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$20,000 POT BONUS FROM WB FOR MK9 TOP at EVO 2012!!


People have been complaining that the resets are going to win the tournament, since the first 100% was found. I haven't seen cdjr do the resets, I haven't seen Maxter (although I hear he does it in casuals, but he playes cage 90% now) use the resets, I haven't seen KTSmith win a tourney with the resets (not sure if he still uses them). If they happen, that sucks, but it's not gonna get fixed. If anyone thinks they can switch their main and get some easy reset wins, I encourage you to try. Then we'd have proof for NRS that stuff like that needs to be taken care of for the next game.

$20k means more attendants, which means a potential evo 2013.

A full blown patch means less pot money, but happier competitors that are already invested elbow deep in the game.

If I was in charge of WB/NRS I know which group I'm going after.
CDJr had numerous ocations to do the reset with both Jax and Smoke, but he didn't, although as Jax he did them on stream several times, but as Smoke I don't recall. Not sure why, maybe he just doesn't want to, maybe he doesn't need to, or maybe he keeps'em for EVO :). I've never seen KT use them, Maxter I'm not sure, although he did in the falls and was using unblockable combos at MLG or something. BUT, Waffles used them, other players used them as well, Curbolitious used Jax's I think. Here in my region - everybody uses everything without giving a shit, even top players. It's just that the pros of TYM not to feel bad if they lose to someone using these at EVO. Imagine some Japanese/Korean guys coming and trolling MK9 like that guy did with UMvC3 and taking places and calling the game shit. Just sayin'...


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
Wouldn't it be nice if us, "true", Europeans would show up and give you all a run worth your money? Oh no wait I'd have have to pay for it myself, that's right. Hey run a drive for me would ya? I mean you guys do it for a couple of guys labeled after a hot dog's mixture of sauces.
Evo snuck up on no one, ketchup and i were saving up long before the WB prize business, so wed have been going regardless.

ANYONE could have saved up from the time evo was initially announced to evo itself, Glue saw that he wouldnt be able to afford it and decided to set up a donation drive, and seeing how he's an already proven player and well liked among the community, people have donated.

you dont ask, you dont get.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
I was completely aware they would not be funded to go to Evo by the US players, obviously this was a joke. That joke has a reason to it but let's not go deeper regarding that at this very time. Maybe at SVB I'll tell ya the entire deal.

We pretty much have established something rather "solid" ourselves since most of us have been playing since the demo, long enough I'd say. We're just not hyping it up / blowing it out of proportion. But yes you can be pretty sure that I and other Europeans do attend events.

Now for some reason I get the idea that the rest of Europe is but a shadow of UK and that we're supposed to blow up an event to showcase our skills. Well, tell you what ... The videos of such events are online, the next event is this coming may on the 26th. But I will not hype it up just to show that there are mutual / better players than the British over here at our side of Europe.

And that is all I have to say regarding that, perhaps I will see you at SVB.
why didnt you guys attend WGC in france? everyone flew out for that, not every event is gonna be a short bus journey away.
I don't think we should hear people bitching at NRS, there was a person yesterday whining on how they don't support.

Tim Static So MK(9) literally made EVO history for having the largest Pot right? Or am I wrong?


"More deadly than the dawn"
I was completely aware they would not be funded to go to Evo by the US players, obviously this was a joke. That joke has a reason to it but let's not go deeper regarding that at this very time. Maybe at SVB I'll tell ya the entire deal.

We pretty much have established something rather "solid" ourselves since most of us have been playing since the demo, long enough I'd say. We're just not hyping it up / blowing it out of proportion. But yes you can be pretty sure that I and other Europeans do attend events.

Now for some reason I get the idea that the rest of Europe is but a shadow of UK and that we're supposed to blow up an event to showcase our skills. Well, tell you what ... The videos of such events are online, the next event is this coming may on the 26th. But I will not hype it up just to show that there are mutual / better players than the British over here at our side of Europe.

And that is all I have to say regarding that, perhaps I will see you at SVB.
You guys have never been to any European majors. Actually, you've all backed out of the european majors. Sorry if that doesn't impress me very much. Anybody can play locally. If you aren't going to put the effort in, don't expect to be taken as seriously as others.

I'm getting tired of you guys complaining, ever since that god damn demo tournament. Instead of crying about it, prove yourself for a bloody change. And if EVO is out of the question for you, then MK may be at I45 this August. There will not be an SVB. The guy who runs SVB is a joke. And the only two guys that worked hard have left Neo Empire. And they will be running I45.

On a side note, I'm glad Warner Bros are backing their game, looks like EVO matters substantially eh? can we stop saying it doesn't now? :)
No matter what you do, people will find something to bitch about.

