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Aw, C'mon Puddin' -- Harley Quinn General Discussion Thread

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
Does 1,2 play doctor still work, because everytime i try it the play doctor whiffs? or can someone explain to me when your need to input it?
The string still works but it will only work on an opponent that is in the air...also when you have the opponent in the air you gotta time the 1,2 Play Doctor so it'll reach properly.
Would it be too much if Harley was given the ability to cancel SS with other moves besides TS? I was playing around with the F23 string today and discovered that on block, F23xxSSxxTS frame traps with at least 6 frame moves (tested with lex Corp charge), but I wasn't able to let the SS finish and do a normal that could beat the corp charge.

Reason I tested this was because hit confirming has never been a strong suit of mine and besides a bounce cancel the SS is the only way to get damage off of a F23 on hit outside of the corner. So I was trying to see if cancelling the F23 into SS on block was serviceable as well. I guess it is after all but it would be so sweet if you could do her B2 or F2 out of the SS.

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
Would it be too much if Harley was given the ability to cancel SS with other moves besides TS? I was playing around with the F23 string today and discovered that on block, F23xxSSxxTS frame traps with at least 6 frame moves (tested with lex Corp charge), but I wasn't able to let the SS finish and do a normal that could beat the corp charge.

Reason I tested this was because hit confirming has never been a strong suit of mine and besides a bounce cancel the SS is the only way to get damage off of a F23 on hit outside of the corner. So I was trying to see if cancelling the F23 into SS on block was serviceable as well. I guess it is after all but it would be so sweet if you could do her B2 or F2 out of the SS.
Now that would be really freaking awesome if she could do that but imo she's fine just the way she is...anything more then you'll have people up in here crying nerf & you know how NRS listens if enough people cry for it.
Now that would be really freaking awesome if she could do that but imo she's fine just the way she is...anything more then you'll have people up in here crying nerf & you know how NRS listens if enough people cry for it.
True story. I think something should be done to that move though it just seems a bit incomplete to me. Sort of like how her trait was haha. A lot of people are of the mentality that an armored MB version would be good and I think I might agree.

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
True story. I think something should be done to that move though it just seems a bit incomplete to me. Sort of like how her trait was haha. A lot of people are of the mentality that an armored MB version would be good and I think I might agree.
If it were up to me & I feel its pushing it in terms of balance (all the mindgames u can create with it) would be to allow Harley to cancel into Tantrum Stance at any point during the Silly Slide instead of just at the end of Silly Slide...besides that I think the move serves its purpose well as it is imo.
That would be interesting. I do find it strange that she can only cancel it with one move, and only at the end of the slide. Again little things that make it seem incomplete.

Back to F23, I'm gonna test it out some more and see if I can find a proper safe jump setup off of it. I feel like F23 and 112 are her best bets for that.


YO any1 down for some sets of games tonight ill be on around 7ish EST for the xbox feel like playing some ppl just send me a friend request.

GT nightE89


Heavenly Harley
Me and night had some pretty decent matches. Also in regards to SSxx ...man that would be broken! She's already upper mid tier. It's possible that she's higher imo
I think they said within the week or so is the new patch which I'm interested in seeing what they change
Nice so am I. I really hope to see some adjustments to supes and aquadouche. I can't wait to try out MM. I must say one thing I really like about this game in general is that there's always new characters I want to learn both as dlc and in the regular cast. Harley will probably always be my main, but I've already got 4 secondaries (workin on a 5th with batgirl) and there's still others I want to learn. The other day I played a green lantern who had some crazy resets, and now with the new skin I definitely want to learn GL. I haven't been this motivated to learn as many characters as I can since the first MvC.


Heavenly Harley
actually Superman is a 5-5 matchup with Harley. I dont feel like she needs tweaks to her gameplay.


I still need to find a secondary lol

actually Superman is a 5-5 matchup with Harley. I dont feel like she needs tweaks to her gameplay.
really? just curious why you say that, I though that would be in supes fav for that match up


Heavenly Harley
he CANNOT space you at all. He has to keep pressure. on a proper guess midscreen you out damage him. and in the corner he out damages you but not by much. you have better mix-ups and can effectively keep him the fuck away from you. Only supes i have is KDZ but i don't feel out played by Superman, instead i'm just being straight up beaten by KDZ.

I have tons of Anti Superman tech that is very effective. Even against KDZ.
he CANNOT space you at all. He has to keep pressure. on a proper guess midscreen you out damage him. and in the corner he out damages you but not by much. you have better mix-ups and can effectively keep him the fuck away from you. Only supes i have is KDZ but i don't feel out played by Superman, instead i'm just being straight up beaten by KDZ.

I have tons of Anti Superman tech that is very effective. Even against KDZ.
Care to share? I think it's slightly more in supermans favor because of what he gets for free with his trait. Not complaining about the matchup though I'd much rather play a supes than an aquaman or a good DS. I just think supes needs a tune up in general


Heavenly Harley
Superman is completely fair imo. He's a solid character that can scrub brush easily.

As far as spacing. Keep the perfect distance where he cannot dash up under Cupcakes and all the way to full screen. Superman cannot beat you from fullscreen like he can in other matchups. Here is an example of how hard it can be.

On any air dash ups try and keep in mind how good your d2 is for this. Dont be fooled by his trait. It does amazing damage but you do amazing damage the whole time! Not to mention at full screen and spacing you can trait up and possibly be SUPER HARLEY off of it.

in regards to his frame traps of F2,3 breath. You have a d1 that fits perfectly if he tries to immediatly do another F2,3. Of course this whole thing leads to a reverse mixup but just know he cant legit frame trap harley. I got more but i have work to do lol.

IN OTHER NEWS. My friend helped me figure out how much life Harley gains from the rose. 6.66%... yeah...


Heavenly Harley
Also dont try too many resets on him. His fucking Wakeup will stuff most if not all options. unless you meta guess it. Even then...blah. But i find the match FUN AS FUCK...that's just me. OK FUCK YOU GUYS I NEED TO WORK!


Mistah Chills
You can straight up duck 90% of his wakeups idk why but it works only thing that hits her is wakeup superman punch . Against a rising grab happy supers I whiff tantrum after a combo rising grab completely whiffs and I can roll backwards for a punish also I'm new to Harley and I want to thank everyone for being so helpful you guys helped me level up so much


Show me what you can do
If I were to make a buff thread, who would support it? I mean, it's up to the Harley community to get their voice heard right? I only got a few things right now, but I'd update it with suggestestions and what-not.