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Conversely Imagine if her trait did crap chip and damage and built nothing for meter. What would it's purpose be compared to her non-trait tools especially if it still gave her the debuff of not being able to jump or duck, it would be arguably the worst trait in the game. I honestly would like to see this trait done in a match to see how efficient it is rather than a bunch of people theory crafting because they can chip out a bot that's doing nothing but blocking. From what I can see and from my theorycrafting perspective she gets pretty hamstrung mobility wise and knocking her out of trait shouldn't be that difficult. When I look at her the thing that seems most frightening is her special the messes up your inputs not her trait that does high chip.
I think people, including myself, are just anxious because we know there's a balance patch coming.

One kinda gets the feeling that NRS wouldn't mind releasing a character with some really nasty abilities if they already know they have a patch in the future that is going to balance things so everyone can deal with it.

It's DEFINITELY way too early to call for a nerf I guess, but all these "omg this thread is stupid" posts are even worse than the complaints she is overpowered. The OP found something VERY important about her trait. If her trait is useless without the chip and meter building, then posters should be thankful he found it, not crying "omg he's trying to get her nerfed!"

For now I'm just going to stop posting anything even remotely anti-Zatanna. Looking at Zatanna's character, NRS put a HUGE amount of effort into creating such a complex and unique character. I think it's fair to trust that they can handle any issues if there are any, and I'd rather they see praise on the forum for a great character rather than complaints about something they worked so hard on. :)
I think the fact that she can't duck or jump in her trait is a significant handicap. It could be that the chip damage and quick build up of meter are the only real advantages of her trait, and if that is the case, then I think people are jumping the gun in calling for it to be nerfed. I think it's too early in any case, to be sure one way or the other. In any event, she is immense fun to play as, and I love the imagination put into her move-set. :)

TJ Casters

Remember, she has a way to absorb projectiles in her hat stance. You need a teleport to knock her out of trait guaranteed. If you throw a projectile, she can absorb it like Raven.


They love my Grayson
i think its a safe bet dr fate is next dlc. he was teased in her ending

not my video

Zatanna as a Villain...I guess they're running short on ideas for DLC Villains.

Jason Todd is the most popular Villain/Anti hero remaining so I'm sure he'll be the next villain DLC, which would be hype...even if others don't want another Batman character.


Frozen Earth
Why must the crying start immediately every time a new character is put into the game :(. Its honestly not that bad...she cant do shit in her trait. No jumping and no blocking unless she wants to lose it. Come on...

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That would b cool, but I think NRS was saying something like there were too many male character in this game haha.


I think Zatanna vs Lobo is a 10-0 matchup. What the hell does someone like Lobo do against a Zatanna that just shoots projectiles and teleports away?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2


I think Zatanna vs Lobo is a 10-0 matchup. What the hell does someone like Lobo do against a Zatanna that just shoots projectiles and teleports away?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2

zatana vs raven is impressive. just did that myself epic shit


i have to say i was excited when she got announced but now im just like shes meh

not saying shes a waste or anything but i think she couldve been a hell of a lot better
I think since she is all magic and stuff they put her Swag on 100%, but the fight part seems so so.(Still a good edition non the less)

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
I think this video as way too much overreacting about her trait. It does a lot of chip and builts meter? then why just sit there and take it? Honestly, I don't see her trait getting that much use.