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"You're Fired!" -- Joker General Discussion Thread


Dualshock 2 User
Nightwing, meterburn shurikens/low projectiles. Deathstroke is also tough because I have no idea how to punish his moves. Superman is another tough fight if he decides he wants to run away the whole match and only zone. His laser chip damage is the highest in the game. I really like playing as the joker though. 40% acid flower combos are cool.


bad at things
Nightwing, meterburn shurikens/low projectiles. Deathstroke is also tough because I have no idea how to punish his moves. Superman is another tough fight if he decides he wants to run away the whole match and only zone. His laser chip damage is the highest in the game. I really like playing as the joker though. 40% acid flower combos are cool.
I agree with nighwing because his low projectile lower his hitbox under gunshots. Hard to trade with him :\

Superman you need to duck the straight laser. The chip is insane if you dont. The diagonal laser just duck then stand up if they MB cause second hit is overhead. If superman does diagonal laser midair (non-MB) you can block and punish with gunshot as he is falling.


Plus on block.
BANG! is good against most zoners as it's very fast, can be held, and is easy to spam.

be careful against character with low projectiles though.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime
Ok, I love, love, love, love, LOVE Joker's punch line combo. Footsie into that flipping attack is so good. I'm not quite feeling his gas tank projectile attack where he throws it upwards. What is it for? It's too slow to be an anti air, it's too punishable and particular as a projectile, and it's generally useless. Is it a combo attack? Are there creative ways I can use it's ex form? I'm not seeing it's benefits.


I just noticed that the joker's f2 leaves the oppent staggering backwards. And you can cancel it into teeth to force them to block. I'm gonna go see if i can expand on this soon, just figured i'd mention it here in case someone else finds finds this useful.

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Joker waiting room
Ok, I love, love, love, love, LOVE Joker's punch line combo. Footsie into that flipping attack is so good. I'm not quite feeling his gas tank projectile attack where he throws it upwards. What is it for? It's too slow to be an anti air, it's too punishable and particular as a projectile, and it's generally useless. Is it a combo attack? Are there creative ways I can use it's ex form? I'm not seeing it's benefits.
its to keep people like flash and wonderwoman in check, flash with his dash jumping attacks and wonderwoman with her double air dash after which she can link specials

if they dont respect it while in the air then they get combod
Ok, I love, love, love, love, LOVE Joker's punch line combo. Footsie into that flipping attack is so good. I'm not quite feeling his gas tank projectile attack where he throws it upwards. What is it for? It's too slow to be an anti air, it's too punishable and particular as a projectile, and it's generally useless. Is it a combo attack? Are there creative ways I can use it's ex form? I'm not seeing it's benefits.
its pretty good try to use it once a match when you first lay down a teeth infront of you throw one gasbomb it has the suprise factor.. if you miss no biggie they know jump aint safe after that but when you hit it use the ex version and combo it with a gunshot for a easy 25% combo.. lots of times i end a match with that trick..its s more a hit then a miss for me..

plus when you hit someone with the teeth you can also use the gas throw ex version to bounce them high in the air to combo after
I think it hits as an overhead.

I just use it to keep non-zoning characters from jumping too much.
Nah. No overhead. I thought it would be too right away but it's not. Even the EX isn't. Unless it's been changed. Then again there is probably something amazing it can do that no one know about.

I also found that you can't close cross-up Catwoman with j2. It really hurts. A lot of catwomen just stay crouching too, so gotta remember to use them overheads.

I love how Jokers Crowbar (bf3) IS an overhead. Also for Deathfags just take it slow walking and blocking/dashing and pick Atlantis, the pipe in the middle of Atlantis helps getting in against zoners big time. Just jump and interact your way across the screen. Even if you start near the end of it you get some good distance. I am loving joker so far though. But like someone said about the parry you basically gotta read the guy to use it and know what's coming in online play.

OH, and for punishing Deathstroke's flip shit I've been using 2 or d2, db2, mb,b3, d2, 323/32, into any ending but spray is always the best. Unless you wanna try some mix up shit with teeth or gas. If you do d2 for the start I noticed it was harder to time the ending since it launches them forward.


Gym rat
Hey Fellow clowns someone needs to aware me on when do you guys cancel his 323 string into flowers somehow i can't hit that consistently #kappa!

Also do you guys ever use his crowbar overhead move? Haven't incorporated it in any combo so far.


Kitty Got Wet
Does anyone have any tips on how to beat Doomsday? Seems to be a hard match-up for joker because of all that ridiclous armor. And thats not including the extra stage interactble damage.
Hey Fellow clowns someone needs to aware me on when do you guys cancel his 323 string into flowers somehow i can't hit that consistently #kappa!

Also do you guys ever use his crowbar overhead move? Haven't incorporated it in any combo so far.
I love the crowbar it's amazing for punishing slow specials mid screen. I've been trying to work on a mix up starting with anything into db2mb, then b3, (db3,db3u,db3f), bf3. So ex-rolling laughing gas into wall bounce, then you do the teeth you want. If they have been rolling do far teeth and it will be right under them, and then crowbar. You get a real fast high-low hit. The main problem is if you just finish the combo with 323 bf2 you get the 42% and with the mix up you only get 45%, I'm going to keep trying different stuff.


I found an unblockable that I don't think I've seen here.

