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"You're Fired!" -- Joker General Discussion Thread


Justice 4 Firestorm
That costume looked ugly on the action figure and still looks ugly. A little less ugly, but still terrible, nonetheless.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime

More Joker! But not a lot though :/

Anyways now I know for sure that he's gonna be a zoning type character. The chatter teeth, laughing gas, gun, and acid squirter probably don't cover all of the Joker's arsenal. Willing to bet he's got more tricks up his sleeve (like lethal playing cards and a joy buzzer).

Things I noticed:
1. Laughing gas actually laughs as the Joker throws it.
2. Joker laughs after being defeated.
3. We still don't know what his character trait is. Probably something special.
4. New throw dialogue.

So hyped for The Joker, can't wait to see more.


SOURCE (better translation of finish-him.fr impressions)

-Joker does a lot of damage, but hard to get used to. His combos seem to rely on bombs as starters, which he shoots with his magnum.
-The gag teeth can be thrown at different distances, and launch on hit.
-Joker can reset combos with his acid (author says it can be avoided midscreen, which is puzzling, since it's a reset. it's bound to be blocked if your opponent sees it coming. maybe he meant the acid whiffs midscreen if you try to reset combos with it).
-The author also says he couldnt' find big combos with Joker, due to lack of time with the game.
-His main weakness would be the slow startup of his bomb setups, but he also says the gun attacks are fast.
-He has an interesting anti air (d2) that can be followed up by b3 for a wall hit and a combo.
-Joker has no double jump.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime
I KNEW the gun had a trick feature to it. Bombs are not what I expected though lol. Can't wait to get my hands on him and lame people out. I'm still hoping for a "BANG" flag harpoon though.


Is Joker a zoning character then? He's got a lot of projectiles it seems.

High/low laughing gas, cancellable gunshot, short/mid/far chattering teeth.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime
He also has surprising knife and crowbar reach. Gonna frustrate a lot of players.

Anyone else sad about the lack of lethal playing cards or joy buzzer?

PS: Did anyone else see his revamped intro animation and the ending part of his winning one? Great stuff.
Reactions: RYX


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
His gameplan sort of reminds me of Chris fromMVC3. Flower reminds me of the flamethrower, the chattering teeth and all their range remind me of the grenades, and the laughing gas is something new and awesome really that would have been welcome on that character.


Plus on block.
I'm talking about his moves, the little bit that I did see makes him seem like he can do some tricky things.

The teeth with stationary active frames(though I don't know exactly how they work they look to just bounce around there for a couple of seconds), the high and low gas canister, the OTG crowbar, the acid flower to catch people on jump ins/forward dashes, high low mix up combo.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime
Flower also looks like it can extend combos... Possibly. Most people are going to be sleeping on this but easily the most impressive tool I've seen the Joker use so far are those explosive teeth that apparently launch people on detonation. Anyone who's ever had to deal with vanilla MVC3's Dormammu's flame pit will tell you how OP that could be.

-Opponent is approaching
-Joker drops them teeth
-Opponent dashes/jumps in to combo Joker
-Teeth explode, breaking their combo and giving Joker a free combo of his own.


Plus on block.
The fact that he has a stationary attack, a high projectile, a mid projectile, and a low projectile is awesome.

Pair that with the mix-up combos I assume they'll give him(based off the few i've seen from the little bit of gameplay shown so far) and you've got a character that's both dangerous up close and far away.
Flower also looks like it can extend combos... Possibly. Most people are going to be sleeping on this but easily the most impressive tool I've seen the Joker use so far are those explosive teeth that apparently launch people on detonation. Anyone who's ever had to deal with vanilla MVC3's Dormammu's flame pit will tell you how OP that could be.

-Opponent is approaching
-Joker drops them teeth
-Opponent dashes/jumps in to combo Joker
-Teeth explode, breaking their combo and giving Joker a free combo of his own.
So are the exploding teeth like Cyrax bombs? Haven't seen those teeth used effectively yet. If that's the case, Joker looks like fun.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime
You are doing God's work son. Initial things I noticed:

1. I love that launch crowbar swipe he does. Fast, puts opponent in juggle state, and deceptively long ranged.
2. Gun fires very quickly and puts opponent in long stun state.
3. Crowbar overhead strike causes ground bounce.
4. Charged wall bounce attack makes him travel a good distance. Slow though.

Not much shown overall but every little bit counts. Keep searching boys!

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SwYDofhozpE#t=33s

Deceptively long reach. And towards the end of that second vid we really get to see Joker space 'em out.

Jack White

The Clown Prince of Crime
Thanks for the links. Every bit of gameplay is helpful! Unfortunately, the first link is private. Is any good gameplay in their with something interesting?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Thanks for the links. Every bit of gameplay is helpful! Unfortunately, the first link is private. Is any good gameplay in their with something interesting?
Doesn't matter if their was or not. It was from a leak and the uploader was smart enough to remove it themselves before WB could get him. No posting shit like that guys.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Thinks I've heard.
Teeth hit low and launch. Very fast recovery. Can create unblocjsbles with his overhead b2 or crowbar beat down (hits overhead). Or even a jump in.

In the corner he seems to be deadly as he can end combos with low teeth and jump in cross over to make it unblock able and hard to get out.

Can even set up teeth and go into f3 overhead and use meter for armor.

His jump 3 is his best air move as it has ridiculous range. And on hit can go into combo into green mist reset or something.
Gun shot one of the best projectiles. Fast recover and can hold it or dash cancel out to bait ppl trying to jump in. Or out of a teeth set up.

His low gas tank is slow. But can be combo into with certain strings into ex. That causes launch which you can b3 combo for good 40% damage combos of a bar.

Of course. Things I've heard my change when game is out and patched


Joker waiting room
Thinks I've heard.
Teeth hit low and launch. Very fast recovery. Can create unblocjsbles with his overhead b2 or crowbar beat down (hits overhead). Or even a jump in.

In the corner he seems to be deadly as he can end combos with low teeth and jump in cross over to make it unblock able and hard to get out.

Can even set up teeth and go into f3 overhead and use meter for armor.

His jump 3 is his best air move as it has ridiculous range. And on hit can go into combo into green mist reset or something.
Gun shot one of the best projectiles. Fast recover and can hold it or dash cancel out to bait ppl trying to jump in. Or out of a teeth set up.

His low gas tank is slow. But can be combo into with certain strings into ex. That causes launch which you can b3 combo for good 40% damage combos of a bar.

Of course. Things I've heard my change when game is out and patched
the ex low gas version is ridiculously fast

the gun shot part is true, the unpatched game has it as slow and non cancellable