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Why do you prefer MKX to Injustice?


Neutral Skipper
The only thing I like significantly better about MKX over Injustice - apart from the lack of 20% unblockable interactables - is the movement.

The first few hours of Injustice actually really sucked for me. The movement definitely took some time to get used to. And even in the end when I loved the game, I still thought it could've been better.


Mid Tier
I understand for many people are are longtime MK players and simply prefer that franchise, or already mastered Injustice and so now are turning to MKX as a new challenge.

In terms of only gameplay though, for those of you who prefer MKX to Injustice, why do you?

I'm very new to the fighting game genre. Injustice is what got me in to the genre, and I didn't start taking it seriously until November, so I feel there is a lot I am missing. However...I really prefer Injustice, and was a little bit disappointed when MKX came out.

Injustice just seems like a deeper, more complex, higher quality game. Or, if nothing else, I find it a hell of a lot more fun to play.

The reasons I think this are:
  • The clash system, something new and innovative(AFAIK) and another variable to be encountered for when considering meter.
  • The character trait system
  • Stage transitions. Even if I don't use them it can be a good way to pressure your opponent.
  • The different categories of characters..gadget, acrobatic and power characters.
  • The diversity in interactibles and how different categories of characters interacted with them
  • The roster of characters. Far more than in MKX and each feels very distinct and well defined.
  • The speed...Injustice as a whole feels like a faster game.
Does anyone agree or disagree? why?
The movement, the ability to actually move your character around the screen.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I enjoyed Injustice way more than MK9, but like MKX way more than both combined. The game is just so fluid, fast paced, and fun! I like the 50/50's and shenanigans because they prevent it from being slow and boring. The disrespect factor of "running up and doing shit" keeps everyone on their toes.


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
ah, yes. the deep and rich history of mk:

bro do you know what franchise this is, it's only selling point is nostalgia and cheese. the game is fun on compertitive level, but call a spade a spade. don't even get me started on story mode for this game.
Lol I never claimed MK was any more or less deep in terms of story telling. Honestly, story mode for all three games could have been written better by a team of Korean children locked in a tiger cage, so there's that. I'm just the type that finds no entertainment in comic book heroes. I never liked them when I was little, and I don't like them now. There's droves of people that would say My Little Pony is extremely rich in adult story telling and character development, but like comic books, it just doesn't appeal to me.


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
I enjoyed injustice more. No block button that kills crossovers, i loved the characters even though im not a comicbook reader. I did hate the unbloackble stageusage and i think that the variation system in MKX is more fun than the trait system in injustice. Im NOT gonna bring up graphics because Injustice = PS3/360 and MKX= PS4/Xbone. so it doesnt make sense to do.
Also there is no Kung Jin in Injstice which makes it more fun (even doomsday were more fun to watch during tournament streams.. not much but a little more fun)
The Lack of AA for some characters in MKX really annoyes the hell out of me aswell (not counting armored moves)


Positive Poster!
I never played injustice but here's something I noticed.
They seem to have learned more from injustice to mkx than from mk9 to injustice so issues with mk9 are still present in mkx even if some things were looked at otherwise.


The Lack of AA for some characters in MKX really annoyes the hell out of me aswell (not counting armored moves)
Yeeeep. Some characters can't AA at all, yet you have a character that can d1 you out of the air into a full combo. d1~divekick, bro. :|


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
Yeeeep. Some characters can't AA at all, yet you have a character that can d1 you out of the air into a full combo. d1~divekick, bro. :|
It makes MKX a jumpfest.. so many unpunished jumps/crossovers that its annoying..


It makes MKX a jumpfest.. so many unpunished jumps/crossovers that its annoying..
Agreed. There is an unbelievable amount of jumping in MKX. I hope they increase AA capabilities to tone down the jumping. They made d2 a better AA with a patch in Injustice, so hopefully they'll do something similar for MKX.


undefeated online evo champion
Lol I never claimed MK was any more or less deep in terms of story telling. Honestly, story mode for all three games could have been written better by a team of Korean children locked in a tiger cage, so there's that. I'm just the type that finds no entertainment in comic book heroes. I never liked them when I was little, and I don't like them now. There's droves of people that would say My Little Pony is extremely rich in adult story telling and character development, but like comic books, it just doesn't appeal to me.
either way you try to spin it, i feel the majority of people care more about dc characters than the cutout caricatures that is 90% of mk cast. i can understand not liking some game mechanics, but pointing out how a differernce between the games is cheese, then playing mkx with a straight face doesnt make sense.

and to be fair, nrs is responsible for any cheesiness you felt towards injustice as they wrote the story. it can't touch dc's best stuff. i know this is off topic but still.
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blink-182 enthusiast
Overall, I prefer Injustice, but there are definitely still things I prefer about MKX.

