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Injustice Kryptonite Council Wants your questions - Expect a huge show this week


Grundy think you handsome!
Pig do you think you will be switching characters? Because I feel like ravens demon stance reminds me alot of kenshi, what do you think about that?


TYM White Knight
What did the Sektor community do?

For almost 2 years of MK's lifespan Sektor was considered good, but not great. Then he had a huge explosion where everyone realized just how good he was and he had a nice little batch of top 8's. Grosse, Maxter, and others won majors with him.
AK Pig Of The Hut, legit question, why do so few use Wonder Woman? I mean she has footsies, rushdown, anti airs, damage, mobility, etc. Yet very few care to use her. Also I feel she is one of the best characters to use vs superman. (Side Note: I will be maining her)

AK elitegoomba

AK Pig Of The Hut, legit question, why do so few use Wonder Woman? I mean she has footsies, rushdown, anti airs, damage, mobility, etc. Yet very few care to use her. Also I feel she is one of the best characters to use vs superman. (Side Note: I will be maining her)

1. manface
2. nothing braindead easy
3. no full screen projectiles
1. manface
2. nothing braindead easy
3. no full screen projectiles
haha dat face. Heck the more technical the better (as we saw from Xian winning evo with gen). Also if she had full screen projectiles, she'd just be that much more deadlier. yeah the game is young, later on, ppl will pick up characters that aren't as easy as ppl adjust to the easier characters.
Before CEO, the 4 of you guys were on a 'witch hunt' saying how scorpion needed to be nerfed/banned from tournament play.. After CEO you guys came on and said (paraphrasing here) "sorry everybody..we got a little emo about that match up and may have jumped the gun..it wont happen again"

My question to the 4 of you is have u all learned from that or has EVO and countless peoples opinions of Superman going to allow/encourage history to repeat itself? Obviously superman has insane damage output, safe strings, great pressure, insaneky fast start up for his super, fast meter building, and as demonstrated at evo, great zoning? Are you all going to rally to have him nerfed (as you did scorpion), or use that time and effort to further develope your own characters?


Lawless Victory!
At pig, Brady and any other testers on the show:
A) What was the experience like when you were brought in to test injustice?
B) How did this experience differ from MK9?
C) Also did you have any input on, or were privy to, the character design process (in both Injustice and MK) or had that largely been completed before then?

General questions to all:
A) What would you say the overall meta game for Injustice currently is?
B) How, if at all, has this changed since release?
C) Also what in your personal opinions should the meta game be?


1. Are we ever going to see the end of the "emo era" and see the start of the "we are bad asses, fear us and kneel before us era"
2. Some people say this game is easy to learn, coming from a SF background i do find the game somewhat simple so far, But i do think there is more than meets the eye with this game. Do you think the meta of the game can evolve radically from what we are seeing atm, or is it going to be just "tier" changes due to constant patching?

Im talking about injustice just in case. :)

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
AK Pig Of The Hut At last, the long awaited Zod discussion. Look forward to hearing the council's opinion on him (sans m2dave), as well as hopefully see you more around the Zod boards. Your work on Sinestro was tight, can't wait to see what you come up with.

EDIT: Question for the council: What do you think Zod needs to make him top 8?


It's amore, BABY.

Why do people take their misunderstanding of a post and start spreading it as fact, even after someone goes out of his way to explain what was actually said (which was obvious to anyone not trying to start drama)?


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
AK Pig Of The Hut general m2dave

An in-depth discussion on player skill vs character representation in MK9 would be nice.
Characters like Kabal, KungLao, Kenshi, Cyrax are quite good...but I think the character often become overrated 'broken good' becasue the poeple that play them are so good. I still don't think players are playing them to their full potential either.

How good is Cyrax really? How good is Kabal really? REO? DJT? An honest discussion for all fools

Also, in respect to a possible upcoming patch. How much should really be changed? I think we still have a lot to learn from this game as I saw at EVO this year.


<3 gimmicks
No problem.


AK Pig Of The Hut, you know I respect you in the utmost.. But I have an honest question to ask you.

If top players are losing at Injustice due to "scrubbiness", then why is it that players with top/championship-level fundamentals from other games (like Chris G and KDZ) who have also put a lot of time into Injustice seem to be beating everybody?

I mean if Denzell Terry gets 1st in MK, and 2nd in IGAU, that sounds pretty consistent to me. But the key thing about Denzell is that he's been talking the absolute least this entire time while everyone else has been on the forums, podcasts, twitter, and shows embroiled in drama. For every time Tom or Jr. was somewhere going on a rant, Denzell was somewhere practicing and leveling up.

Also for everyone other than Chris G and Denzell, is it possible that some of these guys are winning because they are actually focusing 100% of their time towards being great at Injustice for what it is, instead of trying to be hotshots at both IGAU and MK?
Best question ever. I now respect more as a person.


Zoning Master
I got a legit question about myself AK Pig Of The Hut, should I stick to just one character? I feel like if I put most of my time into one character like my bro does, it'll benefit me in the long run.
I have a question for you.

Why did you overrate Deathstroke for the past two months only to use every other character but Deathstroke at Evolution 2013?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Why do people take their misunderstanding of a post and start spreading it as fact, even after someone goes out of his way to explain what was actually said (which was obvious to anyone not trying to start drama)?
Can you explain a little more and be specific? Thanks itd be much easier to answer this way


Question: Did any of you guys talk mk patch with any of the developers at EVO? Did you find out anything? And do you think this petition for a patch has any sort of influence on NRS/WB?


It's amore, BABY.

A drama thread was started about something I said, being heavily misinterpreted.
My response was http://testyourmight.com/threads/kdz-claims-the-reason-gf-werent-hype-was-major-skill-gap.35699/page-9#post-1018745

Though that occurred, questions like "Is KDZ the villan of the NRS community after his comments about DJT?" among others are still being asked. Over something blown far out of proportion by people who don't know what they're talking about, and even after it was explained and proven incorrect.

I want to ask if you're going to be spreading the fire further, because it's entertaining, rather than the facts, because they're true.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

A drama thread was started about something I said, being heavily misinterpreted.
My response was http://testyourmight.com/threads/kdz-claims-the-reason-gf-werent-hype-was-major-skill-gap.35699/page-9#post-1018745

Though that occurred, questions like "Is KDZ the villan of the NRS community after his comments about DJT?" among others are still being asked. Over something blown far out of proportion by people who don't know what they're talking about, and even after it was explained and proven incorrect.

I want to ask if you're going to be spreading the fire further, because it's entertaining, rather than the facts, because they're true.
That helped a lot, thanks!