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Would you want the current character face models to remain in MK12?


Raiden Practitioner
a young Talisa Soto would be the best ever for Kitana .... the way they brought Cary Tagawa for MK11, they could do the same for Kitana in MK 12, bringing Mrs. Soto again, hehe :D

Agreed. Soto looks a lot more like what Kitana looked like in all games till MK11. Not a fan of what they with her in MK11.

On a more general note, I am not a fan of photo realistic characters. That takes away from the immersion and the overall experience for me. Plus it also adds this celebrity centric element to videogames, which takes away from their uniqueness as a new entertainment medium. I would much rather have stylized characters, like in Soul Calibur and Tekken, that don't look like any real life person.

If it has to be based on a real life person though, my choice is Ms. Soto above.
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John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Visually, MK has never looked better. MK11 is absolutely stunning to look at. I'd have liked more nostalgic stages, but we are getting a couple with the new update.

The face models are great. I'd prefer Jacqui, Cassie and Erron's models didn't return though, simply because I'm not a fan of those characters.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Visually, MK has never looked better. MK11 is absolutely stunning to look at. I'd have liked more nostalgic stages, but we are getting a couple with the new update.

The face models are great. I'd prefer Jacqui, Cassie and Erron's models didn't return though, simply because I'm not a fan of those characters.
yep, but that MKX Erron Black is sort of .... good ! Pretty intimidating, and Troy Baker was on fire doing his voice work in MKX ! ;)

In MK11, Erron looks like a cosplayer fan of Clint Eastwood mixed with Arthur Morgan, rsrsrsrs ! :p



What's the point of a random Krypt?
I may be alone here, but I see a lot of people asking for the movie actors and I say: Fuck That! I want the MK3 actors faces. Bring back Kerry Hoskins as Sonya, Tony Marquez as Lao and make Mortal Kombat great again!


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I may be alone here, but I see a lot of people asking for the movie actors and I say: Fuck That! I want the MK3 actors faces. Bring back Kerry Hoskins as Sonya, Tony Marquez as Lao and make Mortal Kombat great again!
yep, with all modern photogrammetry technology, and using de-aging techniques, would be top notch wonderful what they could do for MK characters design, indeed ! :D


Thrill Kill
I'm happy with the new face models. Kitana is better than ever, for example.

However, I don't like the new younger version of Jax. He doesn't look like John Parrish and doesn't have a moustache, instead he has a baby face. He even looks younger than young Sonya and that's really weird.

Another thing, but it's more of an art direction complain: It's still very weird to me that old Shang Tsung doesn't have blank/white eyes. His current old man version doesn't look as sinister/unnerving/menacing as he used to be. On the other hand, his young version is absolutely amazing. Cary is great.

Art Lean

Another thing, but it's more of an art direction complain: It's still very weird to me that old Shang Tsung doesn't have blank/white eyes. His current old man version doesn't look as sinister/unnerving/menacing as he used to be. On the other hand, his young version is absolutely amazing. Cary is great.
Agreed there, also wish that Baraka had jet black eyes like MK2, Nightwolf had white eyes like MK3 and especially wish that Scorpion's classic ninja skin had white eyes, after all it's from MK2 not MK1.


As far as I'm aware she's purely CGI, which is all the more impressive. Think that's why she had that big change from an early reveal trailer when people complained about her looks?

But god that voice "Stand down!", "Take nooo prisoners!", "I won't be the one who scars you!" ugh.
"That was beat ass nuts" lol


The girls and boys of this game are gorgeous. Jade, Kitana, Skarlet, Sindel, Jacqui and Cassie especially. The boys got it going on too with Kano, Subby, Scorpion, Johnny, Nightwolf, Jax, Kung Lao(my baby), Liu Kang etc. I think they did great selections and I'd love to see this set brought back for future games, but I'm definitely skeptical of them keeping that fidelity and consistency.
Kano makes me feel guilty lol and we both share an interest in sausages <3
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Unless there’s a model out there keeping quiet, as I understand it she has no face model and is pure CGI... which effectively means she’s thoroughly open to “recasting” without disappointing anyone.
Am I misreading ur post or did u not know this is the face model for Sonya? Im the dumb so feel free to laugh if I misread.


I would LOVE them to brand these faces in future installments but let's face it, they are gonna change it. It's WB and they will try to make the most out of a product, that means making the development cheaper as well.

If they change their faces it's a lot less money involved since they can search for cheaper models later. If they keep their faces, these actors are gonna realize the exposure the game has sooner or later and begin asking for more, and if the branding of a single face model has gone long enough, it will be harder for the fans to re-adjust to a new model. It's WAY easier for NRS to just switch it up every game and not have problems with the community later because WB is not willing to pay a model that charges more for the exposure they get.


I would LOVE them to brand these faces in future installments but let's face it, they are gonna change it. It's WB and they will try to make the most out of a product, that means making the development cheaper as well.
the face model of Raiden is the same in injustice 2 and mk11 so we will see. I really do think that face models were changing so drastically before because NRS was having difficulty achieving photorealistic characters. Now that they have achieved that with photoscanning and photogrammetry....really don’t think they will switch.


the face model of Raiden is the same in injustice 2 and mk11 so we will see. I really do think that face models were changing so drastically before because NRS was having difficulty achieving photorealistic characters. Now that they have achieved that with photoscanning and photogrammetry....really don’t think they will switch.
I agree and see that as a factor as well, I could be wrong too, we'll see. I do think we have a very good set of face models now though, this could elevate the franchise going forward.


Philanthropist & Asshole
Who is the face model for Raiden in MK11?
I saw an article saying it's Ed Boon but I clearly think it's B.S
I can’t stand the way Raiden looks OR his voice actor. They are committed to whoever it is, but they should go in another direction imo


FGC Cannon Fodder
it was jarring to see MKX Kano turn into MK11 Kano. I would like some consistency, but I kind of doubt it's likely. Maybe in part, but there is a lot working against the idea.

Few characters are sure to be in a next title. It's a long time to keep arrangements with someone over years and years of possible dormancy.

The in game models may not even be directly portable into future engine or tools being used when it's finally time for a specific character to return. The in game appearances have all had their jaw lines widened, some by a large degree. It could be an artistic continuity thing, but It's likely there is a technical reason to make similar sized heads. The fatalities may benefit from it for example, where they need to be able to do a lot of radical things to the heads and it's easier or more convincing with the similarity.

In any case, there is some stylizing that may not make sense in a later title. When you start mixing old face scans with new ones, maybe different artists handling the process, it may be tough to combine them. What if you need to get new scans of the old people 7 years from now and they aren't quite the perfectly ideal specimens of humanity they are now? Does that work out just fine? Are they up for doing it? Are they even alive?

I'd guess that a hodge podge would be the closest we could get.


Killa Queen
No. There's no reason we should be holding roles and repaying the same for literal faces, half of which are or can be hidden by masks, when voice acting roles people care about(a good example being Patrick) are chipped off like they don't matter. There was nothing wrong with handmade faces used before, whether or not they looked good. It's not important and it doesn't equal. So, basically off of what V said