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Your absolute favorite game


Jak 2. Best game I have ever played. It has to be my most played single player game of all time. I was like 10 just beating that game over and over again. Only other game that comes close for me is Uncharted 2. I'm a huge Naughty Dog fan.
Hehe, I love Jak & Daxter series for PS2 and the 2nd one is my favorite too! Loved all the supporting characters that were introduced. Pecker vs Daxter <3

However, my all-time favorite game is Carmageddon, a 1997 PC game (PS1 version sucks and it's not even the same game). It's a "racing game" where no one actually races.

Why is it my fave?
- Brutal and hilarious
- Incredible car damage physics (soft physics) and fantastic car design
- Fantastic atmosphere, free to move around the map, you can pull off crazy stunts, huge number of power-ups to pick up
- To finish the race you can do any of the following: complete the laps (no one does this), run over/kill all the pedestrians (fun, but hard unless you drive Stella Stunna's Electric Blue which has a built in "pedestrian electro-bastard ray" which automatically zaps all the peds in vicinity or unless you find and pick up a "pedestrians shown on map" power-up) or you can waste all the opponents' cars (my fave way) by smashing into them, smashing them into walls and other solid objects or by pushing them off the cliff into the ocean, acid pools etc.
- Finally (the best part)- massive replay value: you can edit pretty much every aspect of the game (power-ups properties, add/remove peds/objects etc., change vehicle physics, ...) via easily accessible data files and customize/mod the game

It's been 15 years and I still enjoy the game and play it on pretty much daily basis. It will NEVER get old.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Seriously? We're on TYM...is it obvious what our favorite game in common is? ;)

But I do have plenty of other favorites that were and are up there, and I'll give one such example:

Final Fantasy VII.


Fuck you; fight me.
Seriously? We're on TYM...is it obvious what our favorite game in common is? ;)

But I do have plenty of other favorites that were and are up there, and I'll give one such example:

Final Fantasy VII.
Most overrated game of all time. Not bad, just overrated. Final Fantasy IX was better, imo.

But, favorite game of all time would definitely be Baldur's Gate.

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
Declaring just one game to be my favorite of all time would be genuinely impossible for me, so like many of the bad-ass rule breakers in this thread, I will discuss a few notable titles.

Metroid Prime - Metroid is a brilliant franchise with several installments that I'd consider to be among the best games of all time. My personal favorite happens to be Metroid Prime; a game that beautifully highlights the isolation and exploration made famous by previous titles while providing a unique perspective that, in my opinion, serves to boost the game's immersive qualities immeasurably. This game is simply remarkable.

Dark Souls - Having grown up adoring the Ghosts n' Goblins franchise (Arthur remains my favorite video game character), I've come to appreciate gruelingly difficult games. While I feel Demon's Souls is slightly harder than Dark Souls (and this could simply be a case of the former preparing me for the latter), it's difficult to argue that Dark Souls isn't a much more solid game. The open world, made possible by the amazing campfire system, gives the game a size and scope that seems to underscore one of Dark Souls' most prominent themes: you are an ant among Gods. It also gives a lot more weight to the journey throughout the game by allowing you to reflect on the road paved with your own bloodstains that led you to your current destination. As with Demon's Souls, the combat is extremely solid and boss fights can often be intensely gratifying. I'm glad this game is getting a lot of appreciation because I feared, in our current age of casual gamers, that the difficulty would be too frustrating for most people. On an interesting side note, it was actually SwiftTomHanks who introduced me to Demon's Souls in the first place.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - It's depressing to know that Nintendo will likely never make a game quite like this ever again, which seems to be a somewhat appropriate feeling given the tone of Majora's Mask. Instead of simply regurgitating Ocarina of Time, Nintendo crafted a game so heartfelt and emotional that it's still discussed, dissected and enjoyed by countless people today. A purely revolutionary approach to game design allowed players to explore universal human themes in a way that was, and still is, simply profound. Even trying to describe a fraction of this game's greatness is an overwhelming task. This game is unforgettable.

