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Death Cargo Thread - Free DLC Released


Why does it matter what they look like? Necrostorm is a gore film company they just want to put some gore on the screen.
I'm not the only one who thinks the characters look odd. I guess it doesn't really matter, it's just personal opinion on how ugly the characters look. It's actually quite interesting to me how different they look and I've caught myself researching this game about 10 different times and still question myself why. I guess it's just kind of one of those things where it's so odd and not something I've typically seen in a fighting game and is intriguing to me.


Filthy Casual
So...I contacted Kotaku via their "tips" email. This is beyond ridiculous and the larger media outlets need to know about it, at the very least (and the game is a reality and launches) it would make an interesting story and hopefully take them to task for the TERRIBLE way they've treated their consumer base. Worse case scenario they get their balls hammered to the wall and exposed.


"To whom it may concern,

I'm contacting you out of a growing concern that the Italian based "splatter horror" movie/game studio Necrostorm might be engaging in unethical and illegal practices related to the release of their game "Death Cargo". During it's long and tenuous development, developers of the studio quickly established a reputation for deleting / censoring responses that question specific details and timetables on their official website, their facebook, as well as their youtube channel. Physical copies are reported by the company to "have been shipped" but there's vague confirmation on that actually transpiring. There's also been a complete media coverage embargo despite the physical release of the game with an explanation citing ambiguous Italian law and that "all will be revealed once the official trailer is released." The launch date for that trailer was 5/5/2014 and still nothing from the company. As a consumer, I felt compelled to contact and inform media outlets that Necrostorm can't directly censor in the event that this is indeed a scam as well as shine a light on their questionable business practices.

Thank you for your time and interest"


So...I contacted Kotaku via their "tips" email. This is beyond ridiculous and the larger media outlets need to know about it, at the very least (and the game is a reality and launches) it would make an interesting story and hopefully take them to task for the TERRIBLE way they've treated their consumer base. Worse case scenario they get their balls hammered to the wall and exposed.


"To whom it may concern,

I'm contacting you out of a growing concern that the Italian based "splatter horror" movie/game studio Necrostorm might be engaging in unethical and illegal practices related to the release of their game "Death Cargo". During it's long and tenuous development, developers of the studio quickly established a reputation for deleting / censoring responses that question specific details and timetables on their official website, their facebook, as well as their youtube channel. Physical copies are reported by the company to "have been shipped" but there's vague confirmation on that actually transpiring. There's also been a complete media coverage embargo despite the physical release of the game with an explanation citing ambiguous Italian law and that "all will be revealed once the official trailer is released." The launch date for that trailer was 5/5/2014 and still nothing from the company. As a consumer, I felt compelled to contact and inform media outlets that Necrostorm can't directly censor in the event that this is indeed a scam as well as shine a light on their questionable business practices.

Thank you for your time and interest"
This is really fucking awesome that you did this, man. Major props. I'm glad someone took the initiative to inform someone about the bullshit Necrostorm has pulled so far on fans spending their cash for a product that no one even knows exists.



I won't bother about this if I were you, if this is the mentality that they use to treat their customers, I can't even imagine how will they react to their feedback regarding the game if it needed some tweeking or balancing, besides, this game looks like garbage, so i don't believe its worth the money.


A prop on the stage of life.
I won't bother about this if I were you, if this is the mentality that they use to treat their customers, I can't even imagine how will they react to their feedback regarding the game if it needed some tweeking or balancing, besides, this game looks like garbage, so i don't believe its worth the money.
Of course its not worth the money. But one of us needs to take a hit for the benefit of the majority here. :p I'll pick it up, as I shouldn't fall under any of their "scanners" from forum posts or otherwise. I haven't affiliated with this company yet. So IF I have a game to play, I'll be sure to let everyone know.


Filthy Casual
Good, good. We need more people to send similar tips.

And ask all the big youtube reviewers to review this game. :)
Good idea. I'll hit up @AngryJoeShow and see if he bites.

EDIT: Sent

I looked but couldn't find a point of contact for Giantbomb and Rev3 aside from more mainstream channels like social media.
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Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator

This is the anti-pirate system guys...

When you buy the game, it downloads an .exe installer but in order for to be activated you have to send an email to customer support for them to generate a key off of your personal key here.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Death Cargo nominated for Best Drama Series

My biggest hope is it turns out the game is actually real, m night shamamamailian twist


A prop on the stage of life.
Asymmetric encryption? What is this garbage? I just purchases the game (the value of a dollar sucks). How long until I get this "code" from the staff @Mikemetroid ?


Dojo Trainee
The irony of like that the game seeming like its fake is actually the most hype thing they could do marketing wise. Since it seemed like nobody was really that interested before people started wondering if it was a scam.
This makes absolutely no sense.
It also does not take 48 hours to create a unique digital copy unless they are completely incompetent.