was egoistical , wich per se isn't evil , pre Heisenberg Walt was a plain and boredom man passing through his life never acknowledging himself , always seen him as an empty shell.

He still redirected the money to his family wich he clearly loves and cares.

The things he did were "bad" , hella bad , he knew and accepted punishment , true evil wouldn't even think about it.

It's not always black or white , he's a grey area anti-hero.


That's not evil , it was egoistical , wich per se isn't evil , pre Heisenberg Walt was a plain and boredom man passing through his life never acknowledging himself , always seen him as an empty shell.

He still redirected the money to his family wich he clearly loves and cares.

The things he did were "bad" , hella bad , he knew and accepted punishment , true evil wouldn't even think about it.

It's not always black or white , he's a grey area anti-hero.
There is nothing anti hero about being a selfish meth dealing murderer. You clearly do not know what evil means. I dont know how anyone could come to the conclusion he isnt evil. Evil isnt reserved to disney villians and the devil.

And again did you not see the show? When they flashed back to him and skylar buying the house. Walt very much exhibited the same selfish egotistical tendancies that was always part of his personality.
Him poisoning Lydia made my jaw drop. I was not expecting that at all. I was like YEAH BITCH!

Oh, and of course Walt knew Jesse was being forced to work. The chains? Jesse's long ass hair.
There is nothing anti hero about being a selfish meth dealing murderer. You clearly do not know what evil means. I dont know how anyone could come to the conclusion he isnt evil. Evil isnt reserved to disney villians and the devil.

And again did you not see the show? When they flashed back to him and skylar buying the house. Walt very much exhibited the same selfish egotistical tendancies that was always part of his personality.
How the fuck is he selfish? He did everything he could to protect his family and even offered all of his money to save Hank.


How the fuck is he selfish? He did everything he could to protect his family and even offered all of his money to save Hank.
Jesus h Christ you guys make it really hard to take you seriously.

Did you not even watch the finale did you just fast forward to the m60 part.

Walt- " i did it for..."

Skylar " dont even say your family, thats bull shit"

Walt-" i did it for me,i liked it ,i was good at it,it made me feel alive"

How in the blue hell is that not selfish? This entire series is based on Walt being an evil selfish man.


Death is my business
There is nothing anti hero about being a selfish meth dealing murderer. You clearly do not know what evil means. I dont know how anyone could come to the conclusion he isnt evil. Evil isnt reserved to disney villians and the devil.

Ok , keep simplifying Walt as a selfish meth dealing murderer , did you even watch ALL the show?

Evil /= doing REALLY bad things , you take out the context of the whole story.

He did bad things to survive , to profit and so on , he was corrupted by getting into the meth business and no one is denying that , he did deserve a punishment and he didn't even think about avoiding it.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
What a fucking amazing finale! I got all emotional and shit. I've never experienced a show quite like this one.

I like that Walter found a way to get his money to his family after all.

I like how he came clean to Skyler about the real reason he did what he did. It made him feel alive.

He told her the truth about Hank and even gave her coordinates to his burial site. Respect.

He had his final goodbyes with his baby daughter and son.

He destroyed all those aryan fuckers while saving and protecting Jesse. Turns out Walter cared about Jesse all along. I especially love how he took out Jack. Jack started talking about the rest of his money and Walter just blasted his dome mid sentence lol.

I liked how Jesse was the one to kill that heartless fucker Todd. That guy deserved death more than anyone else in the entire show imo

I like how Jesse couldn't even shoot Walter, but instead saw that he was wounded and left him to die alone in peace. That last look they gave each other as Jesse was getting in the car felt like Walter saying sorry to Jesse for everything he's done and Jesse accepting his apology.

And at the end I really like how Walter had his last moment with the love of his life, his chemistry. It was a sad moment.

Overall I loved this finale and this show.
He admitted to himself that he liked doing it. That doesn't make him fucking selfish. He was in the mindset for most of the series that he was doing the right thing.

Also - no it's not. It has a way deeper message then that


Ok , keep simplifying Walt as a selfish meth dealing murderer , did you even watch ALL the show?

Evil /= doing REALLY bad things , you take out the context of the whole story.

He did bad things to survive , to profit and so on , he was corrupted by getting into the meth business and no one is denying that , he did deserve a punishment and he didn't even think about avoiding it.
Jesus Christ man you cant be serious. Grab a dictionary look up the word evil then come back i wont reply to your posts any further till you do. And seriously wtf didnt think about avoiding it? Making that black mail tape to implicate Hank wasnt him trying to avoid punishment. Walt spent the last 2 seasons trying to avoid punishment. Him fucking going to New Hampshire was him avoiding punishment.


He admitted to himself that he liked doing it. That doesn't make him fucking selfish. He was in the mindset for most of the series that he was doing the right thing.

Also - no it's not. It has a way deeper message then that
How could anyone murder produce and sell drugs and think they are doing the right thing? If you cant see that he waz a selfish human being then you didnt understand the character or the show.