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Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) Character Forums

Nightwolf possibly hinted at by Ed Boon on Twitter

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Ed Boon likes to post nonsense on his twitter quite commonly, but his recent post seems a bit more of a nod to the DLC announcement next week.

He shows off green Axe deodorant which is leading a ton of people to believe that our green axe wielding fighter Nightwolf will be announced in the Kombat Pack soon.

What does everyone think of this? Is this just Ed trolling? Do you think Ed will hint at all the other DLC characters this way? Does this further confirm that recent DLC leak with all the characters?

Also, and most importantly, what are RedSpoons?
Combo Breaker 2019 Results and Breakdown
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Combo Breaker is finally done. 800 players entered and only 1 remained. With some big upsets going on throughout the pools, this was a fantastic start for the Mortal Kombat 11 Pro Circuit and the most energized the NRS scene has been in a LONG time.

Dlc announcement next week

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Boon tweeted that, if all goes well, kp1 announcement will be sometime next week, accompanied by a shang tsung gif where cary tsung screams IT HAS BEGUN!!!

Combo Breaker 2019 Top 8 Set!

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Mortal Kombat 11 at Combo Breaker has proven to be an excellent showcase in gameplay with perhaps the most diverse competition we've had so early on in an NRS title with representatives from all over the world including Australia, The Netherlands, Canada, and many more! Competition has been consistently fierce from pools to top 24 play and the momentum hasn't slowed down.