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Strategy Ares Strategy, Set-Ups, and Mind Games

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Havent tested getting out of it other than WU, no tech roll, but havent tried forward dash


1 2 3 drink
Just uploaded this one, i got some more stuff with different starters but my phone is doing funky atm. If you end the teleport in front of them, it looks like i teleport behind them but im infront wich is nice.

Im sure there is still a ton left that u can do in the corner ending with mb invisibility.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
That is mad sexy, people get salty when MB invis hits the screen and get full combo'd

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
thats a hellova gimmick though, mine has always been the risk with ending me combo with invis then either backdashing or crossing up, ill do a crossup just to see how they react then when I get the situation again I will backdash, see if WU, and full corner combo, Ares is such risk, but such reward. Never had I thought to Invis mid combo though, good shit guys.
And on a side note I'm not quitting ares or dropping him but tired of working much harder than everyone else to get my win and please respond to this but do any other ares players who play him for full sets not just as a back up or play 1 game then switch out. Do you feel like this character asks to much of you to be able to read your opponent and you pretty much give your first game away because your learning how that person plays his character and then can play ares properly and punish him for his mistakes and such.

I feel like by picking Ares you're making a statement about your reads since warp transmission only shines if you're making good ones.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
I explored j2 after d3 extensively in competitive play and it is not a good option...too many easy ways to get out of it and it definitely does not stuff most wakeups.

Hard knockdown doesn't really matter when it comes to setups anymore, and is actually worse in some cases because it gives opponent more time to think and wake up.

I have one really long branching reset string that I settled on as definitive for maximizing setups. Haven't seen anyone else using even pieces of it really...I'll post it after Evo lol

The Gabriel

Mean Man
And on a side note I'm not quitting ares or dropping him but tired of working much harder than everyone else to get my win and please respond to this but do any other ares players who play him for full sets not just as a back up or play 1 game then switch out. Do you feel like this character asks to much of you to be able to read your opponent and you pretty much give your first game away because your learning how that person plays his character and then can play ares properly and punish him for his mistakes and such. I'm thinking I'm gonna have a second main and play that character first to get a feel of my opponent and still have a strong chance of taking the game and then switch out to ares to blow them up because I know their habits now.
lol this is what we've been trying to tell you since you joined the forum and told us Ares has no bad match-ups, we just need to practice more.

I play Ares exclusively - no compromises, no count picks. I work harder than 3/4 of my opponents and that is its own reward

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Nothing is guaranteed with ares, these setups have helped me win in situations that come down to win or lose, I saw no others using them, posted them to give insight into further exploration since the ares forum continues to die. Ares may not even have bad MU's, the tier list and mu charts will make no sense for quite some time, look at who places top 8, then compare that to top 8 on the tier list.
The Gabriel said:
lol this is what we've been trying to tell you since you joined the forum and told us Ares has no bad match-ups, we just need to practice more.
I still dont think he has as many bad match-ups as everyone was saying i just feel the setting that he has to be played in is overwork compared to other characters. lol and your right ares is so rewarding because you know the oponent is just sitting there going, "wow i just lost to ares?!" and that feeling is ballin. Like i said tho i probably won't drop him just exploring other options right now.


1 2 3 drink
I still dont think he has as many bad match-ups as everyone was saying i just feel the setting that he has to be played in is overwork compared to other characters. lol and your right ares is so rewarding because you know the oponent is just sitting there going, "wow i just lost to ares?!" and that feeling is ballin. Like i said tho i probably won't drop him just exploring other options right now.
Yeah man. I gotta say, alot of ppl are still sleeping on ares. Im not very good myself but i still win alot of matches against the "s-tier" characters.
Btw, the most rewarding thing with ares, ending the match with a GODSMACK. ;)
Yea my area where I practice is still like ares is bad or low tier but I make him look great...I'm thinking to myself how does that even make sense lol. Isn't that an insult to the player when they lose to me then? I don't think he is top tier but I do think he is strong and viable and competes with everyone in the game except maybe superman thats his only true 6-4 imo

And the most rewarding finish to me was when this superman player traited and I reacted with down sword and he supers and I just release the sword on his ass and everyone standing behind me like well sword beats superman XD


