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EX Ovi should launch
Hey guys I got a question. In another thread we were testing the frame data on mileena's s1. And I was wondering if it took a frame to come out of block and do a normal. If It does take a frame then her s1 is 0 and not +2 but if it doesnt then it's +1. The frame data's wrong either way
I believe it does take a frame to stop blocking. Have put in the notes between 0 and +2, though if you are able to confirm how you tested it i will be happy to update exactly, thank you!

Shinnok f4 is -7 on block, I just happened to test it yesterday.

If the startup is unchanged from when the notation was b3, it should be 7f startup
Have updated on there, thanks !


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
I believe it does take a frame to stop blocking. Have put in the notes between 0 and +2, though if you are able to confirm how you tested it i will be happy to update exactly, thank you!

Have updated on there, thanks !
we did mileena's s1 on sub and then did a s4( 13 frames). subs f4(12 frames) traded but his b1 (11 frames) beat it clean. the frame data on her 12 and 123 both seem wrong too but ill have to do more testing to confirm an exact number

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Just an update as it's not been said, the bandwidth on our site was used up in like 3-4 hours of the site going live, as I chose to go with a TERRIBLE hosting option. If anyone is willing to host it then let me know as it would be really handy, but I will work on having it back up before the weekend through whatever means.

Best way to access is to use the Google Sheets link in the first post.

Also @Fraud Blank got a few things looking fishy if you are able to help test!

- Dvorah Xray, Listed as -15 but supposedly it is safe on block?
- Raiden B3,4 ; listed as -2 on block, L,OH. Apparantly hits low,MID and is at least -10? (seen in @Nivek raiden fixes thread)
Already tested D'Vorrah's XRay before I can't give a precise number but it's between -1 to -5 on block
Raiden's B34 is indeed -10 on block


EX Ovi should launch
we did mileena's s1 on sub and then did a s4( 13 frames). subs f4(12 frames) traded but his b1 (11 frames) beat it clean. the frame data on her 12 and 123 both seem wrong too but ill have to do more testing to confirm an exact number
i13 trading with subs i12+1 and losing clean to i11+1 is neutral, will update on the sheet!
"Seeming wrong" and being tested to have different frame data is important though, so if you get results for the others I am happy to update them! Thanks.


Takeda's Shirai Ryu Phase (DB3 MB) is listed as 0 on block but Liu's D1 and Ermac's 2 (both 9 frames) punish it, yet Reptile's F2 (10 frames) doesn't.

Pretty sure it's -10. Can you confirm @RedRaptor10 ?


EDIT: We didn't expect this much traffic so soon, our bandwidth has been exceeded already. We're working on switching hosting so for now please use the direct link.

www.mkxframedata.com is now a thing.

At the moment the site just redirects to a Google document but there are plans to have a website with full functionality and cool features in the near future. Until the website is developed (no ETA at the moment) we’re making all character’s frame data accessible to everyone. There is more to come, but for now this will have to be our shared resource for instant access to frame data.

In the event of the site going down, here's the direct link to the datasheets:

This is not very mobile friendly in the current form so if you want to view it on a mobile device, you’re best off downloading Google Sheets and viewing it from the app rather than your mobile browser.

NOTE: If you view the content whilst signed into Google, your name will be visible to all other users. To browse anonymously, just sign out before viewing.

All data has been collated from the game and a LOT of the data is missing or straight up wrong. These are highlighted in yellow until verified, tested and amended as they are found. If you believe any data to be inaccurate, please tag myself @Temjiin and @smokey and we’ll list it as wrong until tested. It’s really important we can all share accurate data.

Huge thanks to @smokey for conceiving this project and all the hours he’s put in, @dotunderscore and @GLoRToR for all their help with getting this data together and @Fraud Blank for frame testing.

@YOMI RM JagoBlake
Thank you very much guys for your work. Its great!

Also i have some questions:
1) www.mkxframedata.com - is not working =(

2) Your tab needs a DAMAGE and BLOCK DAMAGE columns! please!

3) Your tab needs a RANGE column - Close, Mid (Sweep), Long (Just outside of sweep), 3/4 screen, Full screen, Any (ex: Ice Klone for Sub Zero).

4) Question: what does "Pokes" means in your tab categories (does it means quick Low attacks)?
What is the difference between Normal and Universal normal in your tab categories?

5) Give us the ability (icons) to SORT columns (increase/decrease) or make unmerged rows for easier doing this in excel w/o loosing tab design.

6) Is it possible to make & insert in tab a PICTURE for every Move - to make possible to recognise the move w/o knowing its input.
Example (click on any Name):

>>> Then your tab will become a COMPLETE and FULLY USABLE Character's move list with full info! Please do it!
Last edited:


If I may contribute something, I noticed the Cryomancer part lists F1,2 and F1,2,2 as having the exact same frame data when only F1,2 is 0 on block IIRC.


