This is exactly the problem. It's not only the walkspeed and lack of anti airs, it's the fact that some characters have normals that advance or have range and some completely lack it. As you said the pushback on block on alot of stuff makes it impossible to punish when your character has t-rex arms. The game is fundamentally flawed and poorly designed, I highly doubt they can fix it at this point.not to mention...with not so good AA in this game, you are forced to many times dash away as people cross you up. Well when you dash you are no longer in a position to punish their jump attempt. If I were able to walk faster then unpunishable jump ins become punishable.
On another note. moves with pushback on block become unpunishable by most characters except those with a fast advancing normal (Which many characters don't have).
Its a very flawed system IMO.