Good shit WB/NRS!

That guy always has some shit to say always, and it's always something negative. At first I just thought he was a troll, but, it's just annoying now. Every post is bashing MK or the scene somehow by him.
mr. wizard essentially said that mk9 numbers were close to last year. last year PL got $3000 for first place, so first place will probably be worth $5500-$7000 dollars(1st+pot bonus), depending on sign-ups. are pot bonuses for top 8 divided evenly?
Entrant Numbers for EVO2k12? So you're saying we will meet 500 or exceed it? According to Mr.Wizard.


Dojo Trainee
I hope MLG doesn't schedule another event near the time of EVO because now anyone who was reluctant to go to EVO and attend an MLG event instead, will have probably changed their minds. Even if they offer a bigger cash prize or 32k at MLG like last time (even though NRS provided like 16k of that if i'm correct),EVO's EVO and a lot of the fighting game community hold it in higher regard especially with how big of an event it's going to be this year with EU attending, bigger prize pot and a lot of top players. Or some can do what REO did last year (during summer jam i think) and go to MLG if there happens to be one while everyone is saving to go to EVO:p.
I hope MLG doesn't schedule another event near the time of EVO because now anyone who was reluctant to go to EVO and attend an MLG event instead, will have probably changed their minds. Even if they offer a bigger cash prize or 32k at MLG like last time (even though NRS provided like 16k of that if i'm correct),EVO's EVO and a lot of the fighting game community hold it in higher regard especially with how big of an event it's going to be this year with EU attending, bigger prize pot and a lot of top players. Or some can do what REO did last year (during summer jam i think) and go to MLG if there happens to be one while everyone is saving to go to EVO:p.

They won't next event is in August. If there is an Arena Invitational for Anaheim players, Sabin will make sure that it's not done close to EVO.


I agree with folks in here saying that WB/NRS SHOULD use their resource monies towards patching/fixing the game. And don't eeeeeven give me that "the game has been through 5 patches and two hot fixes already" BS, cause you know it and I know it...that the game needs a lot of help!

And I'd rather not see the game being on the big stage and get EXPOSED for the clusterfuck that it is...most of the time.

We all know that there are two important things when it comes to EVO tournament games. 1.) How many entrants there are and 2.) what's displayed on the big stage.

Sure the number of entrants/hype is nice and all. But if on the big stage you see retarded reset after another. Or bullshit frame traps. Or wacky ass hit boxes. Or unreasonable trades. Or players complaining about the input "no raid for u" bug. Etc. Etc...

Eventually the game becomes a complete and worthless joke.

And "not to mention" how zone heavy this game is, could almost put someone to sleep at high level...ha!

Anyways, you think with $20,000 on the line players are going to purposely NOT use the BS in this game...to WIN? And who knows what type of retarded hidden tech is out there, breaking the game and enhancing character advantage.

Maaaaan...all I'm saying is that I want a good MK game to play. One that fits what NRS advertised "being a competitive/balanced/tournament worthy game". And I also want this game to display the best possible/honest talent. And NOT players who make it to finals just to display a few hours of GIMMICKS to the thousands of people watching....

So they can make $20,000. -_-
guys, we can't ask for more after this. the patch probably won't come and I think nobody hates sonya like I do but it is what it is. Play the game..


I don't think we should hear people bitching at NRS, there was a person yesterday whining on how they don't support.

Tim Static So MK(9) literally made EVO history for having the largest Pot right? Or am I wrong?
That person was me :-P. And I'd still sort of stand by it....NRS is dolling out large cash prizes at big events (MLG, now EVO), but is ignoring smaller ones. I think dolling out the same amount of cash over more events would be stronger at building the game.

But far be it for me to say they "Don't Support" totally with the announcement of 20K. I just wish they announced it say a month earlier so EVO ticket prices would be lower for potential players.
Agree, don't think people pay attention to those issues as much unless it's purposely brought to light. When I watch streams, I just see an awesome game, and I bet that's what everyone else sees too.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I agree with folks in here saying that WB/NRS SHOULD use their resource monies towards patching/fixing the game. And don't eeeeeven give me that "the game has been through 5 patches and two hot fixes already" BS, cause you know it and I know it...that the game needs a lot of help!

And I'd rather not see the game being on the big stage and get EXPOSED for the clusterfuck that it is...most of the time.

We all know that there are two important things when it comes to EVO tournament games. 1.) How many entrants there are and 2.) what's displayed on the big stage.

Sure the number of entrants/hype is nice and all. But if on the big stage you see retarded reset after another. Or bullshit frame traps. Or wacky ass hit boxes. Or unreasonable trades. Or players complaining about the input "no raid for u" bug. Etc. Etc...