If you can set up teeth and still have enough frame advantage to go for a throw it's an unblockable unless they jump the throw attempt, but the teeth still hit sometimes anyways. Not sure what a setup for that would look like but I'm working on it.


Plus on block.
That's usless at this stage.

Online is full of jumping noobs.

Really the only use for teeth that this stage, or at least against this type of players is to throw them down directly after a sweep to cause panic.

Man I keep forgetting how good acid flower at getting people off of you, I was fighting a flash players and getting rushed to hell until I remembered the flower.
That's usless at this stage.

Online is full of jumping noobs.

Really the only use for teeth that this stage, or at least against this type of players is to throw them down directly after a sweep to cause panic.

Man I keep forgetting how good acid flower at getting people off of you, I was fighting a flash players and getting rushed to hell until I remembered the flower.
agree that video is pointless...slam them down with ji3 then teeth and acid flower them so they cant jump away :)


Joker here~
Hey guys what is your go to string after a ji2? I've been just using 3 and trying to hitconfirm into RLG or block confirming and finishing the string into acid flower.

His 2,1,2 strings seems kinda dodgy cuz you can crouch the last hit (though he can check the opponent with 2,1,3 or 2,1 acid flower)

Still trying to get a feel on what his best strings are.

Also his sweep is godlike (i think). Like the range on that thing is fkin ridiculous. Outranges aquaman, lex and nightwing in staff stance.
From max range its surely safe right?


Plus on block.
Is his trait almost absolutely useless for anyone else?

No one is ever predictable enough for me to land it.

And it's high risk/low reward, what you get from it is shitty, you just get a little bit of mobility for literal seconds and then it's gone.


Is his trait almost absolutely useless for anyone else?

No one is ever predictable enough for me to land it.

And it's high risk/low reward, what you get from it is shitty, you just get a little bit of mobility for literal seconds and then it's gone.
I was just about to come here ans ask this. His trait is fucking useless as shit. someone can do a string on you, pause, and get in another string before you can even use this piece of shit. I might just drop joker before I try to learn him anymore. Useless trait, and he can get zoned the fuck out easily. Ground gas can is useless against catwoman too, just leads to a full combo punish.
Yeah, you really gotta read your rival to use jokers trait. At least online. However, I've read a guy and done 3 parries back to back cause he was retarded. I think it's a great way to punish bad strings.

For the guy who asked what to use after ji2 all I do is 2,1 wait for the 2nd hit of 1 to come and use flower. This even gives 1% more than 2,1,2.

As for the teeth I'm sure people will find some stuff. What I've been looking at now is f2,1 because it's an overhead that leads into a untechable knock down. You can do far teeth after and it land right on them, they get up BEFORE the teeth blow up, BUT you can get your crowbar out before they blow up too. So, I've been trying to do f21, far teeth, crowbar. The damage isn't amazing, but f21 is 0 on block and you might be able to get a jump in if they don't block the teeth.

If you watch the new KH Cat fights you can see how the teeth are used all the time just as a watch the fuck out/make space ability.
So even though it's only been a week, where do you guys think Joker falls on the tier list? I feel like right now I don't see much joker (though besides me I found one other joker player in my scene last night) and I'm wondering if that's because he's more of a nuanced character - Needing to parry to use trait, teeth resets, etc.

Also, I dunno if you guys saw the thread on here, but someone has listed all the strings you can interrupt with parry. That seems pretty useful. I kinda wish you could parry jump-ins, but I guess I just need to practice parrying blockstrings and reading the opponent more.


I'm new to netherrealm games coming off capcom fighters but he seems uncontroversially mid-tier right now with a lot of future potential. Unless there's some universal technique discovered that nullifies his options, I think the worst he will be is solid mid tier.

I think his rarity is because you can't derp with him. OMG I can't do meterless juggles with him like teh Batman! He SUX! I think that's the mentality of most casuals. plus there's more obvious stuff with other characters that are already strong. Joker isn't bad I don't think by any means he's solid at the very least but he requires more effort because he's a setup/trap character and this requires more time and effort than practicing your easy bnb into dmg.


LF New Main PST
I'm new to netherrealm games coming off capcom fighters but he seems uncontroversially mid-tier right now with a lot of future potential. Unless there's some universal technique discovered that nullifies his options, I think the worst he will be is solid mid tier.

I think his rarity is because you can't derp with him. OMG I can't do meterless juggles with him like teh Batman! He SUX! I think that's the mentality of most casuals. plus there's more obvious stuff with other characters that are already strong. Joker isn't bad I don't think by any means he's solid at the very least but he requires more effort because he's a setup/trap character and this requires more time and effort than practicing your easy bnb into dmg.
Truth, most of my friends who have tried Mr.J kept saying the same thing "God hes horrible" or "Man I can't do anything with him" This past weekend I spent about a good 12 hours watching the videos Cat put up and practicing the combos/teeth setups.

Last night my friends came by and we booted up Injustice, the night was filled with "THOSE TEETH ARE BROKEN" and my personal favorite from my friend who spams Deathstroke "WHAT, YOU'RE GAME MUST BE GLITCHED CAUSE I AM UNBEATABLE ONLINE WITH MY DEATHSTROKE!"

Their tears went down amazingly well with a glass of scotch afterwards ^_^.