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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


I've wanted to like American Horror more than what what I actually do. I've watched both seasons and while it starts out strong, I start losing interest towards mid-late season. It's good, just underwhelming for me.
I can understand that opinion for season 1. But Asylum was godlike from beginning to end.


I'll re-watch it sometime. Just seemed like it had too many sub-plots going for me to get invested in. What's the premise for 3?
Salem witches. A girl (the teen from season 1) learns shes a witch and is shipped off to salem. Sarah Paulson(the lesbian reporter from season 2)plays a teacher at the school . Jessica Lange plays the head master. From what i gather its kind of witches vs voodoo. Thats all i really know , i dont know what to expect im a little worried cause this season is gonna be so dominated by females but jessical lange and lily rabe are the best females on tv. Plus kathey bates and angela basset will be cool.


Breaking Bad is a true masterpiece. With its stunning last episode it left me both in awe and despair, as you probably get to witness stuff like that once in a lifetime. The world of TV-drama will never be the same again.

That ending song gave me shivers.


Breaking Bad is a true masterpiece. With its stunning last episode it left me both in awe and despair, as you probably get to witness stuff like that once in a lifetime. The world of TV-drama will never be the same again.

That ending song gave me shivers.
The shield and its ending was better,just sayin :coffee:


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I guess the new walking dead season is next for me as far as tv shows go.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If you truely think searching inside the car patting him down checking for a wire and gathering his belongings but not checking the trunk makes sense, then you are a lost cause and probably would have accepted aliens beaming down and rescuing Walt. The only way to objectively look at that scene is plot induced stupidity which is a tool often used by writers to make an impossible situation possible.
LOL they're freaking natzi rednecks. Killing that kid in the desert didnt' make sense. Arrogance played a huge part in that entire scene. It played a huge part in the entire purpose of the Natzi's. Todd told them about the meeting with Lydia, how he had spent all his money trying to get back, how he was trying to basically get back into the business. He gave them information in hopes that they woudl drop their guard, and they did. How is that a plot hole?
The fact of the matter, it is totally plausible to happen in that situation. They underestimated Walt. Plain and simply. Just because YOU find that as a plot hole doesn't mean it truly is. Hell, he didn't look UNDER the car to find a bomb. They didn't look under the hood either. They didn't pat his ankles down either.
I mean shit dude.....
Don't be a tool.


LOL they're freaking natzi rednecks. Killing that kid in the desert didnt' make sense. Arrogance played a huge part in that entire scene. It played a huge part in the entire purpose of the Natzi's. Todd told them about the meeting with Lydia, how he had spent all his money trying to get back, how he was trying to basically get back into the business. He gave them information in hopes that they woudl drop their guard, and they did. How is that a plot hole?
The fact of the matter, it is totally plausible to happen in that situation. They underestimated Walt. Plain and simply. Just because YOU find that as a plot hole doesn't mean it truly is. Hell, he didn't look UNDER the car to find a bomb. They didn't look under the hood either. They didn't pat his ankles down either.
I mean shit dude.....
Don't be a tool.
Killing that kid did make sense. your hero walter white even acknowledged that. They didnt drop there vuard they searched absolutely everywhere except the trunk thats called plot induced stupidity. Dude do you even internet the entire internet is blowing up the finale for that exact stupidity.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Killing that kid did make sense. your hero walter white even acknowledged that. They didnt drop there vuard they searched absolutely everywhere except the trunk thats called plot induced stupidity. Dude do you even internet the entire internet is blowing up the finale for that exact stupidity.
I'm sorry but no
they didn't look under the car, behind the tires, under the engine.


I'm sorry that I can see past that and understand WHY they just did a quick once over of the car, because it was setup in that manner.

I also agree that it was fucking dumb on the natzi's part to not look over the car as thoroughly as they did Walt.

That is arrogance of someone who never took Walt as a threat.


Arrogance has nothing to do with it. Its plot induced stupidity its a timeless plot device used for decades in books movies and television. I cant believe someone can be this naive.


Lord of the Rings had a famous plot induced stupidity situation. when gandolf saves faramir by shining light on the nazgul to ward them off. Obviously people wondered why gandolf didnt do this every time . Ian Mckellan famously asked peter jackson this question to which peter replied"his staff was out of batteries"


Another famous one is r2d2 flying in the prequels but never doing it in the originals. When george lucas was asked about this obvious plot hole he on the spot created PIS and said verbatim " uhhhhh his boosters boke between 3 and 4"