1 2 3 drink
Everyone is too much focused on those tierlists. If you go in a match with a mentality like OMG this is a bad MU i will probably loose, then you WILL lose because your in the wrong mindset.
Sure there are bad MU's but ppl make it out that because its a 6-4 MU, that they are in huge disadvantage. And i dont believe there are many 7-3 MU's in this game so far, except for like lex vs cyborg(or ares hawkgirl lol i hate that match :p).
But since the latest patch, i really think they did a good job with the AA and stuff.
Yea agreed people don't respect what characters can do in this game. The best one is green arrow is mid tier guys cmon he isn't even that good...but Chris G over here is winning majors wit him are you sure you're playing him right? It blows my mind that people lose to a "bad" character and still puts them bottom of anything and do nothing to practice against that character. I think this game is about respecting what every character options are not playing a top tier character and facerolling to victory. I don't care how good you are if you don't practice against every character in this game then your playing it wrong imo.

and on a side note I love how everyone is like harley is good now because of the 2 ceo guys that made it to top 8 with her but green arrow is still a mid tier character at best XD.

Suntan Superman

Never outshine the Master
Hey guys during my lunch break I tested a combo that ends with u4 and here's what I came up with..... J2, b23, d2~u4 24% after the u4 hits you'll be in range for a 3~GS(mid) that lands behind your opp. and still hits (tested at midscreen). (mb) the GS and combo accordingly.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
i thought harley and flash were top since week like 3, and i think they will be in the top 5 in the end, ares hawkgirl is very anoyying, taking d2 options into the lab tonight, the buff makes it a viable leathal tournament killing machine.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
i thought harley and flash were top since week like 3, and i think they will be in the top 5 in the end, ares hawkgirl is very anoyying, taking d2 options into the lab tonight, the buff makes it a viable leathal tournament killing machine.
I'd rather face Hawkgirl than Superman any day.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
Flash is top 5 easy, Harley not so much. Hawkgirl is annoying as shit not only due to the normal stuff but because 22 whiffs on her, and punishing her dive kick for some reason puts her in a juggle state instead of grounded, so you can't really get big damage off of it
Yea gotta agree all this flash talk, He is a boss. He has like the most ridiculous pressure ever and he can put heavy damage on you. If i'm not mistaken he has the best midscreen dmg out of all the characters. 60% for a bar and trait is retarded and it comes from his safe 50/50s and alot of his moves put you in forced 50/50 frametraps its crazy how good this character is.

edit:He isn't op tho just a strong character

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
i thought harley and flash were top since week like 3, and i think they will be in the top 5 in the end, ares hawkgirl is very anoyying, taking d2 options into the lab tonight, the buff makes it a viable leathal tournament killing machine.
We are one in the same mr aquaman. I also main aquaman and ares. I see ares being very dangerous from this point forward with the buff to d2. I still think he has hard times once someone gets in on him, but it shoudnt be nearly as hard to keep people out now thanks tothe d2 buffs.....most underrated zoner in the game by far

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
We are one in the same mr aquaman. I also main aquaman and ares. I see ares being very dangerous from this point forward with the buff to d2. I still think he has hard times once someone gets in on him, but it shoudnt be nearly as hard to keep people out now thanks tothe d2 buffs.....most underrated zoner in the game by far
Love it, the more I threaten to main just 1 the more I play both equally, one saves the others ass in tournament alot. I play ares and aquaman 100% differently, and it can be a headache. If they ever fix 2,2 as a mid,mid he will just get better and better.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Love it, the more I threaten to main just 1 the more I play both equally, one saves the others ass in tournament alot. I play ares and aquaman 100% differently, and it can be a headache. If they ever fix 2,2 as a mid,mid he will just get better and better.
You know what i think it is? Aquaman can only be played a certain way, which is fine, but every aquaman kinda looks the same.
Every ares ive encountered has a completly different look from mine. I honesly think the bar can be set higher with ares.
Im sure ill get blown up for saying that but imo ares has way more gimmicks than aquaman. Plus hes a hell of alot funner to play.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Not blown up, thats exact, Aquaman is pure linear, Ares is gimmicks with solid fundamental gameplay. He is not as high risk high reward as low tier characters in SF or MK. He can go toe to toe even without giant risk, if he goes big he can hit big. He can be just scary as hell. Aquaman goes even with the best atm. He can hold up to supermans bullshit. But characters like ares that take him out of his comfort zone, mainly staying still and grounded cause problems, most so called top players don't like being thrown out of their element.

Eh SnOwY

i was in the lab with Ares and came up with this, pretty much what it is using tele for style ;D and ending combos with it, Kinda makes it hard for the opponent to see in which side you are, thus making them mess up with their inputs...

Anyways here's couple of Setups i did, i really havent looked into it that deep, im pretty tired
and going to sleep, ^^ just wanted to show how it looks like, im sure there are more better options
than these.

was using Behind tele btw