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Aw, C'mon Puddin' -- Harley Quinn General Discussion Thread


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
Well maybe it's just me then, but when I'm fighting another Harley and decide to sit and block, I rarely get caught by f2. And I don't need to fuzzy guard it.


Heavenly Harley
Fuzzy Guarding is Ducking and then standing up to block the low high mixup by harley. So since i only have b2, F2, as a mixup and the speeds are different so by ducking 1st then standing up you can nullify the mixup.
Fuzzy Guarding is Ducking and then standing up to block the low high mixup by harley. So since i only have b2, F2, as a mixup and the speeds are different so by ducking 1st then standing up you can nullify the mixup.
Ok that makes a lot of sense I need to work on that. So I guess fuzzy guard can have an offensive and defensive meaning. The way I've seen it mostly used is to describe manipulating your opponents hurtbox to make attacks that would normally whiff crouchers connect. I think that's what jermball is getting at. Say after a deep J3 buffering 112 and the first two hits, which are highs, could connect even if they are blocking low.


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
Ok that makes a lot of sense I need to work on that. So I guess fuzzy guard can have an offensive and defensive meaning. The way I've seen it mostly used is to describe manipulating your opponents hurtbox to make attacks that would normally whiff crouchers connect. I think that's what jermball is getting at. Say after a deep J3 buffering 112 and the first two hits, which are highs, could connect even if they are blocking low.
Yes, this is also a fuzzy guard. This definition is used Street fighter a lot but also applies to Injustice.


i think two additions harley could benefit from are an armoured SS and trait.

if you could end a combo with 112, MB Trait that would be pretty sweet!

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Fuzzy Guarding is Ducking and then standing up to block the low high mixup by harley. So since i only have b2, F2, as a mixup and the speeds are different so by ducking 1st then standing up you can nullify the mixup.
You can actually get a B2 then F2? Anytime I've tried that I always end up with cupcakes. :C


Death is my business
A friend of mine ( Harley main day 1 ) thinks the only buffs she needs is the command dash ( Silly slide ) to recover 5 frames faster when you don't cancel it into tantrum stance and b2vs floating characters.

Agree or disagree about the SS buff?Would that give her better frametraps from strings?


Heavenly Harley
SS doesnt need to be touched. it's good already. SS Armor? ARE YOU INSANE!? then she would be un-spaceable as well...


Death is my business
SS doesnt need to be touched. it's good already. SS Armor? ARE YOU INSANE!? then she would be un-spaceable as well...

I agree on the armor on SS being dumb , that would be stupid good , but the 5 frames recovery on SS i don't know , maybe it's only because Deathstroke LGS keepaway coupled with her bad forward dash makes him impatient , he said having the possibility to reversal SS and being able to block a gunshot afterwards would make the matchup more bearable.


Heavenly Harley
the DS matchup is in Harleys favor. Tell him to stop trying to rush it. and 5 frames off would be pretty fucking good. Too good really.


Heavenly Harley
As long as it took meter I'd love this - I'd even put 2 bars down to allow me to be impatient
so people will take 50% because they threw an interactable? 50% because they thought they can shoot you? Are you insane?


Death is my business
the DS matchup is in Harleys favor. Tell him to stop trying to rush it. and 5 frames off would be pretty fucking good. Too good really.
Ok , then as a DS main i want to spark some discussion on this MU , personally i belive it's 6-4 in Deathstroke favour , no way she beats him , best i can see it is a 5-5. deg222 Ramon

Fullscreen she loses the zoning war just because LGS goes under straight gun and even MB cupcakes whiff at fullscreen , trying to jump his guns gets iaGS pretty easily and can get hit by quickfire if she doesn't do the overhead projectile wich again gets iaGS. So she has to approach dashing in and taking chip damage filling DS meter.

Until 1 dash and half away she can't punish lgs with TS and even then she has to watch out for MB LGS.

When she's knocked down with a 23 ender her TS whiffs if DS goes for a j3 / j2 / j1 / f3 and he can punish it with LGS / MB lgs , and that's if J3 doesn't hit her out of invincibility frames.

Or DS can choose for a SF ender and put her fullscreen to get her try getting in his zoning again.

A couple things i can see working on DS is j2 being hard to AA with SF because low jump arc and good active frames and blocked TS being -6 ( wich means no punish from DS ) if i crouch block it so if i want to punish it i have to block it standing into f23 SF / d1 SF or SS punish , this opens up the low option from TS but even that is punishable with 323 f23 SF.

Why do you guys think it's in Harleys favour?
You can actually get a B2 then F2? Anytime I've tried that I always end up with cupcakes. :C
No its not something Harley can do offensively, it's a defensive tactic that can be applied to lots of high/low mixups. Harleys main high/low mixup is between B2 and F2, with B2 being the much faster option. If I'm defending against Harley and I get knocked down, I can hold down block first then roll up to stand block to make defending the mixup easier since the overhead is always slower. Other examples are batman and deathstrokes B1/F3 mixups. Since the B1s are faster I can do the same thing, hold down block first then roll to stand block.

When Ramon delays his B2 he's fucking with the opponents timing on the fuzzy guard because they'll get caught by the B2 if they switch to stand guard too early.

Guys I gotta thank you for teaching me this, it'll make my defense in any fighting game so much better


Heavenly Harley
because once i get in on DS there is almost nothing you can do to stop my 50% from fucking you in the ass. I've MM'd DS's in NYC and tristate and it's never pretty for them. Plus your chip damage does not = my damage when i'm in. there are so many ways to deal with DS. Once i'm around half screen you cant stop my cup cakes which will knock you down on trade, on block will allow me to dash in, and you cant backstep since your's is terrible.


Death is my business
because once i get in on DS there is almost nothing you can do to stop my 50% from fucking you in the ass. I've MM'd DS's in NYC and tristate and it's never pretty for them. Plus your chip damage does not = my damage when i'm in. there are so many ways to deal with DS. Once i'm around half screen you cant stop my cup cakes which will knock you down on trade, on block will allow me to dash in, and you cant backstep since your's is terrible.
I don't even need to just chip Harley , this is one matchup where DS can set up his trait and barely has to worry about anything other than a mere gunshot trade or SS to TS , and you won't see it coming when you have to respect LGS from any knockdown he gets.

Also since she has to respect the full DS zoning game , i can get in when i want and 50/50 her to fullscreen again or start my vortex pressure whenever i want , also in case Harley gets in i don't fear her 50/50 or frametraps because i often have bars to pushblock.


Heavenly Harley
you cant keep harley full screen. She can dash safely between shots with no worries unless you do MB low shots, then she just has to wait. you're respectable full screen zoning ends after 2 dashes. and you have a 50/50 that puts me at the end of the stage...cool so you do around 35% with all the chip but with one guess your lead will melt away along with you staying in my face with no wakeup. It's not pretty.