Lately a lot of people have been complaining about something in regards to Injustice. Some people say Superman or other characters are broken or too good, other people say there's problems with the actual design of the game, and then some people say there needs to be universal gameplay changes.
I'm not here to lecture anyone because I too have complained about the game in some way or another. But, I
have gotten tired of all the complaining though as it seems every single topic on TYM these days either starts out as complaining or turns into complaining. And I don't want to complain about the complaining either so I decided to attempt to make a constructive thread on what is needed to improve the game.
Now, I have no illusions that this will somehow be the one thread on TYM that is constructive, or that everyone will post reasonable responses in a constructive manner. But I hope you guys at least try and take this seriously and not just troll like you do in every other thread, lol. I want this thread to try and stay generally positive, if such a thing is even possible.
What I want is your opinion on
gameplay elements that you think need to be altered in order to make improvements with this game. I'm not talking about balance changes because those are always all over the place and usually there's 1 decent idea out of 100. So please refrain from posting character specific stuff.
I love Injustice and I'm having fun with it, but think it could be so much better with a few adjustments here and there. I'm not trying to get the game that
I want or trying to buff
MY characters or anything like that. I just think that this game has so much potential it's missing out on by just barely missing the mark on a few things. I also want to say I'm not a game designer, I'm not a game tester, I'm just a player with my own opinions and can only speak to MY opinions.
With that said, here's my thoughts on what I would improve/change:
Universal Gameplay Changes:
Faster walk speed - I think the number one thing that would really improve this game on a fundamental level is universally increasing the walk speed for every character. This would help in more than one area. It would help against zoning by allowing you to simply walk in between projectiles. You can already do this, but the walk speed is so slow that they will have already built so much meter, done some chip damage, and ran out the clock... all while you do nothing but try and advance on them. Another area this would help out is the footsies. Arguably the weakest part of Injustice is the lack of solid footsies. With the walk speed being as slow as it is, and dashes having longer recovery, you don't get very strong footsies in this game. This is also due to jump ins being really powerful, but one of the other reasons jumping is so prevalent is because it's the only way you can get that mid range mobility. Walking inches you across the screen, and dashes jolt you pretty far but have a lot of recovery, so that mid range distance is really only covered by jumping. The walk speed is also one of the reasons why advancing normals are so good in this game (Superman's f23, for example).
Another Universal d2 Buff - The original d2 buff was really good and really helped the game a lot. But I think they need to be beefed just a little more to really discourage jumping. Jumping being the first and best option would be okay if you could be punish for a easily readable jump-in attempt. But a lot of the time, you can know for a fact that they're going to jump at you, and still either trade with your anti-air, or flat out lose to their jump-in. The d2 buff helped a lot, but there's still very little risk jumping in since the d2 anti-air (for a lot of characters), just isn't as consistent as I think it ought to be. D2 just needs one more little buff and I think it would be perfect!
Starting out with one bar of meter - I recently heard this mentioned by I think
Perfect Legend. He made a great point on how you would actually be able to MB B3 at the beginning of a match to catch some people who always try to get a quick first hit if we were to start off with a bar of meter. It would be a whole other level of yomi when you actually can do MB attacks at the start of the match, much like in MK9. It would also increase the pace of the match a bit not having to build that initial first bar of meter.
Normalize Interactables! - I really honestly do love interactables and think they're a good addition to this game. They add a lot, but being SO good they also take away a little. I don't want them nerfed so they're not ever used, not at all. I want people to use them all the time, just as much as they do now. But, instead of 15%, maybe only do 10%. Instead of a really big hitbox, make it a medium sized hitbox. Just small "normalizations" to make them not so overbearing. Again, I really want to stress how much I want interactables to stay a big part of Injustice. I just don't want them being the main focus of the match.
There's some more stuff that I would like changed (such as adding more recovery to moves so that they can be punished), but these are the main 4 for me. This thread may have been a terrible idea, but who knows, maybe something good can come out of it!