Anti-Airs exist
Walk speeds are generally better (but running is stupid)
Better balance already than what Injustice had by the final patch
Going from grundy to goro makes me feel the exact opposite about anti airs lol


blink-182 enthusiast
also- because by the end of injustice i got counterpicked practically every time i picked grundy against anyone and it just got so tiring playing heavily disadvantaged matchups.

I like picking goro and thinking "wow, I can compete with the whole cast", even if it's only for the time being


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
also- because by the end of injustice i got counterpicked practically every time i picked grundy against anyone and it just got so tiring playing heavily disadvantaged matchups.

I like picking goro and thinking "wow, I can compete with the whole cast", even if it's only for the time being

People counterpicked Grundy? :confused:


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
either way you try to spin it, i feel the majority of people care more about dc characters than the cutout caricatures that is 90% of mk cast. i can understand not liking some game mechanics, but pointing out how a differernce between the games is cheese, then playing mkx with a straight face doesnt make sense.

and to be fair, nrs is responsible for any cheesiness you felt towards injustice as they wrote the story. it can't touch dc's best stuff. i know this is off topic but still.
So NRS is to blame for Superman's disguise from the most intillegent and powerful villains in the universe being a pair of hipster glasses? The characters are lame as fuck in my opinion, lol. It is what it is. You and literally millions of others won't agree with me, but that's planet earth for you. You're welcome to like all the comics you want, but there's no need to be so persistent when not liking comic book characters is a completely viable reason to not like injustice. If the BEST fighting game in the world featured the cast of Friends and Sex in the City, I still wouldn't fucking play it lol.


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
why play a 5-5 or a 6-4 when you can pick hawkgirl or cyborg or gl or superman or lex (you get the point) and mash your face against the controller and win a 7-3 or a 8-2
People played Cyborg? WHAT DID I MISS?!


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
I'm not going to try and change your opinion, but I just want to point out your particular example is flawed.

In the comics, Superman's disguise is not simply a pair of glasses. It is a number of things. He changes his complete body language and stature, goes from being overly confident to shy and awkward, changes his accent, etc. As Superman his eyes are an unnatural blue, which the glasses help to hide and bring it back down to a more human hue.

There mores to it, but yeah. It isn't as simple as just putting on a pair of glasses, because well duh, who wouldn't recognize him then.

It's actually pretty well thought out, in the comics at least. Just saying.

Also, if ANY fighting game had the cast of Sex in the City, I would ABSOLUTELY play it.
My opinion seema flawed to you because you're biased on the subject. No harm no foul, but my opinion is completely valid. That's like telling a person with sensitive teeth that not liking ice cream is somehow invalid. There's numerous aspects of Injustice that I liked and appreciated in terms of fighting game mechanics, but at the end of the day, if you're not able to attach to the characters, you're never going to truly enjoy the game.


undefeated online evo champion
So NRS is to blame for Superman's disguise from the most intillegent and powerful villains in the universe being a pair of hipster glasses? The characters are lame as fuck in my opinion, lol. It is what it is. You and literally millions of others won't agree with me, but that's planet earth for you. You're welcome to like all the comics you want, but there's no need to be so persistent when not liking comic book characters is a completely viable reason to not like injustice. If the BEST fighting game in the world featured the cast of Friends and Sex in the City, I still wouldn't fucking play it lol.
im not trying to convince you to like anything. just wondering why, when mkx character's are infinitely more shallow and uninteresting than dc's, yet you still don't hold them to the same standard you did injustice. it's similar to stating your reason for prefereing mkx over inj is because you didnt enjoy injustice for it's 50-50 metagame. like, what?

do you see how thats confusing