Zod vs Superman. Explain please.
Zone with side arm and instant aerial Zod balls and run away with back dash. Zod has absolutely no chance in footsies because of f+2,3.
Speaking of f+2,3, makes sure you punish f+2,3 on whiff with f+2,1,u+2 or 3 xx MB push depending on the situation. f+2 leads to a combo and has better range than 3, but 3 is faster by five frames.
When trait is charged, activate, and charge in. 3 xx command grab should be safe against f+2,3. So mix up with 3 xx low laser. Full screen aerial slow ball also sets up safe command grab. Of course you can do various other mix ups. Do not be predictable because good players punish command grabs every time up close.
Superman's zoning should not be an issue. Crouch heat zap. Block heat vision and hold back for a second in case of MB heat vision. You can also train yourself to back dash either laser full screen away.