If I may contribute something, I noticed the Cryomancer part lists F1,2 and F1,2,2 as having the exact same frame data when only F1,2 is 0 on block IIRC.
Hi, sorry I just saw this... is this an error on our part or is the in-game data just wrong?

Devin Thorn

chimp damage
So uh...why aren't you guys applying to NRS cuz it seems like you would do a hell of a lot better at testing finished products than them lol


So uh...why aren't you guys applying to NRS cuz it seems like you would do a hell of a lot better at testing finished products than them lol
Obviously a rhetorical question but I'd be too much of a headache for them as I'm equally as critical of them for their shit netcode, lazy graphic design, accuracy incompetence and half-assed testing as I am enthusiastic about the good stuff they do. My job involves being meticulous and thorough testing, I'd have had several disciplinary meetings with my manager by now if I released any products as flawed as the last 3 games.


Obviously a rhetorical question but I'd be too much of a headache for them as I'm equally as critical of them for their shit netcode, lazy graphic design, accuracy incompetence and half-assed testing as I am enthusiastic about the good stuff they do. My job involves being meticulous and thorough testing, I'd have had several disciplinary meetings with my manager by now if I released any products as flawed as the last 3 games.
Are you going to add some new info to your gdocs tab?
wrote this above:
2) Your tab needs a DAMAGE and BLOCK DAMAGE columns! please!

3) Your tab needs a RANGE column - Close, Mid (Sweep), Long (Just outside of sweep), 3/4 screen, Full screen, Any (ex: Ice Klone for Sub Zero).


Are you going to add some new info to your gdocs tab?
wrote this above:
2) Your tab needs a DAMAGE and BLOCK DAMAGE columns! please!

3) Your tab needs a RANGE column - Close, Mid (Sweep), Long (Just outside of sweep), 3/4 screen, Full screen, Any (ex: Ice Klone for Sub Zero).
Dude that would be like 40-50 hours of extra work.... none of us have the time sorry. The information we've provided should be sufficient to form a core base of options for your character.


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EX Ovi should launch
Has anyone had time to determine which characters have the best low pokes?
You can view the frame data for all of the pokes in the game in the doc and judge for yourself on that, but theres not really a defined "best" low poke, you would still have to go in game to check the range and extra properties like pushback and low profile.
Yes true. As far as the numbers go, what exactly are we looking for. The difference of the starting frames and recovery? And then factoring in block and on hit numbers.

Does anyone have a feel for some of the best pokers? I main sub and he's up there in the poke game I believe. I like the poke shenanigans it makes me feel safer against rush down characters. I'm looking for some characters who excel in their poking


EX Ovi should launch
Yes true. As far as the numbers go, what exactly are we looking for. The difference of the starting frames and recovery? And then factoring in block and on hit numbers.

Does anyone have a feel for some of the best pokers? I main sub and he's up there in the poke game I believe. I like the poke shenanigans it makes me feel safer against rush down characters. I'm looking for some characters who excel in their poking
Ok so the game runs in 60fps, 1 frame = 1/60th of a second measurement.

Startup; How fast from you pushing the button to it coming out. Sub d4 is 9 frames, and is his second fastest attack (standing 1 is 7frames) in any variation.
Active: The amount of frames it is active, aka the hitbox is live and will connect on hit or block if it comes into contact during this window.
Recovery: How long the move takes to finish and you can act again.

Startup + active + recovery = Total move time. Subs d4 adds to 33 frames, so when you push d4 it is been and gone in just over half a second.

Block adv: when this move is blocked this is the difference in recovery from you and your opponent. D4 with sub is -6 on block, so your opponent can act 6 frames before you if he blocks it. Not a great deal to worry but if you try to push a button after its blocked you are likely to be too slow and get interrupted.
Hit Adv: when the move hits, same deal. Sub zeros d4 is +17 on hit, so look at the startup of his other moves and you can see what you can put out here to take advantage of this. For example b2 startup is 17 frames, so we know that you have 17 frames to act where your opponent can do nothing. Your opponent has to respect the b2 and if he pushes anything that isnt block, he will take the hit and you can do your combo.

These are all things to look at which are tied to how "good" a poke is, as well as stuff the numbers dont cover like range and pushback. Its fine having a super fast, great advantage poke, but if it knocks them full screen or has tiny range it may not prove as useful in practice. Basically you can just use this data to compare speeds, advantages and see what kind of stuff your pokes lead to if they hit or get blocked.
Nice, thanks for summing it all up for me now I'll do some browsing when I get home. I know what you mean about the extras, I'm currently working on Tanya as my second in command, and her low poke range is not far from depressing. I'm in love with Ex Tonfa toss though so I'm sticking with her.

I'll do some poke exploring now that I understand it a bit better, to see who can be my 3rd in command.