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Tier List through my eyes


My blades will find your heart
Execution wise NRS games have always been easier than others. It is mastering everything and being able to apply it in a match that is a real challenge. That certainly takes more than 5 hours(at a high level of play anyway)


Shazam is only as high as he is because he has one of the best wake up options in the game. His dmg output is low and against anyone who can shoot anything he has a generally tough time. Bottom 5 for captain marvel...


Regina George of discord
With the exception of maybe hawkgirl. All those characters combos, set-ups, oki etc. can be mastered in under 5 hours. Then it depends on the individual player on how many matches it will take them to get comfortable.

What other fighting games have you played?
No, i main Hawkgirl and took me time... But now i just picked up Wonder Woman as my third 2 weeks ago and i still have a lot of things to do..

Umm... MK9, MKA, UMVC3, SSF4 and Injustice


Regina George of discord
For me I gave up on her in the first week or 2, then I watched one vid online that I think I found here... and was like hmmmmm I'll try some of this. IT got me back into her, and then I just learned as I went, and she's awesome <3

Coming from Superman she kind of plays similarly, but I think better, minus the heat vision stuff.
Do you feel like Hawkgirl is really hard to learn?
Yes, she is amazing! Definitely a well balanced Superman lol <3
And yes... Her gameplay is really different... All her set-ups... Ground/air moves combined into combos... You must know how to zone and even her trait must be masterized


did I say I represent the whole DS forum? NO (of course ppl got to put words in my mouth like I said something I really didn't or they got to assume that I mean something when I dnt). I said that because I know he was referring to me because he believes I "upplay" DS when really all I said was that he is tourney viable and a good character. Please dnt act like I'm trying to represent the whole DS forum, i'm just apart of it.
Relax... we're just talking here.


Grundy think you handsome!
I still think Scorpion is hella good, just play him as a defeisive and turtle based character. Teleport is still an extremely stupid tool though the damage nerfs were a bit too much.
He is average now, everything is unsafe. He can still do 50/50's but now he always has to guess right and have exceptional meter managment and nail his combos all the time because his damage is garbage. Add the fact that he can't outfootsie anyone because of his snail movement, and has to rely on an unsafe teleport and you get an average character at best.


A character with a tool like Teleport in a game like this will never be average, he may not be Top 5 anymore but when Scorp is on the screen you still have to play very careful.


Dojo Trainee
Top 5, according to the experts in the General Zod forum.
The Zod forums by and large don't take an opinion on his tier placement. Your opinion was premature.

Your efforts to put words in everyone's mouth are getting pathetic. We've explained to you several times that our opinion isn't that he's good, only that you jumped the gun on calling him without anywhere near enough exploration. Every time you repeat this strawman, you make yourself look like you have the reading comprehension of a toddler.


I just would like to remind that m2dave is a troller. I really think he doesn't even take himself that seriously so don't fall in his trap guys.. Feeding the troll will bring you more troll.
Without him this forum would be boring, I owe him that.


oh I got no issues with ya man, I just dnt want anyone assuming anything that isn't true. I give respect to all DS players' opinions (my MU chart for example). Good luck with the mercenary.
I hope you're going to EVO cause you need to show the world what a 3 month old Deathstroke can look like.


Eternal student
No, i main Hawkgirl and took me time... But now i just picked up Wonder Woman as my third 2 weeks ago and i still have a lot of things to do..

Umm... MK9, MKA, UMVC3, SSF4 and Injustice
I'm baffled that you've played those games (by that I mean UMVC3 and SSF4) and you're saying it takes extensive amounts of time to become comfortable with a character on Injustice. Different learning speeds, I guess.


Eternal student
A character with a tool like Teleport in a game like this will never be average, he may not be Top 5 anymore but when Scorp is on the screen you still have to play very careful.
How to you have to play carefully when he has to take huge risks to get 20% with meter and one correct guess or reaction to something nets you 40%-50%+ depending on the character?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I hope you're going to EVO cause you need to show the world what a 3 month old Deathstroke can look like.
MIT going to EVO? No way dude, the donation drive for the 20 minute taxi fare would take at least 6 months. #Kappa


Regina George of discord
I'm baffled that you've played those games (by that I mean UMVC3 and SSF4) and you're saying it takes extensive amounts of time to become comfortable with a character on Injustice. Different learning speeds, I guess.
Yes... Maybe because for me pick up a character means learn mus, master her 100% etc