Even listing three doesn't feel like quite enough, but I don't want to ramble. Shout outs to Steel Battalion, though.


Severance: Blade of Darkness

The best PC slasher to date. This game is a masterpiece of its time and of games history.
Why this game is awesome:
- 4 unique characters with unique weapons (up to 25 each), playstyles, moves, animations etc;
- great combat mechanics, responsive, challenging to get used to;
- great atmosphere with music, storyline, dark to light stages etc;
- challenging enemies (this game was criticized for being too hard when it came out), a lot of enemies;
- great animations, gory, enemies can be dismembered from head to hands, even when dead;
- great graphics.

It has an online mode where you can fight other players in a versus arena mode. Why this is awesome for versus play:
- has a lockdown to one enemy combat system;
- start-up, animation and recovery of all moves can be canceled into dashes or sidesteps;
- combos can be canceled mid-string and then the combo continues.

This game is 11 years old, still playing it.


Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly.

I own it on both systems, and am in the process of looking for the wii version. Still pop it in a few times a year for a good scare.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Too hard to narrow down to just one, so I'll do it by genre.

Favorite RPG: Secret of Mana
Favorite beat'em up: Double Dragon
Favorite shoot'em up: U. N. Squadron
Favorite platformer: Super Metroid
Favorite FPS: Call of Duty
Favorite Third person shooter: Dead Space
Favorite Action - Adventure: Ninja Gaiden 2 (360/PS3 version)


Truth and Ugly
Baldur's Gate II: SoA/ToB.
This game (with the patch) is flawless; immersive storytelling, engaging and hilarious characters and deep, tactical gameplay. Gorgeous pre-rendered environments transcend the graphical limitations of the time, and there is just so much to do. I'll be re-playing this till the day I die.

Honourable Mentions:
The Jak series (including X).
The Souls games.
Final Fantasy VII & IX.
Shadow of the Colossus, this game deserves special mention for being more than a game, in my opinion it is interactive art. The atmosphere is just incredible.

DJ L Toro

there are many many games that i love too many to list...i'm still waiting on the day they create a perfect DBZ game.....also hoping that somone picks up the prototype IP o:
dbz budokai 3 is about as good as it gets. that game was super fun.

Seriously? We're on TYM...is it obvious what our favorite game in common is? ;)

But I do have plenty of other favorites that were and are up there, and I'll give one such example:

Final Fantasy VII.
sorry man, i'd rather play megaman x than mk9 any day. i think we're here because we love mk9, but not necessarily because it's our favorite game of all time.

Favorite beat'em up: Double Dragon (360/PS3 version)
word. I still play this on NES every once in a while. great choice (man people need to stop editing posts when i click the reply button, lol)


Coward Character User
dbz budokai 3 is about as good as it gets. that game was super fun.
Damn i completely forgot about this. Definitely is in my favourite games list. The game was great because between story, arcade and fighting your friends it literally never got old. Vegeta ssj4 and Gogeta ssj1 are my favourite.

DJ L Toro

Damn i completely forgot about this. Definitely is in my favourite games list. The game was great because between story, arcade and fighting your friends it literally never got old. Vegeta ssj4 and Gogeta ssj1 are my favourite.
until you said vegeta i couldnt tell if you were talking about DBZ B3 or Double Dragon, lol but yeah, i played Goku ss4.


The First Element
Marvel ultimate alliance 2..can't any of you yanks hit me up on that?;) ..MK Shaolinmonks was a all time great tho..


Confirmed Seeker
I have no choice but to give 2 favorites: Blaster Master and Ninja Gaiden II for the NES.

Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly.

I own it on both systems, and am in the process of looking for the wii version. Still pop it in a few times a year for a good scare.
This game freaks me out so bad I ended up giving it away! lol The whole "asian ghost girl" thing absolutely gives me the creeps. :p