Disaster FX
Boom Bap Dragon
Counter everything in escrima stance with parry. Except Flip Kick, for what ever reason. Punish Wingdings attempts with Air Zod Charge. Nightwing players also have a habit of charging ground sparks, when you see this, Zod Charge can beat it before the projectile releases if you're fast enough.Went 14-54 against a NW offline. WHAT DO I DO?
In staff stance if NW gets in, it's an uphill battle for Zod. Push block and then you can keep him in check with Phantom Strike, more so than most characters. After connecting with PS, MB and summon trait to jail him down or slow IAZB and summon trait.
Respect that everything NW has is safe or plus frames, instead seek out the whiff punishes. You win in the air and at full screen, he wins up close. Try to keep him there.