My opinion on reflectable projectiles:
I'll update this soon.
zaf I did not forget!
Aquaman: Trident toss I have not once reflected in a match but if I do ever reflect it I'd mb d because I'm pretty sure it's unavoidable.
Ares: Red ball stuff I just reflect. Occasionally I'll mb if I think he won't teleport but that's rare.
Batgirl: Bolas I always reflect again the occasional mb and batarangs are hard to reflect online and I've only played Reno Racks batgirl maybe 3 games offline.
Batman: Batarangs I always reflect and will usually mb. Trait bats I sometimes will reflect but it really isn't worth it because if he grapples it'll hit you.
Cyborg: Fire ball gets reflect all day and I mb it fairly often but not to much because he can grapple away. If you get the life lead just reflect and let him waste time.
Deathstroke: yeah fuck that.
Green Arrow: reflect that shit and mb sometimes
Green Lantern: Mb reflecting ground rockets is an ok option but if he jumps forward and does an air rocket it avoids both mb option. Mb reflecting air rocket is harder for him to avoid. Reflecting turbine is funny as shit but I never see it happen.
Harley Quinn: every time she fires a gun shot make the first whiff and stand up & reflect, if she mb gunshots then you reflect it & can mb it if you wish. Cupcakes get reflected & mb'd all day.
Hawkgirl: reflect and sometimes mb ground mace. Air maces I rarely mb.
Joker: gunshot just duck, gas can can't be reflected for some dumb reason.
Killer frost: reflect daggers, sometimes mb
Lex: sometimes mb the reflect on his lance. The orbs can be reflect also but if you mb & he does the unblockable you will be hit.
Martian Manhunter: just reflect his thingy and sometimes mb.
Nightwing: always reflect ground burst & sometimes mb. Never bothered to reflect wingdings.
Raven: fuck mirrors & reflect shadow Raven, mb it sometimes
Scorpion: I think hellfire can be reflected, if it can I'd rather just soul crush or dash up soul crush him.
Shazam: reflect & sometimes mb
Sinestro: almost never bother to reflect it
Superman: reflect all the time & mb a lot
Wonder Woman: I never reflect her stuff and I'm not even sure if its possible lol
Zatanna: reflect rings all the time, mb rarely. When she's in trait reflect all day till her trait runs out and mb if you want.
Zod: reflect zod balls but be careful because he can set it up so he punishes you. Fuck quick shot & ground laser can be reflected