Forget all this buff/nerf talk. I don't care what you pin it on: f23, zoning, mobility, pressure, corner damage, trait combos, etc. It's all part of a package. The simple fact is that Superman is an enormous outlier in this game. He has...
- the mobility, pressure, and mixups of a strong rushdown character
- the damage and resets of a strong bruiser
- the zoning of at LEAST a decent zoner, if not a good one
- one of the best traits in the game
- the best super in the game
- great meter-building ability
- minimal risk in all of his options
- extremely low execution demands
He is great at most things, good at everything else, bad at nothing, and easy to play. How is this ok?
Can you imagine the Flash with Superman's f23? Can you imagine Bane with Superman's mobility? Can you imagine Sinestro with Superman's up-close options? Can you imagine Doomsday with Superman's zoning? Can you imagine Shazam with Superman's trait? Can you imagine Deathstroke with Superman's super?
Sounds ridiculous, right? So why does Superman get all those tools at once? This has nothing to do with nerfing versus adapting. It's simply a question of whether or not you support efforts to make all characters as equally competitive as possible. If you do, there's no way to rationalize Superman's current toolbox.