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Worst/Funniest NRS balance decisions?


What do you think was the stupidest or most ironic balance change NRS has made to one of their games? This can include mk9 or Injustice too. IMO it was hilarious when they nuked Kobu Tanya and added Tarkatan Alien in the same patch. Or the random nerfings of low tiers (relentless jason in sep 2015, lackey in the latest patch etc)


Publicly Educated
Nuked Tanya's teleport then gave Impostor and Possessed basically the same shit
When released Tanya's ex rekka has 2 hits of armor. Then they nerfed it to 1 hit of armor. Then they removed the armor. Then they gave it 1 hit of armor back again (wtf????)
After CEO, banish Pyro and DN Tanya to bottom tier, then buff Kobu Jutsu to god tier (the delayed rekka buff)
Wow Tanya, you bitch has been having a really rough time
Gave Kitana's ex BF3 2 hits of armor for like 1 week then remove the armor completely
Nerf Ermac's 12f OH F4 to 16f, then nerf Erron's 16f F1 to 23f


Quan receiving his 6f D1. It wasn't so much the buff he recieved it was more so the time the buff was given. It was an absolute spit in the face to everyone in the community. Everyone was expecting Quans Bitchtoblockables to go and Quan in general to be raped, Quan players thought the same. Instead they buffed his poke as if they weren't listening to the entire communities moaning about him. It was just so unexpected.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Cyber Sub's iceball nerf in the 3/29 hotfix. The probablem with the iceball was the recovery being non existent, not the speed of the ball its self. The recovery allowed CSZ to shotgun ice balls one after another and outzone any non zoners and counterzone any zoner so yeah it was a problem. One would think that nerfing the recovery would stop him from spamming it but they went another route and nerfed the speed. So not only did his zoning get nerfed but he lost the ability to do damn near half of his combos, like f13 and b1 meterless links.

Because everyone knows that a 30% whiff punisher and a 30% completely unsafe 50/50 was CSZ's real problem. lol give me a break.


PSN: Cansuela
Any and all balanced kenshi changes have pretty much been laughable. They have to be trolling with those little incremental whiff recovery buffs on bf3, bf2, and the non-existent hit advantage on db4. And the icing on the cake of course is the removal of armor on exdb1. The only significant tool kenshi had was the ability to blow up counter poke attempts with exrk, and the ability to blow up gaps in pressure character's offense for a combo.

Like...for real?

And,I like the armor changes overall, the game is better overall for it in my opinion, but this buried balanced for good.


Day 1 EX shatter: +15 on block armored launcher (OP AS FUCK)
First nerf: +5 armored launcher (Still overpowered)
Second nerf: -5 armored launcher (Still really good)
Current patch: -5 and non-armored (aka why use this when there's EX low kutter)

Not saying I wish he kept it but it's funny to look at how some things get consistently nerfed with every patch. Anyone else know of some similar things NRS just kept nerfing over and over for fun lol


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
What do you think was the stupidest or most ironic balance change NRS has made to one of their games? This can include mk9 or Injustice too. IMO it was hilarious when they nuked Kobu Tanya and added Tarkatan Alien in the same patch. Or the random nerfings of low tiers (relentless jason in sep 2015, lackey in the latest patch etc)
Why do people act as if NRS fixing Relentless' damage stacking bug is some kind of meme? It was a legit glitch. Hell if you had round 1 in the bag you could lose round 2 on purpose just to build your DOT/meter with there being absolutely no consequences to it.


I remembered the first time I played a bane player after that meter burn uppercut buff. I had no idea how to react lol.


Why do people act as if NRS fixing Relentless' damage stacking bug is some kind of meme? It was a legit glitch. Hell if you had round 1 in the bag you could lose round 2 on purpose just to build your DOT/meter with there being absolutely no consequences to it.
It was unintentional but it was the only thing that made him somewhat competitive. Same with F/T getting plus frames off the overhead toss, it wasn't intended but they let it slide for a long time because he really needed it. Now if current relentless jason kept the damage glitch that would be something else but he was sooo bad back then that he could have kept it and no one would be mad.