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Meterburned Interactable Master
I don't think top five, but top ten. I like how she relies on "tricking" her opponent constantly, but it may not always work out.
I just worry about how her tricks will hold up as the game progresses and people figure them out.


All of this complaining is pretty funny. After going to the lab, I have found her trait to be stronger than many of you can imagine. She has an armored move in trait and her reflect is active on the first or second frame. Tbh Zatanna is going to blow ppl up who don't have any matchup experience against her. Her smoke and mirrors move combined with her levitate cancels will make her very good but not top. Sadly her normals are not that good.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The Chip is broken indeed.

However besides that, the only thing that got me interested his how fast Zatanna can Backdash


I like how she plays. Very focused on, well, smoke and mirrors. She ain't top tier material, though.
I really hope so since I plan on playing her. The more she sucks the better for me. I absolutely hate playing mirrors and I hate playing characters that are popular. I am a goddamn unique snowflake after all.


Remember, she has a way to absorb projectiles in her hat stance. You need a teleport to knock her out of trait guaranteed. If you throw a projectile, she can absorb it like Raven.

If she's spending time trying to absorb your projectile then she's not chipping you out. So while less effective than a teleport you're still not taking damage from the trait.