Eventually the game becomes a complete and worthless joke.

And "not to mention" how zone heavy this game is, could almost put someone to sleep at high level...ha!

Anyways, you think with $20,000 on the line players are going to purposely NOT use the BS in this game...to WIN? And who knows what type of retarded hidden tech is out there, breaking the game and enhancing character advantage.

Maaaaan...all I'm saying is that I want a good MK game to play. One that fits what NRS advertised "being a competitive/balanced/tournament worthy game". And I also want this game to display the best possible/honest talent. And NOT players who make it to finals just to display a few hours of GIMMICKS to the thousands of people watching....

So they can make $20,000. -_-
This happen to SC4 digimon. Remember that? That evo for SC4 was a fucking joke.


It's just that the pros of TYM not to feel bad if they lose to someone using these at EVO. Imagine some Japanese/Korean guys coming and trolling MK9 like that guy did with UMvC3 and taking places and calling the game shit. Just sayin'...
I remember at EVO last year, Jop (a top 8 finalist at EVO 2011 for MK9/Tekken God) was shouting "MK...SUCKS" in the back n forth hype chant at EVO last year.

I didn't quit understand why he was doing/saying that...especially when he made top 8 in the game AT EVO. But now I surely do understand haha. :p

O M G... time to ditch the 4 armed ....
I knew this day would officially come. SMH :(


This happen to SC4 digimon. Remember that? That evo for SC4 was a fucking joke.
I surely do Havik. SCIV is a PRIME EXAMPLE. And EVO 2k4 with SCII and Mick and RTD was a LOT WORSE!!!

Soul Calibur was almost NEVER allowed back at EVO.

Thank god SCV is a much better game, than ALL the games mentioned in my post here.


Come On Die Young
It's just that the pros of TYM not to feel bad if they lose to someone using these at EVO. Imagine some Japanese/Korean guys coming and trolling MK9 like that guy did with UMvC3 and taking places and calling the game shit. Just sayin'...
I'm not sure if this was a joke/rumor, but I remember one of the ATL guys (don't remember if it was Pig or not) saying that Japanese player who won umvc3 actually entered MK at Final Round. After watching a few matches he was just like "fuck this" and asked to withdraw from it. Apparently Tokido tried to pick it up too, but said he would probably get bodied by the Americans if he entered it at a tournament here.

Until a gimmicky log trap is found in MK, I don't think this is going to happen.


Media Master
I'm not sure if this was a joke/rumor, but I remember one of the ATL guys (don't remember if it was Pig or not) saying that Japanese player who won umvc3 actually entered MK at Final Round. After watching a few matches he was just like "fuck this" and asked to withdraw from it. Apparently Tokido tried to pick it up too, but said he would probably get bodied by the Americans if he entered it at a tournament here.

Until a gimmicky log trap is found in MK, I don't think this is going to happen.
It was Pig, and yea he watched the Pool matches at Final Round, saw the casuals and was like yea....Fuck that


Revolver: ROFLMFAO how in the hell can u compare a planned/executed special move like the log trap as a gimmick...to a RANDOM gimmick like the input bug?

People who play MK and call UMvC3 random, is the funniest shit ever. :p

I should probably stop reading this thread smh.


Come On Die Young
Revolver: ROFLMFAO how in the hell can u compare a planned/executed special move like the log trap as a gimmick...to a RANDOM gimmick like the input bug?

People who play MK and call UMvC3 random, is the funniest shit ever. :p

I should probably stop reading this thread smh.
What I mean is that you can't use the input bug to your advantage. A random Japanese player can't come over and be like "I'm gonna input bug you to death"


I'm not sure if this was a joke/rumor, but I remember one of the ATL guys (don't remember if it was Pig or not) saying that Japanese player who won umvc3 actually entered MK at Final Round. After watching a few matches he was just like "fuck this" and asked to withdraw from it. Apparently Tokido tried to pick it up too, but said he would probably get bodied by the Americans if he entered it at a tournament here.

Until a gimmicky log trap is found in MK, I don't think this is going to happen.
Hmm, I can't tell if you're saying that Japanese players would only play this if there was super broke stuff in (like log trap) or that the silly glitches in the game like input bug puts them off.

I could see how doing a standing 1 or 3 where D1 or D3 has not come out to be very irritating for them.

Anywho, EVO at 20 K? That is very cool. Osu 16 Bit, you seem to be a man that knows people, any news that there will be a hotfix and if so, pre or post EVO?


What I mean is that you can't use the input bug to your advantage. A random Japanese player can't come over and be like "I'm gonna input bug you to death"
Man that wasn't random. It's just the U.S was EXPOSED to a decent Jap player who played a unique team.